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"Bachelor Ben episode 7"

Posted by Round Robin on 02-13-12 at 06:17 PM
Y'all know the drill by now. Post your best shots at tonight's episode here till those poor fools on the West Coast who are crazy enough to watch this mess have a chance to do so live. I suppose I'm a poor fool myself tonight, because I'll have it on too. There's supposed to be some $hit hit the fan about you-know-who tonight (again?), so there oughta be some stuff for y'all to post about.

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"Spin, you crazy anti-lovebirds!"
Posted by Estee on 02-13-12 at 08:37 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-13-12 AT 08:40 PM (EST)

My reading of our front-page article: 'We did this on purpose and didn't care who got hurt, same as every other time. We just weren't expecting people to blame us for it.'


They knew what they were getting and it's why they chose her in the first place. They might not have been expecting so much of it, but now that they've seen what it brings, they'll be trying to find another her. Or three.

Shame is for people without a next season to cast. Plan what to bring in, when to defend, and now the schedule on the big board says 'Start leaking information and pretend to back away slowly.'

Incidentally, it's the same schedule they used last season. And the one before that.

"RE: Spin, you crazy anti-lovebirds!"
Posted by Round Robin on 02-14-12 at 03:39 AM
If the producers themselves or Chris ever claimed Courtney fooled them, I guaran-damn-tee you they're lying through their teeth. After Bentley they will vet everybody backwards, forwards and sideways before they let them on there. I guaran-damn-tee you they knew Courtney's history if not her actual intentions, so that "they were fooled" bull$hit doesn't wash and they oughta know that. And they had the footage available to them, plus the cameramen's in-person knowledge, right from the get-go, so they should have known what she was up to right off the get-go. What really happened was that she gave them what they cast her for, but they didn't count on Ben falling for her hook, line and sinker, and they didn't count on the unusually bad publicity they got when they started showing it. My money is still on Ben and Courtney actually having known each other pre-season, and I think NEITHER of them is there for the right reasons, rather, they're both there for the fame and money and publicity and future gigs, and they're just using each other for their sexual services while they go through the motions of the Bachelor process. They are using the producers and Chris and everyone else involved as bit players in their little charade, and when they start getting the gigs and the money they want, they'll split up, make an act of it so nobody will be the wiser, and go their separate ways. The whole damn season is a scam, and if the insiders are starting to squawk, it's only because they're starting to realize just how badly Courtney and Ben hornswoggled them. I hope this'll cure the producers of their addiction to getting the highest ratings possible and how they do it be damned, but somehow I think they're gonna have to get bit in the @$$ a few more times first.

"RE: Bachelor Ben episode 7"
Posted by mrc on 02-13-12 at 11:51 PM

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Bachelor Ben episode 7"
Posted by Ants on 02-14-12 at 08:53 AM
Courtney: "I don't want to be cocky, though." pppffttttt

At least, Ben admits he's WEIRD. He said he wants a weird woman. Well, he got his wish.

How appropriate that Courtney picked up the tarantula after the black widow spider comments about her.

"RE: Bachelor Ben episode 7"
Posted by JoeGazillionaire on 02-14-12 at 09:33 AM
I think the producers were grinning ear to ear when they found Bentley and Bentley turned out to be more dastardly than they expected.... it allowed them to debut the most shocking week ever... the same with Courtney...the producers are rubbing their hands in delight. Well, it's not really a surprise....they cast a model...and Ben is about as deep as an LA puddle. To her credit, I don't think Courtney is using Ben for sex. She's probably grossed out by him....but hey, sometimes grownups have to do stuff they don't want to get what they want. So, he looks like a cleaner shaven version of the Geico caveman... As scandalous as some castmembers may be, it's pretty ho hum...I wish they would turn the cameras around and let's see the behind the scenes of how Fleiss and the producers coax and cajole to get the results they want... they butter up contestants, know in advance the secrets and wait to ambush them half way into the show and pretend to be coming from some moral high ground. The Casey S and Rozlyn thing were just ridiculous... none of the producers have the grounds to be judging... I would rather have seen how it all played out. Rozlyn probably would have went all the way till the end....and why not put a camera on the crew member she was hooking up with...now that would have been drama. Why didn't they? oh, right it's ok until it's one of their own. I'm all for full disclosure.

