First batch of dates tonight. Eric gets the first date. BTW rumor has it that there will be new episodes both next Sunday and Monday, with a rerun on June 9th. Supposedly has something to do with how they're handling Eric's death.
The snowboarding part of the date included pro snowboarder Louie Vito, who once competed on Dancing With the Stars.
Eric gets the rose.
A big bunch of the guys will be doing something having to do with getting naked.
Dancing shirtless for charity. Sharleen from Juan Pablo's season was there with Andi. One of the guys waved his @$$ in Chris's face.
Craig getting VERY drunk. And making an @$$ of himself.
Marcus gets the group date rose.
Looks like they're going to Santa Anita.
Chris gets the rose.
LAST EDITED ON 05-26-14 AT 09:33 PM (EST)Wonder how much lipstick Craig is gonna slather on the pig to try to save his @$$ tonight?
He's laying it on pretty good.
I think he's up $hit creek though.
Probably 3 guys to go.
Andi showing lots of boobage.
Craig gets the ax, no shock, as does Carl and Nick the golfer.