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"American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"

Posted by ejm92 on 04-08-03 at 08:58 PM
Billboard's Number 1 Chart Toppers Week....not a bad show at all...still don't know if it was the best overall week, but a pretty good show nonetheless...was Simon on some drugs this week?...Loved Lionel, one of the better judges we've seen.

1. Ruben Studdard - It doesn't get much better than that.

2. Kimberley Locke - A few years ago I was sick of that song, but it was very refreshing tonight...Kim's stock is rising fast.

3. Joshua Gracin - Yes, Josh is back....thought the performance suited him very well, you could tell the judges were pleased, and he has a fan base. I don't think he has the talent to win this competition, but he has the fan base, and if he continues to grow vocally, he is definately a threat to win....song choice was perfect, but quit making those horrible facial expressions during performances.

4. Rickey Smith - Liked it this week, but he should stop performing the celeb judges' songs, it'll catch up to him....anyways, he sounded great, Trenyce would've sounded great as his Diana Ross.

5. Clay Aiken - Technically superb, but I really wasn't feeling him tonight....he just isn't keeping up with what he was a few weeks ago....a bit caught off guard with Simon's comment. Three weeks ago, I thought he had the competition won, but he is slowly losing his lead.

6. Trenyce - A few weeks back, she was a threat to win the competition.....the last three weeks, she's been a threat to my ears...can you say "Bottom Three"?....but she's still good enough to be around next week, she got lucky with a bad Carmen performance.

7. Kimberly Caldwell - Song choice means everything in this competition....just because you like the song doesn't mean you should sing it...if that were the case, Ruben would be singing "Money In The Club" or something tonight.

8. Carmen Rasmusen - Nice to know you, blondie....have fun back in Utah and get your diploma, you didn't belong in this competition....can you say "Bottom Three"?

Cumulative Rankings:
1. Ruben (1.8)
2. Clay (2.6)
3. Kim Locke (4.2)
4. Josh (5.2)
5. Trenyce (5.6)
6. Rickey/Kim Caldwell (5.8)
8. Carmen (8.8)

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

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"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by Bebo on 04-08-03 at 09:12 PM
1. Ruben - He changed clothes! As soon as they announced his song choice, I was psyched, because he chose well. Then he sang it beautifully while he performed it. I didn't want to like his performance, I didn't want to say, "Yes, it's his competition to lose," but tonight, that's how I feel.

2. Joshua - As soon they announced his song, I was psyched too, because he played to his strengths. And he performed beautifully, with passion. Did he sing beautifully? Naah, but he performed beautifully, and that made up for the flaws.

3. Kimberley L. - She picked my second least favorite song ever, one that I am so sick of I would not mind if I never ever heard it again, and she sang it beautifully. If she's still in the bottom 3 after that, well, then, give up Kim L. fans, because there's no chance of her getting enough votes to stay around long.

4. Clay - Sang well as usual, but I think Randy's theatrical comment was valid. I just don't think he performed as well as Ruben and Joshua. He sings as well as Ruben does, and he's a much better singer than Joshua, but he didn't perform nearly as well. He seemed too distant from the emotions. Hate to say it, Dawg, but 919 didn't beat 205 this week (as much as I love being part of 919).

5. Rickey - It's painful putting him here, but it's by default. He picked a fitting song and didn't completely mangle it. But the hat was awful.

6. Trenyce - She was trying too hard to "sell" the song. Sometimes her expressions were so obviously fake as she switched between emoting and singing, and the soft stuff she did got too soft. If she would have just stuck to singing, she would have ranked higher. But she'll stay in the bottom 3 and deserve to.

7. Kimberly C. - Ack! I hate that damn song! I never, ever, ever liked it, and just today had to switch radio stations when it came on. Just because one person with a scratchy voice had a hit with it doesn't mean she can pull it off with her scratchy voice. I thought that her performance would be the worst by far until...

8. Carmen - Just when I was starting to like her, she completely bombed. I was not into the song at all, she did not sing it well at all. That will not pull her out of the bottom 3.

I hate to inform the rest of the Rickey haters out there (I'm including me in that group), but we should be stuck with him for at least another week if the voters do their jobs right this time. Trenyce, Kim C., and Carmen deserve to be the bottom 3.

