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Thread Number: 1114
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"Canadian Idol - Finale Week!!!"

Posted by strid333 on 09-16-04 at 00:30 AM
Well, tomorrow at this time, we will have our second Canadian Idol. I, for one, am voting for Theresa. It was pretty much a tie until politics started getting messy in SK, so I decided I'm voting for her. Besides, I think I'm more likely to buy a Theresa CD than a Kalan CD (ok, I'll probably get both, but . . .) My parents are voting for the first time in this entire competition. I had to walk them through the procedure (which ain't rocket science, but my mom is very tech-non-savy). They are also voting for Theresa.

Some of my friends are voting for Kalan. As I said, I think it is pretty much a tie. Well, except for the young 13 year old girls that need more Kalan, I would say it would be a tie otherwise. So I'm predicting a Kalan win.

Three is the perfect number.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Canadian Idol - Finale Week!!!"
Posted by littlemisssmartypants on 09-16-04 at 09:49 AM
I thought that the whole thing was boring without Jacob.

I voted for no one.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Canadian Idol - Finale Week!!!"
Posted by qwertypie on 09-16-04 at 10:45 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-25-04 AT 03:21 AM (EST)

I was actually sad to see Jacob go -- even though I could not stand him at the beginning, he sure grew on me. It would have been interesting to see what he would have done with the first single which I can't recall the name of. It was OK, better than AI1 song, but not great.
Did anyone catch Instant Star? I ended up watching all of it (too tired to get the remote) and it was not bad.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Canadian Idol - Finale Week!!!"
Posted by strid333 on 09-16-04 at 06:12 PM
>Did anyone catch Instant Star?

I watched bits and parts of it. I was moving furniture and voting at the same time. It didn't seem so bad. I'll probably watch it with the same frequency of Degrassi TNG (sorry, I grew up with Jr and High and TNG seems lame in comparison but I do watch it occasionally). I do watch Corner Gas, though. I love that show.

Three is the perfect number.

"RE: Canadian Idol - Finale Week!!!"
Posted by Loree on 09-16-04 at 09:11 PM
Oh I love Corner Gas. My American cousins just loved it and were upset they can't get it in the US.

"RE: Canadian Idol - Finale Week!!!"
Posted by strid333 on 09-16-04 at 10:12 PM
>Oh I love Corner Gas.
>My American cousins just loved
>it and were upset they
>can't get it in the

Yeah, what's up with that? I thought it was interesting how they were saying the world loves CI. I thought it was only being broadcast in Canada, otherwise our American counterparts would've participated on these boards.

Anyway, watched the first half, then it was Survivor but the commercial break was on when they announced the winner. I'm not surprised that Kalan won. He was really good (I was cheering for him to make it to the finals) and he has the teen female population with the text messaging wrapped up.

See you here next year? (Oh heck, I'll be watching American Idol too . . .)

Three is the perfect number.