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"Meredith or Estella"

Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-27-03 at 05:22 PM
We all seem pretty convinced that Mary and Kelly Jo are in the final date pictures, but we don't seem to know whether it's Meredith or Estella in the other pictures. I thought I would start a new thread to look at just pictures of the two of them.

From the ABC gallery



Pictures from VidCaps




Well, What do you guys think????

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Meredith or Estella"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 10-27-03 at 05:28 PM
I think that Meredith will be gone this week, and this is indeed Estella on the date with Bob. Too bad, Estella bugs me, she is too etherial, and gives me hives. I want to tell her to get more therapy...WAIT! What am I saying?? They all need therapy!

Mary is taking it unless they pull a Trista editting and aren't showing more of Bob's feelings for Kelly Jo.

"RE: Meredith or Estella"
Posted by CaliGirl on 10-27-03 at 09:05 PM
Posted by Tiggertramp "Mary is taking it unless they pull a Trista editing and aren't showing more of Bob's feelings for Kelly Jo."

Bob has feelings for Kelly Jo?

Bob should have kept the twins because Estella and Mary-death hold such fascination for him.

"RE: Meredith or Estella"
Posted by nutsforreality on 10-28-03 at 08:13 AM
I SO MUCH do not want it to be Estella! But there is still some hope it may be Meredith on the boat. I was always sure it was Estella because of the other beach pix of Estella walking on beach with Bob, in black dress holding a green drink. Well, check out ABC Bach homepage, gallery, week 2. Bob has SAME clothes on AND is holding a green drink. Now look at 2 pix from here. (200 & 202) Second one is Estella, BUT first one looks like Lindsay D (butt too big to be Estella!) I think they were taken on the day of the impromtu rose ceremony! They were just not shown. SO, WHO is on the boat?? Still looks like Estella, but I am still hoping it is Meredith! THOUGHTS???

"RE: Meredith or Estella"
Posted by deetsiepie on 10-28-03 at 07:17 PM
The "body language" in the boat photo reminds me of Meredith - her size if more proportionate to Bob's where as Estella is really tiny... I just don't know - I wish it was MEREDITH!!

"RE: Meredith or Estella"
Posted by Poncho on 10-28-03 at 09:12 AM



I still can not tell!!


"RE: Meredith or Estella"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 10-28-03 at 12:13 PM
Poncho, you know I am thinking that due to the fragile bone structure it definately is Mz. Estella. Meredith has bigger structure, Estella is slighter. It is a really close call but the arms have it I think.

Unless there is something really amazing about Estella that we are completely missing, I still stand by the Mary ending.

"RE: Meredith or Estella"
Posted by triednottowatch on 10-29-03 at 03:28 PM
I agree. I couldn't tell until I looked at the arms. Those are definitely Estella's small, thin forearms. Looks like Meredith goes home.

"RE: Meredith or Estella"
Posted by ablemable on 10-28-03 at 09:14 AM
I don't know, but Estella may be the "one". I believe ABC has strategically shown us the "worst" footage of Estella especially on her Vegas date with Bob as a ploy to "confuse" the audience. I think there is far more chemistry between the two of them than to which we have been privy. Check out her profile... Doesn't she sound exactly like Bob's type???

From abc.com... Bachelorette Profiles... Estella...

Hobbies: Doing the running man, break dancing and making animals out of balloons
List three (okay, six) adjectives that best describe you:
Outgoing, smart, fun, vivacious, sexy, spiritual
Why would you want to try to find your husband on a TV show?
I wouldn't! However, have you seen Bob?
Why haven't you found the man of your dreams?
I've had too many nightmares.
Why are you ready to get married now?
I'm starting to see wrinkles.
What are you most proud of?
My ability to walk fast while talking on a cell phone

Estella seems witty and funny. She's attractive and seems sincere. Why have we seen the worst of her???

As for Kelly Jo, I recall an interview with Bob right around the time this season started where he was asked point-blank about her (especially the geographical desirability quotient: Him---Detroit metro & Her---Kalamazoo). He gushed about how great of a girl she is, how dynamite, etc. Almost like, she's awesome but not the one. Who knows...

I do know that I am embarassed for Mary's behavior. Even if she is in love with him and wants to have all his babies, don't set yourself up on national TV.

Maybe we are in store for yet another... "most dramatic rose ceremony ever..." Hee Hee

"Mary's behavior..."
Posted by Guppin1234 on 10-28-03 at 02:30 PM
Ya, but when you really love someone, you're not afraid to say or do anything in front of anybody. You want to tell the whole world, and you're just so happy you don't have to go on any more reality TV shows.

After all, the bar scene and clubbing, that's just one big reality show too, isn't it?

"RE: Meredith or Estella"
Posted by Gustavgirl on 10-29-03 at 03:05 PM
I'm with you that Estella just may be the one. For me, I think it was the first time that they met. I know they have shown considerably less footage or should i say relatively bad footage of Estella, but i remember that their first meeting had a bit of a spark to it. Normally this would be nothing, but when it comes to these dating reality shows, when they show the first meetings, they tend to put a "special" light on specific key players in the game. Not that this is a GREAT example, but take the amount of attention an good light shown onto Zora on the first Joe Millionaire. I could tell from the first time he met her that she would be the winner, just from the way the producers treated their meeting...

"RE: Meredith or Estella"
Posted by M1chelle on 10-29-03 at 05:28 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-29-03 AT 05:29 PM (EST)

As for the last pictures of Estella and Bob, I think this was actually taken in Los Angeles on Week 2 dates (See Gallery Photos on ABC Website - Bob has on same outfit... only Estella changed) And if you will recall, they had the surprise white rose ceremony on this date at the W hotel. (Estella had probably gotten ready for the rose ceremony and taken a walk with Bob on the beach prior to Bob changing clothes and preparing for ceremony).

Then there is the photo of Estella on the bed in the hotel room in someone else's recaps. They were led to believe it was Estella in a hotel room on the last night. My theory... It is actually Estella in the W Hotel on the group date from week 2. Same dress/necklace as the surprise rose ceremony... and, if you go the W hotel website and view photographs of the rooms, they have strikingly similar beds. Okay. I know, I have way too much time on my hands, but I just think it is too obvious that ABC has given us full frontal face shots of Estella and no-one else. http://www.expedia.com/pub/agent.dll?qscr=dspv&&itid=&itdx=&itty=new&from=m (Link to W Hotel Photo)

"RE: Meredith or Estella"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-29-03 at 06:12 PM
This is from the Surprise Rose Ceremony:

This is Bob with either Estella or Meredith walking on the beach:

Different outfits!

I have noticed that some of the stuff shown in previews never actually makes it onto the show. ABC thinks they are very tricky!

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"Estella looks different in all of her pics, kinda creepy!"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 10-29-03 at 09:00 PM
Bob's trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue, what a ditz!

"RE: Estella looks different in all of her pics, kinda creepy!"
Posted by mrbluesky on 10-30-03 at 09:58 AM
Poor Bob....

Meredith: (sob) My grandmother passed away...
Kelly Jo: That's nothing. My dad passed away...
Estella: Well, my dad was deaf....
Mary: What about my (STOMP, STOMP, STOMP) biological clock...

What a group!