A Bebodacious American

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by Lancerdude74 on 04-08-03 at 09:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-08-03 AT 09:22 PM (EST)

I thought this was one of the better weeks - definitely better than last week. Everyone sounded really good, except for a couple:

1) Josh (5,1,1,1) - I am a country fan and it was definitely good to see him back doing his thing. Good to see that the judges were "amazed" by his performance. On the negative side, he seems to get fatter every week.

2) Ruben (4,5,4,6) - This is the highest he's ever been - must be because he finally ditched the 205 tents. Good job.

3) Clay (3,4,2,2) - It was good...definitely better than last week. I think disco wasn't really too good for anyone. His voice is amazing, and I think he looked better than he ever has.

4) Kim L. (1,2,5,9) - Best of the girls once again. I think that it will be hard for her to crack the top 3, but top 4 might be possible. I don't think her fan base is as big as some of the guys.

5) Rickey (8,7,7,11) - I think this is the best I've heard him (and the highest he's been on my list). WAAAAAY better than last week.

6) Trenyce (2,6,3,3) - She was really good, but it was a tough week. Of the two Celine's I think Kim's was better. I think she's definitely the best dresser.

And the bad...

7) Carmen (6,8,9,7) - She was kind of disappointing tonight. I'm hoping that her fans realize she is in trouble and will come to her rescue (too bad I'm canadian and can't vote).

8) Kim C. (7,3,8,4) - Hopefully she gets to take her amusement park act home, but it's probably not gonna happen.


1. Josh (1.8)
2. Clay (2.8)
3. Trenyce (4.0)
4. Ruben (4.2)
4. Kim L. (4.2)
6. Kim C. (6.0)
7. Carmen (7.4)
8. Rickey (7.6)

Guys! Please vote for Kim L.! She doesn't deserve the bottom 3 again!

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by drawde236 on 04-08-03 at 09:45 PM
I seriously thought it was going to be a wretched night, but it got better as the show progressed. I watched it with a friend of mine and I made the comment that I had five in the bottom three.

1. Ruben--Hands down, the best of the evening, if not the entire series.

2. Kim L.--America, we need to talk. You placed her in the bottom three last week EVEN with the godawful Josh rendition of "Celebration" (sorry, Lancerdude). I hope they get it right this week.

3. Trenyce--I seem to be the odd man out with this choice, but she has the voice and is not afraid to use it. Tackling Celine (Jennifer Rush actually, but who's quibbling?), isn't easy, but I think she really pulled it off.

4. Josh--Picked a song that suited his voice and style, but one of the few who actually showed any emotion while performing.

5. Clay--Blah. Clay is in a rut. He keeps droning out the same performance week after week. Do. Something. Different. Even Ruben changed his shirt.

6. Rickey--Pitchy. I'm surprised that the judges didn't pick up on that. I'm getting a bit tired of the sucking up to the judges routine.

7. Kim C.--Horrid. A trainwreck from start to finish.

8. Carmen--Oh, the irony. Doing "Call Me" on a show that requires the same. You've been disconnected, my dear.

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by Femme on 04-08-03 at 10:13 PM
1. Ruben - Wow. He's smooth. Glad he changed out of his jersey, cause it was really starting to get annoying. His voice was butter tonight.

2. Clay - I really dug on him. He's such a little cutie. Really, really good comeback from a lackluster performance last week.

3. Trenyce - I like her big aspirations, and she really has a star quality about her.

4. Kim Locke - very breathy at the beginning and I hated the way she said "go on," but other than that, she looked and sounded beautiful.

5. Rickey - he was hard on the ears - as usual - but still, he's technically proficient, I guess. I would NEVER buy his CD. I think he's sucky. And, pretty ballsy to sing a Lionel Ritchie song - and to sing it so-so at that.

6. Josh - is it just me? I wasn't all impressed. I like "pop Josh" better than "country Josh." As my friend said after the show, he's just another of a million mediocre country wannabes now. Yawn.

7. Carmen - not the best song choice (she and Kim C. should have traded - another astute observation by my friend) and pretty boring and blah, but still it wasn't hard to take.

8. Kim C. - Just when I was starting to like her she has a crap week. I know what she was trying to do - follow Paula's advice - and I thought it was a fair thing to have asked of her, but, oh god. She shouldn't lose that rocker persona. So much better for her obviously. Tonight, she was terrible. I was cringing out of embarrassment for her. So sad.


"We are men of action; lies do not become us."

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by cyclehausen on 04-08-03 at 11:34 PM
Ruben? Really? Femme, I am appalled!

