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"Idol Unfairness"

Posted by Tiger on 05-25-04 at 10:21 PM
Did anybody watch the show and feel the same way that I did?. Did anybody say to themselves is this fair?, did Diana get a fair share tonight?.
The performances seemed like they were set up and visually enhanced to favor Fantasia. I call it how I watched it and I didn't think it was right at all that Fantasia had a chance to sing Tamyra's song and had a whole choir beside her giving her an emotional edge to her performance. It seemed like it was her night.
The constant praise from the judges made me sick and for Simon who I usually agree said that she's the best singer over all in every competition, well I dissagree. Now that Latoya is out I guess they feel that fantasia is the next marketable prospect.
The only differance is that Latoya had a great voice she was very pretty and she had a gracefull pressance about her.
Don't get me wrong I like Fantasia's personality but that's as far as it goes, I can't take her voice any longer than a half hour show.
Diana can hold it down she could sing a note longer than Fantasia has ever did during this whole season.
When Fantasia sang Summertime the first time I was blown away by the performance, but ever since then I lost it for her she just hasn't been the same.
I don't get why the judges praise Fantasia so much
*newsflash* she's not that good!!!.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by rnabring on 05-25-04 at 10:27 PM
I question whether this is spoiler material...but...keep in mind that they got to choose 2 of the 3 songs...

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by grit on 05-26-04 at 08:17 AM
Diana also had the same choir behind her when she performed the same Tamyra song.

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by montauk9 on 05-26-04 at 10:31 AM
It was like a coronation for Fantasia last night.

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by Tiger on 05-26-04 at 06:22 PM
>Diana also had the same choir
>behind her when she performed
>the same Tamyra song.
>It is better to
>keep your mouth closed and
>let people think you are
>a fool than to open
>it and remove all doubt.

That's what I get for having Direct T.V I heard this morning that Diana also sang a song by tamyra and had the choir.
I missed the first 15 minutes of the show because of my stupid satelite tv error.

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by seannie on 05-27-04 at 07:11 AM
I totally agree with what Tiger had said earlier.

And its not the point whether Diana or Fantasia had a choir behind them. The fact is that it is not fair that Fantasia got to sing the song that Diana sang. Fantasia had the opportunity to compete by showing that she could sing better than Diana on the tamyra song. Why Diana was not given an equal chance to sing one of the songs that Fantasia had sang? Especially the first song which Fantasia totally sucked at it. Maybe Diana could have sung that much better.

I felt that it would be fair if they had sang the same selection of song for every round. For example, if in the second round Fantasia is going to sing her song that she had sung earlier in the previous show, Diana should have also sung her song in the second round and not in the third round.

And especially in the third round where Fantasia got to sing what Diana had sang earlier and was able to show it to the whole world that she could sing better than Diana given the same song, which Diana wasnt given a fair chance to do the same.

Conclusion, I feel that the final round was totally rigged to favour Fantasia!

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by nailbone on 05-26-04 at 10:29 AM
Didn't Simon call LaToya the best ever several times before she got booted?

Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice o-

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by seahorse on 05-26-04 at 10:43 AM
I do not no if he said La Toya was the best ever, but he did call her the best in this competition several times.

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by ringjosbell on 05-26-04 at 11:00 AM
I guess what really upsets me is that the judges are so blatant about it. Fantasia is not my favorite but she is talented. By the same token, Diana is talented too. They are very different and appeal to different tastes.

I am angry because the fawn all over Fantasia no matter what she does yet even when they compliment Diana, they throw in some slam like you don't know how to dance or dress or you're only 16. First, Fantasia is no fashion plate herself (those boots and the jeans and...)and she always dances kind of bent over like she has back trouble. By the way, she is only 19. I guess if you count having the baby as having life experience than she does have Diana beat. And Paula wouldn't even compliment Diana. She just said she agreed with Randy, but yet she gushed the whole choke hold on the audience thing with Fantasia.

At this point I think either would be a good AI. They will get more grooming as they go along and remember in a recording studio things will be mixed and dubbed and touched up so both voices will be helped by that.

It would have just been nice to see the judges say nice things about each performer where warranted and given each honest criticisms and let the votes fall where they may. But they had to do everything they could before the end of last night to sway it. No matter what the outcome, I will not be watching next season.

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by rjrabbit on 05-26-04 at 09:22 PM
"It would have just been nice to see the judges say nice things about each performer where warranted and given each honest criticisms and let the votes fall where they may."

I think this is exactly what they did.

"RE: Idol Unfairness? No."
Posted by AMAI on 05-26-04 at 10:59 AM
Have to disagree.

I love both these singers and was ready to root for whomever gave me the WOW performance.

Diana didn't connect with the Tamyra song and Fantasia did.

