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Forum: DCForumID44
Thread Number: 1112
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"Politics and CI"

Posted by strid333 on 09-15-04 at 03:48 PM
If you don't care about politics, don't come here. So the story is that we had the Premier's Health Conference in ON for the past week, and SK's Premier, Lorne Calvert is staying a few days extra to watch Theresa from Saskatoon. The ticket and additional expenses that he got is approx $1200 and is being funded by the SK tax payers. This has the Canadian Taxpayers Federation up in arms.

http://sask.cbc.ca/regional/servlet/View?filename=calvert_idol040915 has a story about it (notice that CTV doesn't mention this but it is CBC that does but CTV totally mentioned that Lorne gave a shoutout at the Health Conference).

So my question is what do you think? Personally, I think that $1200 is being petty when this is helping put my home on the map. And if Lorne didn't go, people would ask why he wasn't there. (And if your wondering where Ralph Klein is, I guess he is giving a speech to oilmen in Lloydminster, AB/SK so he isn't going to be supporting Kalan.)

Three is the perfect number.

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"Murray Mandryk and Leader-Post"
Posted by strid333 on 09-15-04 at 08:47 PM
Remembering that Global and the Leader-Post are owned by the same person, here is a link to Mandryk's post. http://www.canada.com/regina/leaderpost/news/viewpoints/story.html?id=e13e9cdd-9cef-48f1-ac22-af7201519055 Unfortunately, you need to subscribe to the Leader-Post (which costs $) to read the whole thing, but it seems like anybody other than CTV is thinking that this was bad.

Three is the perfect number.

"Much Ado About Nothing"
Posted by Solitaire on 09-16-04 at 00:30 AM
Yeesh, what a load of crap. $1200 is less than $0.01 out of my pocket. I can think of many worse ways to spend that money. Heck, Lorne probably spent more than that on something crappier this week already.