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Forum: DCForumID42
Thread Number: 424
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Original Message
"Bachelor Marathon"

Posted by buckeyegirl on 11-20-03 at 07:53 PM
Throughout the season, a lot of you said that you missed an episode or two of the Bachelor, and wanted to know when to see it again. This Saturday ABCFamily will be showing a marathon of the Bachelor with interviews with Bob.
--if this is considered a duplicate thresd, please lock.

I *heart* my J Slice Holiday Creation
~Wonders who will watch the marathon with the mother of all football games on: OSU vs. Michigan

Table of contents
  • RE: Bachelor Marathon,Poncho, 09:16 AM, 11-21-03

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Bachelor Marathon"
Posted by Poncho on 11-21-03 at 09:16 AM
Thanks for the info Buckeye Girl!