Diana could have chosen any of her other previous Great Songs, or chosen something new - she made an error, a miscalculation, but she kind of blew it a little bit, all by herself. She let Fantasia's style influence her, instead of sticking with what got her to the end - her own bubbly enthusiasm. She should have chosen at least one pop, upbeat, happy song suitable for her - singing about Men who done her wrong (No More Tears) was a poor choice.

Yes, I loved it the first time I heard it, but for some reason it worked then, partly because many of the other performances weren't that "wow." But it was not a good choice for the final show.

I still like them both, but I think Fantasia may have won this by a small margin.

"RE: Idol Unfairness? No."
Posted by JohnMc on 05-26-04 at 12:09 PM
<<Diana didn't connect with the Tamyra song and Fantasia did.>>

Exactly! Diana sang it like a song. She internalized it and sang it in the moment; that's what Randy and Paula had to say, and I agree with that. But she didn't really become part of the song, and she didn't make it her own, and Fantasia did.

<<singing about Men who done her wrong (No More Tears) was a poor choice.>>

Right on, again! That's what Simon was trying to say about her singing "I Believe." She needs song that relate to her life experience. She's too young to have had many men "done her wrong." (Then again, people said that about Leann Rhimes, too!) She'll grow out of that with time, though.

I think that the fact that Tamyra wrote the song definitely had an opportunity to favor Fantasia. Add singing with the choir, and Fantasia again is favored. But the bottom line is that if you are going to be a well-rounded singer, then you have to adjust to the genres. Fantasia just has a better headstart than Diana, and should probably win. But we saw Clay make his statement on the charts, too, so second place on AI isn't that bad.

I expect to see Diana on the charts, though Fantasia will be there first. Diana will definitely make it, and second place is something she should be proud of.

"RE: Idol Unfairness? No."
Posted by rjrabbit on 05-26-04 at 09:26 PM
"Diana didn't connect with the Tamyra song and Fantasia did."

"Exactly! Diana sang it like a song. She internalized it and sang it in the moment; that's what Randy and Paula had to say,
and I agree with that. But she didn't really become part of the song, and she didn't make it her own, and Fantasia did."

Well said both of you! I could not agree more!

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by TDeniseS on 05-26-04 at 11:57 AM
>Did anybody watch the show and >feel the same way that
>I did?. Did anybody say >to themselves is this fair?,
>did Diana get a fair >share tonight?.
> *newsflash* she's >not that good!!!.

Agreed....Diana is not that good...and she received more than her fair share....she was not top 2 material...there were at least 4 (or more) others better than her. She should count her blessings that she even made it to the top 2. If this was not a popularity contest, she would have been gone long time ago.

And for those of you that appear to be motivated by race... NEWSFLASH.......Diana is half Black.

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by skyhoneybear on 05-26-04 at 12:03 PM
It doesn't matter how they set up who its either whoever america picks or if its fixed whoever the producers plan for

"I don't wanna grow up, I'm a grown a$$ kid"---Kayne West "Through the Fire"

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by nailbone on 05-26-04 at 12:03 PM
And for those of you that appear to be motivated by race... NEWSFLASH.......Diana is half Black.

Didn't know that, but who in this thread has mentioned anything about race?

Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice o-

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by CarCar22125 on 05-26-04 at 05:44 PM
>And for those of you that appear to be motivated by race... NEWSFLASH.......Diana is half Black.<

Uh, yeah right... got proof???

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by welshdude22 on 05-26-04 at 05:59 PM
LOL LOL! Diana is the whitest half black person I have ever seen- well apart from Mariah Carey and Michael Jackson !

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by rjrabbit on 05-26-04 at 09:30 PM

Proof? Did you watch the whole season? They showed pictures.

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by Tiger on 05-26-04 at 06:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-26-04 AT 06:17 PM (EST)

When I said "She's not that good" I was writting about Fantsia...not Diana

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by rjrabbit on 05-26-04 at 09:32 PM

I'm pretty sure Denise knew that. She turned your words around to say she wanted.

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by buff10000 on 05-26-04 at 09:02 PM
The show was set up for Fantasia, no doubt about it. Simon made me sick. Imagine even comparing Fantasia to Kelly CLarkson, Tamyra Gray or Clay Aikens. Simon must be tone deaf or taking large amounts of mind altering drugs.

Fantasia is a good gospel church singer, no more, no less. She has limited talent. She is no Aretha Franklin. She sounds more like Ben Franklin.

"Don't knock the First American"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 05-26-04 at 09:14 PM
I'm sure AyaK can produce a few of Ben Franklin's best performances.

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by Tasiia on 06-13-04 at 03:51 PM
>The show was set up for
>Fantasia, no doubt about it.
> Simon made me sick.
> Imagine even comparing Fantasia
>to Kelly CLarkson, Tamyra Gray
>or Clay Aikens.

