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Thread Number: 1799
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"Bachelor Drinking Game"

Posted by qwertypie on 01-05-10 at 00:11 AM
Back by popular demand (well the voices in my head tell me it would be a good idea)

Take a drink every time a totally LAME-O flight reference is made. eg. Bumpy ride, wings of love, "land a plane on my landing strip anytime" (Although I must admit, I may miss a bunch as I think I will watch the show with the sound off.)

Chug the whole bottle if the song "On the Wings of Love" is played/sung

Propose a toast to the producers every time Jake's abs are featured. *moment of silence please as I contemplate his abdominals*

Two toasts to the producers every time Jake's abs are shown gratuitously (ie Playing beach volley ball would only be one because it would be expected he would be shirtless, but filling out his income taxes shirtless would rate two)

A sip if a bachelorette cries

2 sips if Jake cries.

A shot everytime a bachelorette is shown readjusting her strapless gown.

Feel free to add your own.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by jbug on 01-05-10 at 09:24 AM
And with this? qwerty is drunk already

BTW, those abs? yea,,,,,,pant pant pant
but did they really have to shoot him in the shower? LOL He looked uncomfortable then

Slicey took out the wrinkles '08

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by boomerang on 01-09-10 at 11:17 PM
Every time someone says either "amazing" or "connection."

I haven't watched the show in a long time, but the skin shots of Jake seemed quite gratuitous. They would've gotten slammed if they shot a bachelorette that way.

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by qwertypie on 01-10-10 at 10:45 AM
YIKES! There goes my liver!

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 01-25-11 at 01:26 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-25-11 AT 01:26 AM (EST)

Every time someone says either "amazing"

Jimmy Kimmell just did a skit about that tonight!

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by jbug on 01-11-10 at 09:38 PM
I just came in to see if qwerty needed any help in being picked up off the floor.
After the plane date, I'm sure she's totally wasted by now

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by qwertypie on 01-12-10 at 00:12 AM
yesh! *hic!*

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by jbug on 01-12-10 at 08:58 AM
completely passed out I see....

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by mrc on 01-12-10 at 10:08 AM
I busted when they actually played "On the Wings of Love" during the flight.

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by qwertypie on 01-12-10 at 07:40 PM
*groggily gets up from under the table*
What happened? All I know is that within the first bit of the ep my liver was screaming for mercy.

But, I promised a very good RL friend of mine (yes, I do have a RL, however small it may be) that I add the following rule

A shot every time Jake refers to the Bachelorettes as "guys"

*wanders off to find the alkaseltzer*

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by Snidget on 01-12-10 at 07:51 PM
If you are still incoherent we could use you over on the AI premiere thread to fill the void left by Pauler leaving.

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by qwertypie on 01-12-10 at 10:09 PM
But I am all out of Vicodin

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by jbug on 01-13-10 at 09:25 AM
yea, the 'guys' thing got me too.
Maybe he doesn't want to call them girls but....
he could say.....
"all of you"

"Captain of the Understatement"
Posted by qwertypie on 01-20-10 at 07:29 PM
My boy Jake has impressed me this week. So in honour, I propose we toast Jake everytime he says something that very obvious to us, but not usually to the bachelor or makes us think that he may be perceptive.
Examples this past week included the classic line to Michelle
"Yes, I really do believe you want a husband" *SNORT!*, calling Elizabeth out on her being a tease (and her totally being oblivious to what he was trying to say),
and his comment how he understands how some people don't want to kiss early in the relationship because of spiritual or religious reasons and he totally respects that but he "didn't think that was what was going on in this case". Go Jake Go!

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by qwertypie on 01-27-10 at 02:03 PM
Take a shot everytime a bachelorette badmouths Vienna to Jake.

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by samboohoo on 01-27-10 at 03:11 PM
There goes my wine budget.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by Snidget on 01-27-10 at 03:22 PM
Is that your liver I hear sobbing.

"New version for Brad"
Posted by arkiegrl on 01-28-11 at 11:55 AM
Take a drink everytime Brad says "come here to me".

"RE: New version for Brad"
Posted by qwertypie on 01-29-11 at 12:23 PM

Most excellent!

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by Lasann on 01-29-11 at 01:33 PM
I actually don't remember any of these ASW's names but I do remember hearing, "Now go and send some of these women home" from one. I was hoping it would be her he sent home, was it? Seriously I'm so unattached to Brad and whether he finds a bride that I can't remember who says what.

I've been Sliced.

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by Bojackson999 on 02-10-11 at 03:52 AM

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by mrc on 02-10-11 at 11:10 AM
Didn't you forget something?

"RE: Bachelor Drinking Game"
Posted by qwertypie on 02-10-11 at 11:14 PM

Most excellent!