But I like your bottom 3!


"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by Femme on 04-09-03 at 07:56 AM
Ruben is smooth. I'm being won over...

I refer you to my comments from Week 1 - Motown Week :"Biggst Disappointment: Ruben (I still don't think he's all that; he sounded like he was singing backup for his backup singers. I hate his fashion sense.)"


"We are men of action; lies do not become us."

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by Q on 04-09-03 at 12:55 PM
Its not just you Femme. I thought Josh stunk on Ice last night. I was in pain during his perfomance.

It is astonishing how foolish humans can be in groups, especially when they follow their leaders without question - States: The Bene Gesserit View. All States Are an Abstraction.

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 04-09-03 at 10:52 PM
Awww Q, how could you say such a thing?

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by carencey on 04-08-03 at 10:43 PM
1. Clay--You just can't touch this voice, and for once Simon got it right instead of Randy. The performance is there and the audience knows it.

2. Ruben--Happyhappyjoyjoy he gave up the jersey. I still like Ruben's voice, but I just can't get as excited as Randy--for all the things that Clay gets picked on for, Ruben doesn't move much and also sounds pretty much the same every week (yay for the GIJ for bringing that up!). The same is still pretty good, but I prefer Clay's charisma and quality of voice to Ruben's almost every week.

3. Kimberley Locke--Better than last week. The beginning was pretty, though a little airy on a few of the notes. She sounds best loud. She should stay this week.

4. Trenyce--Didn't think she should have been bottom three last week, and don't think she should this week--though she probably will be. She's not quite back to her earlier form but not bad at all. My only nit to pick was that the last high pitch weakened a little. On a side note, the girl can work the false eyelashes!

5. Rickey--Also better than last week, but I'm still not crazy about him. Simon's 'party clown' comparison really stuck with me, and that's how his performance comes off.

6. Josh--Honey, country idol is over on that other network. It was a good choice of SONG, I'm just starting to think this is the wrong choice of SHOW. Some country does indeed make the pop charts, but if that's all he can do, he doesn't need to win here. Again, his voice just doesn't hold up to the other guys. He won't be in danger of being booted this week though since he wasn't in the bottom three last week with that rough performance.

7. Kimberly Caldwell--Hair, good. Choker, fabulous. Dress, not so good. Choice of song, awful. I think she was trying to play to Paula's suggestion that she try to sound more versatile. Maybe she isn't that versatile though, and if she isn't, she should be out soon.

8. Carmen--This was the song Kim C should have done. Carmen just couldn't pull it off performance-wise, and the flat pitches were back again. I did feel bad for her after what Simon said, but she was just plain the worst and should be the next boot.

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by managerr on 04-08-03 at 10:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-08-03 AT 10:46 PM (EST)

1. Clay Aiken - Fantastic performance. Judges' critique with Clay is always baffling, but I really liked his performance this week.

2. Kimberley Locke - It's the first time I felt she took a song and really made it her own. She sang it like Kimberley and not Celine. You go, Kimmel!

3. Trenyce - It may have been cabaret, but it was very good cabaret. I do see where Simon's critique came from, but it was still very good.

4. Kimberly Caldwell - If she hits the bottom 3, she will have been so HOSED. She took the judges's advice (particularly Paula) and choose a risky song which had a different vocal range than what she has been previously singing. So do the judges compliment her song selection? Of course not, she gets (at best) a back handed compliment by Paula and pretty much panned. If you are any of the other contestants, why would you bother to take any risks?

5. Ruben - #1 performance of the competition, my butt. That song was sooooo boring, I wanted the judges to call him on it. *sigh*

6. Carmen - Her worst performance since her Wildcard show. She may be gone.

7. Josh - Chose a good song, but was still pitchy and bad overall. Looked like he was in *pain* when he was singing. And not not angsty pain. Physical pain.

8. Rickey - Get him off of this show! I can see how Rickey fans would like it, but I hate hate hate his screechy voice. And I suspect he is choosing songs that the celebrity judge did because he won't get panned for it. No stage presence either.

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by cyclehausen on 04-08-03 at 11:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-08-03 AT 11:38 PM (EST)

No gut-wrenching decisions this week, everyone fell like ducks in a row.

