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"If You Ran the AI Universe Game"

Posted by Bebo on 04-09-03 at 11:27 AM
Let's have some fun at AI's expense. Imagine that you are running things at AI. First, you'll run things from the production side, then it will be time to put your judge hat on. Points will be given for creativity in all categories.

Producer questions:
- What will be next week's theme?
- Who will be the celebrity judge?
- Ryan Seacrest...keep or dump? And if you boot him, who gets the job in his place?
- What sponsor/promotional tie-in will you have to feature on your show?
- What kind of results show would you have?

And now, time to be a judge! Answer the following:
- What would be your catch phrase, since "What's up, Dawg?" is so obviously taken?
- What would you say to someone who was really, really good?
- How would you break it to someone that there performance just wasn't very good?
- What sort of witty banter do you see yourself getting into with the other judges and Ryan (or Ryan's replacement, as the case may be)?

Let's see who can provide the funniest alternative to what we're currently enduring - get those creative caps on!

Bebo says...919 beats 205 - I am your American Idol.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by Lisapooh on 04-09-03 at 12:40 PM
Thanks Bebo - this will be fun!

>- What will be next week's
I'd like to see them stretch, so I'm thinking Gregorian chants or maybe you know, Bavarian folk songs.

>- Who will be the celebrity

Liev Schriber. Sure, he knows nothing about music. But he's hot and I could totally make out with him the whole show. And really is relevancy important in an AI celebrity judge? They get the bongo player from Earth Wind and Fire to judge disco week - Was Gloria Gaynor's dance card full?

>- Ryan Seacrest...keep or dump?
>And if you boot him,
>who gets the job in
>his place?
Boot his ass. Duh. I say we hire this dude.

My reasons are threefold.
1. The guy is practically homeless - he needs the work.
2. If he started shouting about the infidels every couple of minutes, it would be a LAUGH RIOT
3. He could force Kim C. to wear a veil and a burka (so what if he's not Afghani, he could still do it.) We wouldn't have to see her belly button ever again! That alone is reason enough.

>- What sponsor/promotional tie-in will you
>have to feature on your

Watching Josh "emote" during his songs is so funny that I practically wet myself. AI is a potentially untapped new market for the good folks at Depends.

>- What kind of results show
>would you have?
10 minutes long. And I'd make sure Saddam poked Kim C with sticks the entire time. I love watching her mascara run.

>And now, time to be a
>judge! Answer the following:
>- What would be your catch
>phrase, since "What's up, Dawg?"
>is so obviously taken?
"American Idol my ass"

>- What would you say to
>someone who was really, really
"You remind me of an older, fatter, less talented me."

>- How would you break it
>to someone that there performance
>just wasn't very good?
"You suuuuuuuuuck"

>- What sort of witty banter
>do you see yourself getting
>into with the other judges
>and Ryan (or Ryan's replacement,
>as the case may be)?
Well Liev and I would just be swapping spit the whole time. I would tell Paula to ease up on the Botox and collagen. I think I'm replacing Randy so I wouldn't have to talk to him. And I'd tell Simon that the pit stains are REALLY unattractive. I imagine the language barrier would make conversing with Saddam kinda futile.

This was too much fun Bebo! I can't wait to read everyone else's ideas!

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by Bebo on 04-09-03 at 12:41 PM
I so *heart* Pooh!

Must.think.harder. Pooh set the bar way too high.

Bebo says...919 beats 205 - I am your American Idol and the Baroness of Babedom.

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by J Slice on 04-09-03 at 07:10 PM

OMG. I totally agree LisaPooh... we need more Liev in our diets.

Kittyloaf ≠ Food!

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by dajaki on 04-09-03 at 12:46 PM
Oh, what fun! Great idea, Bebo!

Producer questions:
- What will be next week's theme?

The Big Band Era

- Who will be the celebrity judge?
Harry Connick, Jr. or Frank Sinatra's energy being channeled by medium John Edward - "Rickey, Frank wants me to come and smack you upside the head."

- Ryan Seacrest...keep or dump? And if you boot him, who gets the job in his place?
Dump Ryan and replace him with the only other person in Hollywood who is goofier than him - Carrot Top

- What sponsor/promotional tie-in will you have to feature on your show?
Lucky Strike Cigarettes

- What kind of results show would you have?
Radio City Music Hall Rockettes would perform up until the very last minute when the loser is kicked offstage by 24 pairs of sequined dance shoes.

And now, time to be a judge! Answer the following:
- What would be your catch phrase, since "What's up, Dawg?" is so obviously taken?