"RE: Bachelor Ben episode 7"
Posted by Round Robin on 02-14-12 at 12:07 PM
I don't think Courtney is grossed out by Ben, I just think he's not her cup of tea, nor she his. In his eyes, she's the best of an inferior cast, and in her eyes he's an inferior bachelor, and I don't think they're a good lifestyle match, and I think they both know that and they're just using each other sexually and are playing their roles in this little scam till they're done going through the motions to fulfill their contracts and can start getting the money and extra gigs they both are really there for.

"RE: Bachelor Ben episode 7"
Posted by Ants on 02-14-12 at 01:16 PM
"In his eyes, she's the best of an inferior cast"

In his eyes, yes. In my eyes, there are lots of girls who are nice and they're pretty, but Ben's picker ===8 is off.

"RE: Bachelor Ben episode 7"
Posted by MTW1961 on 02-14-12 at 02:21 PM
You know, as deplorable and unpleasant as Courtney is, I have to admit that when I am actually watching her work her magic, I am impressed. She is very skilled at manipulating men, and especially Ben.

How many bachelorettes would have the cockiness and confidence to tell the Bachelor she is losing interest and there is no longer a spark? None in the history of the show. Ever. They all throw themselves at The Bachelor, practically begging for roses. This one is actually playing both EASY to get, and HARD to get - at the same time. She is masterful.

Handcrafted by RollDDice!

"RE: Bachelor Ben episode 7"
Posted by Ants on 02-14-12 at 08:01 PM
I guess that falls under "to each his own." I'm not impressed by Courtney. I'm very disturbed when I watch her. I guess you'd have to have been a victim of girls like that to understand. Anyway, they do have girls like that on the show for drama . . . and it works. My hope is that she sees her behavior (or other girls see it) and change. Doubtful, though!

"RE: Bachelor Ben episode 7"
Posted by MTW1961 on 02-15-12 at 03:27 PM
I am just impressed with someone who is skilled at her craft, regardless of what the craft is. Courtney is a skilled Maneater. Ben can't even see it coming apparently, which is testimony to her proficiency.

Handcrafted by RollDDice!

"RE: Bachelor Ben episode 7"
Posted by MTW1961 on 02-14-12 at 02:24 PM
Something else that I would love to see on The Bachelor one day. I actually thought it was possibly going to happen last night.

Bachelorettes often say "if he can keep HER around, then he and I have nothing in common" or words to that effect. It would have been great if Emily would have left the show shaking her head and laughing, relieved that she got to go home if he decided to keep Courtney. What girl would want a man that was so easily manipulated?

The one I feel the worst for is Nickie. She has absolutely no chance and doesn't seem to know it. The way he looked at her last night when she "professed her love" for him made that clear to anyone watching. How could she not see that herself?

Handcrafted by RollDDice!

"RE: Bachelor Ben episode 7"
Posted by samboohoo on 02-15-12 at 11:20 AM

Although just once I would like to see one of them say,

"Listen, I'm not here to fall in love and be ready to be engaged in the next six weeks - especially while you are dating, making out with and exploring the same possibility with 20 other people. Let's have fun, see if we even jive, but don't expect me to think you are 'the one' until we even begin to know what reality will bring."

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Bachelor Ben episode 7"
Posted by Ants on 02-15-12 at 01:27 PM
I wish they'd ALL say that. The forced engagement is ridiculous, especially under the circumstances you mention.

"Jake/Vienna vs Ben/Courtney"
Posted by CSHS79 on 02-14-12 at 03:26 PM
I think we all can agree this season appears to be shaping up to be Jake & Vienna all over again. If Jake didn't do Dancing with the Stars Jake and Vienna probably would've been over much quicker, wouldn't you agree? But the real question isn't did Ben do the unspeakable and offer Courtney the Final Rose, but did she accept it? You see nowhere does it say that The Bachelor/ette is the only one who can do the rejecting at The Final Rose Ceremony. So it's entirely possible Ben can propose to Courtney and she can be the one to walk away.

"RE: Jake/Vienna vs Ben/Courtney"
Posted by Estee on 02-14-12 at 03:34 PM
Imagine the reaction on 2/28 if the DWTS cast reveal has either of these two in it.

"RE: Jake/Vienna vs Ben/Courtney"
Posted by JoeGazillionaire on 02-14-12 at 06:59 PM
I've never seen a reality star more eager to be in the limelight than Jake Pavelka...he'll go on any humiliating show just to keep it going. I don't know if anyone saw the show H8r, where stars confront the fan that hates them, but that was embarrassing. I just cringed as Jake desparately tried to seek the approval of this girl that was just being nasty to him. I don't know what Ben's motivation is....but he does seem to enjoy the make out...I don't think he's there for love. I don't think it will be quite Jake and Vienna. Vienna was just downright scary...she just sets out to destroy a guy. Courtney just seems very self-absorbed. Her tricks only work because she's a model... take that away and guys really wouldn't put up with that at all.