1. Kim Locke (2) - hands down her and the night's best performance. She is this year's Kelly - she will come out every week consitently, always looking better and sounding better than the week before. I never really cared for Celine Dion, but the song wasn't bad. And she just put so much behind it. She did hit about a 3-note flat spot toward the end, but it was otherwise excellent. And the delivery was fabulous. She looked fabulous. Try not wearing nighgowns more often! Damn, I wish she were still my #1 PTTE.

2. LaShundra Cobbins (5) - yes, it was campy. And yes, she looks like a camel giving birth when she sings. But oh, goodnes, there is power and passion there. Again, she chose a song I didn't like, and just worked her magic. It was really really really really good. I rue her inevitable dismissal.

3. Clay Aiken (1) - Oh, technically flawless. And a better delivery than usual. But he sang a song that I absolutely LOVE for its raw angst. Maybe because he didn't get to sing enough of it to let it really build, but I just didn't feel the emotion that I NEED from that song. If he had seemed less damn chipper, he'd be in number 2. It was light, sugary version of a tune best served black.

4. Rickey Smith (8) - More ping-ponging from Mr. Inconsistency. He sucked up to the guest judge again, but he did do a very good performance of a vocally tough song. It's just his delivery and sht-eating grin. And there is just something in his timbre when he hits certain notes that grates me. I do like him, but ... blah, I don't know.

5. Ruben Lardwad (4) - I don't get it. Every week he sings the same ten notes (and I'm granting the sharps and flats.) He does OWN that range, and he does have that Vandross/Neville trilling downpat within the range, but his singing just isn't that impressive. His delivery is boring. The praise from the judges in light of some of the other performers is unwarranted. His delivery seems smooth as silk because the songs he sings are easy as pie. He just isn't all that. But he is still an extremely large cut above the rest.

| Seven Layers of Hell Down

6. Josh (7) - He always manages to just barely avoid being dead last. I shudder to say that his twang is preferable to his pop voice. He started out respectably enough, but about thirty seconds in, EVERY SINGLE NOTE was not just "pitchy" as Paula would say, but just plain off. The only reason he perches atop the other sewage is his delivery. Despite the constipation, he really had a good amount of presence and confidence tonight. I still wish him away the hardest. (*wish I may wish I might*)

7. Carmen (3) - Geez, give her an inch, and she breaks it off. It was the wrong song for her. It was the wrong performance for the song. It was the wrong technique for the performance. It was the wrong performance for my ears. She was F-L-A-T as hell the whole way through. She didn't have gusto, she didn't have anything. Simon gave his only dead-on comment all night. Dreadful.

8. Kim C (6) - Well, how can Carmen not be last? Welcome to Sucksville, population Kim. A hideous arrangement of a cheesy song. But enough about THAT - her attempt to "boaden her range" fell flat. I mean flatter than Carmen. The only time she wasn't flat was when she really reached - and then it was sharp. There was nothing in the performance that could have appealed to anyone. It was soulless. If she had sung that at a karaoke bar, someone would have broken a beer bottle on her face and stabbed her to death with the shards. It was hideous. Awful. On top of that, her delivery was so Little Miss Whatever Does Her Talent Segment that I wanted to scream. She knew it. You could see the despair in her eyes as she sang. File it with Julia's "What a Feeling", Josh's "Celebrate", and Corey's "Against All Odds" with the worst things I have EVER heard. Blech.

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by SaphireLady on 04-08-03 at 11:44 PM
1) Josh---Yeah he is back, he is better, and he trys and works hard, and is doing this with an added stress that none of the other jokers have. He could go off to war and die, leave his family etc... Yet he still can manage to sing. He has it.

2) Clay---Like his song, voice, style. He just needs to move alittle more.

3) Kim. C---kudos for trying something different. It did not work for you but you tried and that, in my book, counts and is more then most will do.

4) Ruben---Someone tell this man to move around. Someone tell this man that variety is nice. At least he changed his clothes. But his presence in anything but singing, is nonmarketable.

5) Carmen---wow, bad song choice but love her spunk. Like her energy, attitude, presence.

6) Kim L---You were to airy and actting too much. If you would just sing, maybe. Just frankly did not like you tonight.

7) Trenyce---Honey you need to go. You have such attitude on stage that heaven help anyone deal with you off. Your makeup is over the top for this type of thing. You know how to dress, that is about the most positive thing I can think of .

8) Ricky---Get this boy gone. He hurts my ears, I do not find him anything special at all.