Stop the press!!! Clay Aiken?!? Give us a break!
I'd rather be boiled in oil
than to have to listen to him sing one note!
No wonder there is so much hatred for this girl.
Clay fans are like termites willing to devour anyone
who threatens to out do Clay! Ha! Ha! That's what this is
all about! Well, Ruben did it and now Fantasia. Actually, I<'d rather listen to Diana shout out her songs than to listen[BR>to Clay sing anything. And if I hear of how much he has out sold Ruben I'm going to puke. I know that the reason he
only sold more CDs than Ruben was because of the Multiple CD buying campaign his fans threw on his behalf so that he
could out do Ruben in sales. Yes, they purchased Clay's CDs in multiples, by the truck
loads to do this. It was called "Clay it Forward" Now with all the extra CDs they have they plan to send to our men and women over seas in the military and to the sick and shut-ins in hospitals. So much for doing a good deed. They found the perfect way to rid themselves of all the extra CDs they bought. Clever plan. Sick, but clever. Actually, they plan to buy more of Clay's lame CDs when Fantasia's CD comes out so that no Idol can out do Clay. Sickos!! Fantasia is the Greatest! Deal!

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by Hoya03 on 06-13-04 at 09:07 PM
Well if simon is on mind altering drugs, then most of america, including ruben, kelly, tamyra, clay and all those ppl you mentioned must be on the same stuff. MOST ppl think fantasia's is great and extremely talented. anyone who can't even recognize THAT are the one's that are tone deaf. I don't even know where you would get that from because unless you ARE tone deaf, then its obvious to anyone who can hear that she was indeed one of, if not the best vocalist in the competition. Diana and Jasmine constantly had pitch issues, and you're only tone deaf if you didn't hear that.. it was PLAIN AS DAY. The only notes she ever held in key were those long notes and you can't base a singing career on a bunch of long glory notes.. you actually have to hit them ALL. Fantasia never had those issues. Not to mention she had more than just a voice, she had an energy on stage that can go from melancholy to hyper and she communicated that emotion to her audience. Yes, its an opinion, but you have to be deaf, dumb and blind to see all of her praises and accolades from all of these individuals in the industry, and in entertainment, many by well established artists and producers themselves, and to think that they would need to set up ANY thing for someone like her. She has a talent that everyone loves and just because some of you may not be included in that huge group doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Just because america didn't like your favorite doesn't mean that its unfair. It just means that america's majority taste doesn't necessarily vibe with your own.

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by Satyzing on 06-11-04 at 04:26 PM
The REAL newsflash is that the person with the most talent won. Diana is the one that is not all that good... Reality check!! I dont understand people, just because the person that people wanted to win did not win they want to bash the person who was better... People can be such low-classed haters sometimes... By the way did any Fantasia haters vote for Diana?? People just complain too much when they do not get there way... Oh well. Too bad for you!!!!! LOSERS

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by Lindae on 06-12-04 at 09:33 PM
Fantasia won before she was even voted for on the finale` That was more than obvious by Simon saying she had already won... that in itself was not fair.

Yes, Fantasia has talent, as much talent as Macy Gray and a church singer... Not my cup of tea and honestly not what I have in mind as "American" idol material.

Diana, she messed up here and there but DAMN she could SING and when i say sing I mean actualy sing not yell and scream her words... she could sing slow, fast, loud, soft. She had a range that impressed me far more than a singer like fantasia who is only famous for her BELTING OUT.

But thats just my opinion...And have you ever noticed how every single last performance on any of the shows were the best and most exciting performance? how could they not be fixed? of course fantasia sang the single last... it was her song before america even voted.

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by Tasiia on 06-13-04 at 03:35 PM
Ah, (((((News Flash)))) Fantasia's BETTER than Diana.

Yes, Diana has a very nice voice. The glory notes we can live
without and didn't seem to be too impressive. Clay Aiken also had a glory note but...so what. Diana's voice needs more time
to develope, as does Fantasia's. ( *both* of them are still very
young.) But, even at 19 Fantasia has shown more maturity,
grace, control, depth, originality and imagination in not
only her vocals but her presentation as well. It was a pleasure
just watching her perform. Too bad you guys couldn't enjoy
it. Clear the hatred and jealously from your hearts and you
can see the beauty and glory in Fantasia. She certainly
inspires me. Don't forget that a LOT of stars perfoming today
were high school drop outs. Some were doing drugs. Fantasia
is CLEAN---drug free and has the glory of God on her so you can't touch her with all your nasty comments.

"RE: Idol Unfairness"
Posted by AsianOK on 06-17-04 at 00:53 AM
dear tiger

i was once diana's fan. i had been hoping so much that diana would win that night, but during the finale diana's performances weren't up to my expectation. she sang 'DIFFICULT' songs & getting OUT OF TUNE as she 'screamed'. fantasia had songs that didn't require her to scream, songs that were SUITABLE with her voice & ENABLE HER TO PROVE HER VOICE-CONTROLING ABILITY. the night was really hers. being diana's fan & impressed by her earlier performances didnt mean that diana must win. though i didnt like fantasia's singing before the finale, i genuinely impressed by her final performances as compared to diana.