"RE: Jake/Vienna vs Ben/Courtney"
Posted by Round Robin on 02-15-12 at 03:59 AM
I would be more shocked if DWTS14 had NEITHER Ben nor Courtney in it than if it actually has one or both of them in it. They'd probably both suck, but if ABC put them both on this season, I bet they'd get great ratings for the first week.

"RE: Jake/Vienna vs Ben/Courtney"
Posted by Ants on 02-15-12 at 10:10 AM
I'd watch.

"One problem."
Posted by Max Headroom on 02-15-12 at 11:13 AM
If Courtney rejects the rose, did she "win"?

"RE: One problem."
Posted by Ants on 02-15-12 at 01:25 PM
Yup. If she's the last one standing, she won (in her mind).

"RE: One problem."
Posted by Round Robin on 02-15-12 at 01:56 PM
Well, rumor on Sucks has it that he and the woman he picked and proposed to are about ready to split up, and the only reason they haven't yet is that they have to wait till the season finishes airing. Supposedly he's already flirting with other women.

"RE: One problem."
Posted by Estee on 02-15-12 at 02:07 PM
That'll annoy the producers. They like to get at least two months of breakup rumors into the tabloids before the deed is undone.

"RE: One problem."
Posted by Round Robin on 02-15-12 at 06:45 PM
I would be less than surprised if the breakup happens on the Final Rose show. I think that after he sees all the episodes and hears the stuff Courtney's mom has supposedly said about him, he might call it quits right then and there and tell it like it is on the Final Rose show. I think he'll do it with more class than Courtney has shown this season, but I don't think he'll leave any doubt why he's jumping off the ship. He's gonna look like a doofus no matter what he does at this point, but I doubt he'll see any point in prolonging the charade at this point, and I think he'll make that pretty clear. I suspect that if they haven't done so already, Kacie and Courtney will both let their folks know they're not happy with them helping spike their guns by their bad reactions to Ben. I doubt Courtney will stay mad as long, but Kacie will be pretty pi$$ed at her dad, because she wanted Ben pretty bad.

"RE: One problem."
Posted by Ants on 02-15-12 at 08:58 PM
Sure, but I think Kacie will get over Ben pretty quickly when she sees what a skank he really is.

"RE: One problem."
Posted by Round Robin on 02-16-12 at 03:01 AM
She'll probably blame his behavior on Evil Courtney.

"RE: One problem."
Posted by Ants on 02-16-12 at 01:35 PM
Ben looks like a less attractive version of Josh Grobin!!

"RE: One problem."
Posted by Round Robin on 02-16-12 at 04:52 PM
But at least Josh can sing!

"RE: One problem."
Posted by JoeGazillionaire on 02-17-12 at 09:22 AM
He could play the Geico Caveman's dimwitted little brother.

"RE: One problem."
Posted by Ants on 02-17-12 at 11:39 AM
Actually, he does look more like those caveman guys than Josh Grobin. My apologies to Mr. Grobin.

"RE: One problem."
Posted by Round Robin on 02-17-12 at 11:49 AM
Joe, that's a low blow.

"RE: One problem."
Posted by JoeGazillionaire on 02-17-12 at 05:58 PM
I'm thorry. Just having a bad day. But, you've got to admit it's a striking resemblance. Kind of like that 1880 picture of a soldier that looks exactly like Nic Cage. Grobin would be so mad at you Ants if he read this board.

Btw, there's a story circulating that Kim Kardashian is trying to set up a double date with her and Jeremy Lin. As if the media circus around that rags to riches cinderella story wasn't crazy enough.

"RE: One problem."
Posted by Round Robin on 02-17-12 at 06:29 PM
Jeremy Lin went to Harvard. I think he's too smart to fall for Kim Kardashian's bull$hit.

"RE: One problem."
Posted by JoeGazillionaire on 02-17-12 at 06:39 PM
I don't know Robin....highly educated millionaire men have been reduced to drooling idiots around certain women. They don't call it the dumbstick for nothing.

"RE: One problem."
Posted by Round Robin on 02-18-12 at 05:06 AM
Yeah, but you get so you can tell most of the time who goes by his dumbstick and who doesn't, and I don't think this guy does.

"RE: One problem."
Posted by JoeGazillionaire on 02-18-12 at 07:54 AM
Yeah, maybe you're right Round Robin.