"Now I will believe that there are unicorns..." William Shakespeare; "The Tempest"

"Much Better Show"
Posted by IslandFever on 04-08-03 at 11:53 PM
1. Josh-Josh is back. He has a good solid voice but probably not the versatility to win. I think Ruben,Josh,and Clay came in as favorites.
2. Kim L.-I like her hair better straight. Wish I could get mine to do that. Her best song after Over the Rainbow. But I don't think she has the fan base she needs.
3. Trenyce-What a range with her voice. Really powerful. Simon was out of line as usual.
4. Clay-He came in as a favorite but he needs to pick it up a little. I didn't like the song.
5. Ruben- Ruben has a very smooth wonderful voice but his performances are dull. No spark, no energy. They are pushing him to win for whatever reason. I see him in the final 2 still but he needs some animation.
6. Carmen- Don't flame me too much but I liked this song on Carmen. However I still think Carmen and Kim C. got their songs mixed up.
7. Rickey- Ouch. He was off. Is it just my ears or what? He seems to have a solid fan base. He has outlasted himself for weeks.
8. Kim C.- Sorry Kim. Time for you to go. She deserved another chance. She has a limited repertoire.

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by katem on 04-08-03 at 11:58 PM
This had to be a better week and it was, but like the judges said, none of the songs they sang was very original. Oh well, I still enjoyed them:

1. Ruben. I have to give it to him. He not only looked terrific (FINALLY GOT RID OF THOSE DAMNED JERSEYS !!!!!), he actually moved around the stage a bit. He sounded great, great song choice.

2. Clay. Surprise, surprise. I did not like the song choice, but he performed the hell out of it.

3. Ricky. This is the best performance we have had from him, it was terrific. Although, those outfits he wears, UUUGH !!!!! And, he still has the personality of a dishrag, but this week he was good.

4. Trenyce. I think she saved herself. She looked terrific and sang great.

5. Joshua. He chose the perfect song for himself, BUT, the arrangement was horrible. I do believe the Marine is running out of gas.

6. Kim L. I have heard people sing "My Heart Will Go On", at the kareoke bar, with more conviction and heart.

7. Kim C. "Everything I do, I do it for you" is one of the worst songs of all time, and she made it worse.

8. Carmen. She looked gorgeous, but she sang like she was in pain. She was horrible. She is sooooooo out of her league.

This weeks worst: Carmen, Kim C and Kim L.

But of couse, they are adding the last week with this one, so the bottom three will be: Carmen, Kim C. and Trenyce

OUT: Carmen

(c) 2002, 03 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by johnthemod on 04-09-03 at 01:52 AM
Best week since Motown.

1. CLAY AIKEN (1,2,1,6) - major comeback this week. Haven't really heard that song before I don't think. He sang it very well.

2. Ruben Studdard (8,3,4,4) - let's just say THANK GOD he stopped wearing the jersey. He could get first almost just for that this week. Also sang quite beautifully.

3. Trenyce (2,1,7,2) - I like her, and I really don't want her to be eliminated. Hopefully one of the blondes or Rickey or Josh will go this week instead. Didn't really agree with the critique. I guess she just needs to be less laid back with it, but I like that she switches between the two approaches.

4. Kimberley Locke (9,5,3,1) - so good, looked good, sounded good. Still don't really love her as a person, but I think there's no way she'll stay in the bottom three (of course what do I know? my top three last week were the bottom three on the show)

5. Joshua Gracin (7,6,9,8) - after last week I thought he had given up. Came back this week with a damn good country performance. Like the song. However, he's no pop star. People need to realize this. He's no country star either. He can sing well sometimes, but he doesn't have a country star personality.

6. Rickey Smith (11,9,6,7) - actually liked him better this week than I have in the past. Picked the perfect song for him. However, I'm not a fan of his voice or his personality, so I kind of have to hope he goes this week.

7. Carmen Rasmussen (12,11,8,3) - good performance, but not good enough this week. Agree with everyone that Kim should've sung this. The "call me"s all sounded the same and didn't have the grit that Blondie had.

8. Kimberly Caldwell (4,4,2,5) - last week she was screwed by editing, so I'm glad they didn't penalize her for that. This week she screwed herself. I happen to have a lot of junior high memories from that song, it usually makes me cry when I hear it on the radio. Kim C. was NOT the right person to sing the song. It pretty much only works for his voice. What a silly choice. I like her better than Carmen, Ruben or Josh in general, but I have to say I won't be surprised if she goes this week.