- What would you say to someone who was really, really good?
"That was just kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic!" (Shamelessly taken from an episode of "Friends")

- How would you break it to someone that there performance just wasn't very good?
"Hey, is the gong from 'The Gong Show' still back in the props room?"

- What sort of witty banter do you see yourself getting into with the other judges and Ryan (or Ryan's replacement, as the case may be)?
I would ask their opinions on how Larry Johnson is going to rip or praise the contestants in his weekly Diva Report.

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by Bebo on 04-09-03 at 01:02 PM
Carrot Top

But he'd do a terrible job with the telephone numbers, since he'd just keep telling everyone to "dial down the center".

Bebo says...919 beats 205 - I am your American Idol and the Baroness of Babedom.

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by Lisapooh on 04-09-03 at 02:29 PM
To funny dajaki! Can I wear the sequined shoes used in the ass kicking? please!

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by Bebo on 04-09-03 at 01:01 PM
OK, here we go:

- What will be next week's theme?

Weird Al Yankovic songs

- Who will be the celebrity judge?

John Houseman...no wait, he's dead. Placido Domingo.

- Ryan Seacrest...keep or dump?

Goodbye, Ryan, hello Alex McCloud! She needs a job. But then I'd edit her out of every episode and replace her with our own Diva, Larry Johnson. Why wait until after the show to hear his critiques?

- What sponsor/promotional tie-in will you have to feature on your show?

- What kind of results show would you have?

Each one of the contestants would be trapped in a contraption like the ones Batman and Robin used to have to escape from on the TV show. One by one, the safe ones would be let out, until...

And now, time to be a judge!

- What would be your catch phrase, since "What's up, Dawg?" is so obviously taken?

They let you come back?

- What would you say to someone who was really, really good?

You know, if you keep putting in that kind of effort, in 10 or 15 years, you might just be able to look back and say, "I was a one-hit wonder."

- How would you break it to someone that there performance just wasn't very good?

Was that singing, or farting?

- What sort of witty banter do you see yourself getting into with the other judges and Ryan (or Ryan's replacement, as the case may be)?

Witty banter requires two witty participants, so obviously the only good stuff would be going on between Larry and me.

Bebo says...919 beats 205 - I am your American Idol and the Baroness of Babedom.

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by Lisapooh on 04-09-03 at 02:28 PM
You know Bebo - some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this!

I *heart* Bebo - the Baroness of Babedom and MY American Idol.

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by Bebo on 04-09-03 at 02:46 PM
Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me.


Bebo says...919 beats 205 - I am your American Idol and the Baroness of Babedom.

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by drawde236 on 04-09-03 at 03:13 PM

Producer questions:
What will be next week's theme?

"#1 Instrumentals" or "The Hits Of Kelly Osbourne"

Who will be the celebrity judge?

Anna Nicole Smith or R. Kelly--either way the grandparents or younger siblings won't be lonely

Ryan Seacrest...keep or dump? And if you boot him, who gets the job in
his place?

Boot. Since I've always felt that a monkey could do his job, how about Koko the gorilla. If she has a previous engagement, I'm sure the primate from Friends could fit the bill (the monkey, not Matt LeBlanc)

What sponsor/promotional tie-in will you have to feature on your show?

Napster or a similar site--Aarrgh, Piracy rules!

What kind of results show would you have?

Newsflash--Carmen booted, we now return you to our normally scheduled program.

And now, time to be a
judge! Answer the following:

What would be your catch phrase, since "What's up, Dawg?" is so obviously taken?

"Pass the cotton balls"

What would you say to
someone who was really, really good?

Gee, Paula, why couldn't have you sounded like that?

How would you break it to someone that there performance just wasn't very good?

By borrowing the stage from the game show "Russian Roulette"

What sort of witty banter do you see yourself getting into with the other judges and Ryan (or Ryan's replacement, as the case may be)?

Witty banter? American Idol? I don't see the two going hand in hand. You lost me on that one.

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by ejm92 on 04-09-03 at 03:52 PM
Like the show now, so I wouldn't change it much.....

Producer questions:
- What will be next week's theme? Mariah Carey Week
- Who will be the celebrity judge? Mariah Carey
- Ryan Seacrest...keep or dump? And if you boot him, who gets the job in his place? Keep him...Seacrest is an excellent host, but we bring in
- What sponsor/promotional tie-in will you have to feature on your show? Always Coca-Colaaaaaaaah....
- What kind of results show would you have? 30 Minutes, 2 Group Performances, To The Point

And now, time to be a judge! Answer the following:
- What would be your catch phrase, since "What's up, Dawg?" is so obviously taken? "Your stock is rising...falling..."
- What would you say to someone who was really, really good? "Doesn't get much better than that."
- How would you break it to someone that there performance just wasn't very good? Just like Randy..."Yo, man, I just wasn't feelin' you tonight."
- What sort of witty banter do you see yourself getting into with the other judges and Ryan (or Ryan's replacement, as the case may be)? Probabaly would get into it with Paula and Randy, so I'd have to sit on the end beside Simon.

