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Forum: DCForumID42
Thread Number: 1096
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Original Message
"John Paul .."

Posted by Lilly on 03-02-05 at 01:54 AM
John paul is such gentelman, cute and intelligent man.
You are too hot and you deserve to be the next bachularrete.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: John Paul .."
Posted by freakusmaximus on 03-03-05 at 08:06 PM
he is boring and acts like a 40 year old man in a 25 year old's body. the only thing he has going for him are looks and $- but he had ZERO personality

"RE: John Paul .."
Posted by Lilly on 03-03-05 at 10:16 PM
Come on.. He has personality and warm heart...I wish if I can have him.

"RE: John Paul .."
Posted by CSHS79 on 03-04-05 at 12:42 PM
John Paul's lucky Jen rejected him since he deserves so much better than Jen. Obviously she wasn't sure if she wanted stable or flashy so in the end she left herself with the choice between one of each, Jerry flashy and John Paul stable. In the end she chose neither. All I can say is the guys got off lucky, since they aren't stuck with this fickle little girl.

"RE: John Paul .."
Posted by freakusmaximus on 03-04-05 at 03:35 PM
John Paul seemed like a controlling old man- not fun or free spirited in any way. He has nothing in common with Jenn- Jenn has a personality and is quirky and likes to laugh. she never laughed with him

"RE: John Paul .."
Posted by Lilly on 03-04-05 at 06:13 PM
John Paul is a mature man more than his age...Do you think that makes him borring? I don't think so.

"RE: John Paul .."
Posted by Lilly on 03-04-05 at 06:08 PM
you are right.. I agree with you.. she has phopia commitment and She left with zero...I dont know why she waste her time and our time.

"RE: John Paul .."
Posted by freakusmaximus on 03-04-05 at 07:11 PM
I think you can be mature and fun and exciting at the same time. but come on, JP is 25 years old! he is so serious and dull. I never saw them laugh together. with all of her faults, Jen is still very vibrant and lively. she lights up a room when she walks in- she is always smiling. can you seriously say that about JP. another question. If JP were broke, would everyone here still be loving him??

"John Paul Moves on"
Posted by Lolette on 03-11-05 at 02:27 PM

"RE: John Paul Moves on"
Posted by consise10 on 03-28-05 at 02:01 AM
John Paul was very lucky that stupid "I don`t know what I want" Jen didn`t choose him, and so was Jerry.