Vanessa Olivarez (3)
Charles Grigsby (10,7)
Julia DeMato (6,8,5)
Corey Clark (10,5,10)

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by dajaki on 04-09-03 at 12:27 PM
Re: Josh - He's no country star either. He can sing well sometimes, but he doesn't have a country star personality.

The same could be said of George Strait, who I believe lacks any kind of personality. However, he has made millions. Josh probably does have a fighting chance in Nashville.

Now dodging horseshoes flung by country music fans.

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by SaphireLady on 04-09-03 at 03:29 PM
I agree, I love George Straight, but he talks woodenly and is rather dull. Josh fits this and he has something else, he is under the stress of leaving at any time, of leaving his family, and he could die, add all of that and he can still do what he is doing, makes him way better then any of the others.

"Now I will believe that there are unicorns..." William Shakespeare; "The Tempest"

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 04-09-03 at 08:32 AM
Seeing as how so many people are in agreement this week, I just want to add to things.

First I think Simon "got lucky" right before the show.

And two, I like Josh, I really do, (somehow I would feel unpatriotic if I admitted I didn't) but he belongs on Nashville Tonight not on American Idol. Blaaahcccck Country!

(c) 2003 GeorgiaBelle Creations,Inc. All rights reserved
Celebrity Mole PTTE Champion

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by Connie E on 04-09-03 at 08:42 AM
1. Reubeeeennnnnnnnn! "Nuff said.

2. Clay. Clay's geek charm has me completely won over.

3. Ricky. Hate to rate him this high, but he did a great job on this song. What's up with Simon insulting Lionel Richie????

4. Kim L. Actually liked last week's performance better, but I LOVE this chick's voice! (And, sporting the hips that can only emerge from the birth of two children after age 40, I like her being a sexy "big girl".)

5. Kim C. Didn't like her choice of song, but she ranked FAR above my bottom three..........

6. Josh. I feel like Josh is coasting on his "Marine" status. I think even Simon is afraid to give honest commentary about him right now....he's a Country singer, not an AI, and not that great, at that.

7. Felon #2. Trenyce/Laushundra is painful to watch sing. Those facial expressions and her over-pushing to sell the song drown out what I have to admit is a great voice.

8. Morman girl. Blondie? Blondie? The original BadGal from my college years? Don't go there, girlfriend! You can't pull it off. Go home and graduate from high school, sweetie.

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 04-09-03 at 11:30 AM
Ok, I'll play. I also agree with Tummybreeze, I think Simon got lucky before the show

1. Ruben - Never thought I would have him as my #1 performer. He looked great. Love his voice, love that song!! Both he and Clay are becoming a little repetitive each week so they really need to start showing some spark. Ruben did so by changing his clothes this week

2. Clay - I love this guy! However, as I said above, he needs to start showing some spark or he won't make it. Get grooving guys!

3. Kimberley Locke - Great voice. Loved her version of the song.

4. Trenyce - Another great voice and she's beautiful.

5. Rickey - Don't like putting him this high but I like the song he sang tonight and he sang it well.

6. Carmen - She's cute, and I don't think she did too badly with the song but she's not up to par with the rest of the gang.

7. Kimberly Caldwell - I don't like the sound of her voice and never have.

8. Josh - Time to go. As others have said, he should be on Nashville Star and not American Idol, and he does look like he's in pain when he sings.

Would like KC or Josh to go but I think it'll be Carmen this week.

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by Lisapooh on 04-09-03 at 11:55 AM
First off, saw Kelly Clarkson's album cover - she looks gorgeous on it. I *heart* her.

On to the critique -

1. Ruben - I have a crush on Ruben - how in the hell did THAT happen? Loved the new look, loved the song. He's so comfortable up there.

2. Clay - I was excited when I heard his song choice cause I love that song, and I thought it would give him a chance to sound all gritty and tough (which he really needs to do soon IMO). Then he sang it and there wasn't any passion or oomph behind it. That song breaks your heart, but Clay didn't seem to feel it at all. But, I still love me some Clay.

3. Kim L. - I was on the phone during most of her performance. STOP CALLING ME DURING AI PEOPLE! You get them trained that Thursday at 7 is a no-no, but they can't remember AI's time slot? Hated that song - thought she did a good job with it. The breathiness didn't bother me last night.