Let's see who can provide the funniest alternative to what we're currently enduring - get those creative caps on!

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by cyclehausen on 04-09-03 at 05:06 PM
I would so steal from the MADTV skit and have every contestant sing a song with "a number, a color, and something inflatable in the title."

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by managerr on 04-09-03 at 05:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-09-03 AT 05:21 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-09-03 AT 05:20 PM (EST)

Producer questions:
- What will be next week's theme?

**My theme would be a beach party! The contestants aren't limited to any "type" of music per se, but it has to be light, uptempo fun type of music you would actually play at a beach party. They must also dress the part. (We'll also dress up the stage to fix the theme) We'll also be giving the audience free beer, so that they won't boo when the singing becomes outrageously bad.

- Who will be the celebrity judge?

**Wilson, the Volleyball, from the movie "Castaway"

- Ryan Seacrest...keep or dump? And if you boot him, who gets the job in his place?

** Ryan can stay, but he has to wear an embarrassing speedo. (As does Simon and Randy, Paula must wear a 2 piece bikini) However, I am replacing a few contestants temporarily. Ruben, Kimmel, Rickey, Josh, thanks for playing, but you're being replaced by contestants who look better in swimwear. Please welcome our new finalists: Ashley Hartman, Kimberley Kelsey, Louis Gazzara, and Bettis Richardson. Oh and that Elden guy from the preview show too! (Now you see why I'm giving away that free beer to audience members)

- What sponsor/promotional tie-in will you have to feature on your show?

**Botox, of course. It doesn't really fit the theme, but many of the old people on the show obviously use it.

- What kind of results show would you have?

**I thought we could take a page from the show "Are You Hot" and just have the contestants walk out one by one in their swimwear under a sign that says "Can Sing/Can't Sing".

And now, time to be a judge! Answer the following:

- What would you say to someone who was really, really good?

**Seeing as I already eliminated most of the good singers, I can't imagine having to worry about this much. I'll just wing it when the time comes.

- How would you break it to someone that there performance just wasn't very good?

** I would take my celebrity judge, Wilson, and throw it at them.

- What sort of witty banter do you see yourself getting into with the other judges and Ryan (or Ryan's replacement, as the case may be)?

**Ryan: I had an enlargment once.
Me: Not from where I'm standing. (Checking out him in his speedo)

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by katem on 04-09-03 at 05:22 PM
>Producer questions:
>- What will be next week's theme?

Big Band. I loved seeing last season's suckers squirm

>- Who will be the celebrity judge?

Wayne Newton. Oh the hilarity.

>- Ryan Seacrest...keep or dump?

I like Ryan. So I say keep him.

>- What sponsor/promotional tie-in will you have to feature on your show?

None. What kind of show do you think I run? One that is only interested in dollars? Oh yeah, I guess you're right. It would be McDonalds, cause it looks like Josh, Kim L. and Ruben know a thing or two about Big Mac's

>- What kind of results show would you have?

Just as it is (the half hour version), these idiots suffer enough.

>And now, time to be a judge! Answer the following:

>- What would be your catch phrase, since "What's up, Dawg?" is so obviously taken?

I would say to Josh, "How are you my pet?" To the rest I would just say "Hey sugar !!!!!".

>- What would you say to someone who was really, really good?

"That was FANTABULOUS !!!!!"

>- How would you break it to someone that there performance
>just wasn't very good?

Just as Simos says, "You stunk". I would not mince words.

>- What sort of witty banter do you see yourself getting
>into with the other judges and Ryan (or Ryan's replacement,
>as the case may be)?

See that's hard, it has to come naturally. I have no clue on this one.

(c) 2002, 03 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 04-09-03 at 11:05 PM
Sugar, as long as you are keeping Ryan then I am happy and don't care what you do with the rest of the show.

Mmmmm, Ryan Seacrest. Now that is my American Idol

"RE: If You Ran the AI Universe Game"
Posted by BriarRosie on 04-10-03 at 08:59 AM
I don't know what theme or who'd host. Instead, I have two suggestions:

1. "Who's Your Daddy!" could be the phrase.

2. To tell someone they are bad, you can bring out the clown that used to drag people out of Amatueur Night from "Showtime at the Apollo" to give them the hint. Or use the clown to kick them off on Results Night.


Survivor: Adventurers Club
Outdrink, Outlaugh, Outkungaloosh!