4. Trenyce - her diva act is growing old. She's got a great voice but the memory of her earlier performances are fading and she is slipping fast.

5. Carmen - yes, that was a horrible song choice - she is not a bad girl by any far stretch of the imagination. But, she's growing on me. That verbrato warbly thing is not so bad. I think her so-so perofrmance and bottom two finish last week (which was totally undeserved) will galvanize her fan base (and I think it's clear she's got one). I think she'll make it through.

6. Ricky - I don't see the big deal about him - honestly. Do Not. Get. It. Afro wig last week - crocheted skull cap this week - dude, you're killing me!

7. Kim C. - she's the anti-Christ. I'm certain of it.

8. Josh - I love America - I'm a patriotic kinda chick, but that doesn't mean I can't say that Josh suuuuuuucks! Face it – Josh suuuuuucks! He looks constipated, he needs to lose the unibrow and he needs to go home! I live in a small Texas town - by God, I know country music. Josh suuuuuuucks!

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by managerr on 04-09-03 at 12:12 PM
LOL, I just wanted to say, I'm glad I'm not the only one still training my friends to not call me during AI. They only got trained to not call me during Survivor after I went off on them one week. (However, I'm not totally irrational, I do allow them to call me in Life or Death instances. But it really better be Life or Death.)

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by munson on 04-09-03 at 03:19 PM
Guys, I've got this really great hint for not getting disturbed during your favorite show....

DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE! That's right, let the machine get it. Call 'em back later. The tyranny of the ringing phone pleading to be answered at ANY TIME, must be eliminated!

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by Bebo on 04-09-03 at 03:30 PM
The tyranny of the ringing phone pleading to be answered at ANY TIME, must be eliminated!

That philosophy has been adopted in my household, since my MIL always calls during Alias and 24.

Bebo says...919 beats 205 - I am your American Idol and the Baroness of Babedom.

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by managerr on 04-09-03 at 07:55 PM
The problem is that in the back of my mind, I always worry that it could be an emergency, and if it were an emergency and I didn't pick up I would hate myself forever for missing it because I had to watch a TV show.

I know 99.99999999% of the time it won't be an emergency, but you never know.....

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by SurvivorOverlord on 04-09-03 at 12:39 PM
Okay...this week was lots better for some and lots worse for others.

1. Ruben - I have always loved that song!!! And the big man did it justice and I was so glad not to look at the big goofy frickin jersey for another week...He'll make the final 2

2. Kimberly L - I really hate this song....I mean hate it....but she did a good job on it and here stock is rising

3. Clay - They keep telling some of the others to "be more versitile"...Clay is a one trick pony....the all sound the same...that said, he was still better than the rest...although I loved that song years ago and I don't think Clay did it justice at all.

4. Rickey- Man I hate to rate him this high....and is it just me or every time you see this guy do you expect him to say "Shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo, shrimp salad, shrimp....." I think he was pitchy and I hate his voice but he did better thatn the rest.

5. Josh - I think I like "Pop Josh" better than "Country Josh"...he was rated very hign by the judges when he was doing the "boy band songs" and stuff.....I have been in Country Radio for 15 years....Josh will NEVER make it as a country singer....He wouldn't have been a finalist on Nashville Star....that being said, he was better than the bottom three

6. Trenyce - Simon had it right very Caberet was in the bottom three last week and don't see her climbing out of it this week

7. Carmen - horrible choice of song....has a permanent slot in the bottome 3

8. Kimberly C. - Worst I have ever heard her.....she'll be in the bottom 3 but last weeks votes keep her from getting booted

Remember folks this isn't really a talent contest anymore....at this point it becomes a popularity and who's got more friends and relatives that can jam the phone lines contest I wish it was a hybrid of the an audience poll and a judge rating.....then take an average of the two and use that....but oh well.....Carmen...hope you had fun...now back to high school with you!

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by frisky on 04-09-03 at 01:30 PM
>>is it just me or every time you see this guy do you expect him to say "Shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo, shrimp salad, shrimp....."

LOL, SO, no you aren't the only one!

Oh, what the hell. I'm here...

1. Kim L. - she hits the notes and "feels" the song.

2. Roooben - I think he's been overrated throughout, but he impressed me last night. Must've been the effect of the duds. Like Kim, he stayed on key, but I don't like the delivery. Grinning while singing a break up song is just....wrong.

3. Clay - Technically he is perfect. But he doesn't put himself into the song. Another break up song without the break up emotion.

I hate to put any of the others as high as "fourth," so I'll just list them from here.

Kim C. - Wrong, wrong, wrong. She took Paula's advice the wrong way. I think Paula wants you to lose the big production numbers and get into the gritty, growly Etheridge/Morrisette-type songs that your voice was made for. Not flashy like last week, and not all sucky like this week. What about "Lover of Mine?" And please stop flashing your armpit.

Ricky - I suppose he sounds good if you like that kind of voice, but I don't. It was just painful.

Trenyce - I was surprised at the judges. I distinctly heard her lose it several times during her performance.

Carmen - OK, Carmen, I'll call you at home after the show tonight. I'll give you a couple of hours to pack your bags and say goodbye, kay?

Josh - I thought he oversang it myself. He doesn't belong in the competition anymore than the rocker guy that was in the top 32.

I didn't watch last year. Is this REALLY a better group? Sheesh...

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by munson on 04-09-03 at 02:22 PM
1. Ruben - 'Nuff said. I can't see Ruben leaving the top spot.

2. Clay - He performed it well. Just so solid everytime out, BUT, getting the same old, same old feeling.

3. Trenyce - I liked it but I like just about everything about Trenyce. Definitely a performer but didn't try to oversell the song. I admired her restraint.

4. Kimberly Caldwell - There ya go! This is what I asked for last week. Quit the variety show crap and just sing. My favorite Kim C. performance to date. And this song allowed her to show a little more of her range and technique. Redeemed in my eyes.

5. Rickey - Did a very good job. The first part really blew me away. Think he hit the Lionel parts but the Diana parts were a bit weak. Starting to think Rickey and Carmen have made the greatest strides throughout the competition.

6. Kimberely Locke - Eehhh. OK. Was not blown away. Did not think it was all that the judges made it out to be. I was with Paula until she said Kimberley pulled it off. No, she didn't. Just OK.

7. Carmen - Of all the contestants, Carmen has showed the most versatility and willingness to stretch, constantly jumping out of her comfort zone. She has probably been the most consistent across genres because she actually picks songs in that genre. Props for taking on Blondie and the New Wave vibe, a vibe that isn't an obvious choice in this kind of competetion.

8. Josh - Beyond recovery. He was all over the place last nite. A little pitchy? Not sure he found the right pitch at any point during the song. And what's with that affected vocal style? He sounds like Randy Travis. Except Randy Travis sounds like that all the time. Playing up the twang can sure hide some vocal shortcomings. The pained expression on his face when he's singing make him unwatchable. Facial contortions do not equate to emotion. There is no subtlety here.

"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by BaquaR13 on 04-09-03 at 07:43 PM
I thought the show could have been better. There are SO MANY #1 songs to choose from, and i was disappointed in the song selection.

1. Josh- He did awesome! This is his genre and he picked a perfect song for him!!
2. Ruben- I am not a huge Ruben fan, but the man did good. He will win (unfortunately).
3. Trenyce- I thought she did fantastic. I am not a huge fan of hers, but she did well this week. Simon is crazy.
4. Kim C- She has done better, but she looked incredible.
5. Kim L- I hate her. But she picked a FANTASTIC song and did well... good for her.
6. Rickey- Nothing special about him. He did alright.
7. Clay- Poor song choice. Poor singing. Not one of his best... in fact, his worst.
8. Carmen- I like the girl. I one of her fans. But tonight... she blew it.

The Reality Show Queens!!


"RE: American Idol Critique List, v.2.5"
Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 04-09-03 at 10:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-09-03 AT 10:46 PM (EST)

1. Joshua Gracin - His country western attitude suits him well, his performance was excellent.

2. Ruben Studdard - What can I say, except wonderful voice and thank goodness someone took him shopping.

3. Trenyce - Strong and full of talent.

4. Kimberley Locke - Wealth of talent, excellent vocal range.

5. Clay Aiken - Sorry Clay, I did not like that choice of song. Very talented but that song was wrong for you.

6. Kimberly Caldwell - Same as with Clay I did not like your song choice.

7. Carmen Rasmusen - Total waste of my time. She did not pull the song off.

8. Rickey Smith - Why? What were you thinking? Wrong song and waaaaaaay wrong clothes.

Oh, man would I like to critique Ryan......*sigh*