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"The Problem with Jerry...."

Posted by frisky on 02-08-05 at 01:09 AM
Well, my goodness. I don't even know where to begin. I got my pen and paper ready before tonight's show so that I wouldn't forget anything. Jerry, Jerry, Jerry. Where do I start?

Honestly, people, where do I start? The man is PERFECT!!

Is there anything un-perfect about him? Does he have any un-redeeming qualities? There has to be SOMETHING wrong with him that I just can't see.

Face? check
Eyes? check
Lips? check
Butt? check
Bod? check
Voice? check
Manners? check
Personality? check
Nice family? check

So what's wrong with Jerry?

Incessant whining.

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"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-08-05 at 06:33 AM
Well, he did come across as a little shifty and I was rather put off that he seemed to be afraid of bringing Jen to meet his family, like he was "ashamed" of his mother's deafness. It's not a contagious disease like SARS, fer chrissakes.

My daughter has no fear whatsoever of bringing her friends around to meet us - we'll always find a way to get along.

Scratch and sniff

Posted by frisky on 02-08-05 at 08:56 AM
That's it!! Yeah, I knew something was bugging me. The man just seemed TOO perfect.

I honestly thought I didn't hear him correctly (no pun intended) when he said that his mother is deaf and then Jen started a big dramatic voiceover. I thought -- that's it??! That's the big secret from his past?? It was like he announced that his mother has an STD or something, the way they blew that up.

Then again, maybe they edited it to be a big deal since the producers wanted SOME Jerry misdirection. Hmmm...nope. Jerry explicity said he was very nervous about Jen being able to communicate with his mother.

So, either he is embarrassed by his mother, or he's had some really nasty girlfriends in the past.

Incessant whining.

Posted by woiwod on 02-08-05 at 09:40 AM
I think Jerry is absolutely perfect. His reluctance at first for Jen to meet his mother, I think, stems from his being very protective of her, as she has probably been hurt before by unthinking people. This in my books makes him PERFECT!!!

Posted by Loree on 02-08-05 at 10:04 AM
I too thought Jerry was being protective of his mother. He was maybe worried about how she would be nervous on TV. (Ryan and Wendell were the ones that should have been nervous about their families.)

I do believe Jen is the most attracted to Jerry. She lights up around him. And we have heard she picked her guy early on and they had trouble editing the show to make her look more interested in the others. So they had to edit some doubt around Jerry. And they continue to use Jen's concern that he may be in it to win rather than wanting her. They did the same with Mary when she was with Byron. So I believe they built up this nervousness about Jerry bringing Jen home to meet his mother.

My only concern about Jerry is hearing he was dating other reality women. Does he like the spot light too much? Otherwise he does seem her best choice.

Posted by Mon Cherie on 02-08-05 at 10:31 AM
If you're a Real World fan, you might have seen him in the "Back to New York" season as the doorman that Lori had a crush on.

Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-08-05 at 11:35 AM
>I think Jerry is absolutely perfect.
> His reluctance at first
>for Jen to meet his
>mother, I think, stems from
>his being very protective of
>her, as she has probably
>been hurt before by unthinking
>people. This in my
>books makes him PERFECT!!!

Actually, now that I think some more about it, I see a few problems with Jerry's approach to the whole thing that makes me wonder if he'd be good for Jen at all.

Let me preface this by saying that I am deaf and work with deaf people on a daily basis, and I'm actively involved in fighting for awareness out there in the world, so I do have some knowledge in this area.

What struck me about Jerry was his comment that he hasn't "been home in a while" so it makes me wonder if he's a good family guy at all. He doesn't seem particularly close to his family and even seemed "embarrassed" by the fact that his mother is deaf and wondered how she'd get along with Jen.

And a major point for me was his usage of incorrect terms in referring to "hearing impairment" -- I found it odd that Jerry would use a term that deaf people HATE to see. "Impairment" has negative connotations and deaf people detest the label "hearing impairment" like it's some form of malady. Deaf people always refer to themselves as Deaf, deafened or hard-of-hearing -- they NEVER refer to themselves as hearing-impaired.

So... it makes me wonder if Jen would be making a mistake to go with someone who isn't really all that close to his family and doesn't take the time to completely understand the sensitivity of his mother's culture.

I can acknowledge that it probably doesn't seem like much to people who don't have an intimate knowledge of the culture (like Jen). Imagine that you have a blind mother and every time you go and visit her, you rearrange the furniture in the living room without telling her!

Scratch and sniff

Posted by frisky on 02-08-05 at 01:23 PM
Those are good points, Pepe.

You reminded me of something else that made me go "hmmm" last night.

Jerry told Jen he was going to show her everything...his childhood, etc. So he meets her at his high school? At first, I thought he was a teacher there, but then I remembered that he lived in L.A.

So he meets Jen at his high school, then takes her to his brother's house, which he hasn't seen before, and the family gathers there. His mother happens to have all the family photos on hand. Why move the party to the brothers house? Is there something else about the mother's house that embarrasses Jerry?

Where did Jerry and Jen go between the high school and brother's house? It was light outside at the school, and black when they pulled up to his brothers. Where's the gap?

Incessant whining.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by Roo on 02-08-05 at 09:29 AM
Nice looking guy, but that hair.......what a mess!

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by SilverStar on 02-08-05 at 10:08 AM
Jerry is perfect. He gives me goosebumps every time he comes on screen and seeing him sign to his mother was incredibly sexy, I don't know why. *swoon and thud* The man does things to me.

The Syren? she awesome.
I haven't made up my mind about what I think of why he was so nervous last night. Ashamed of his mother, or just worried about Jen's comfort? Hmmm...

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by cinder_ella on 03-03-05 at 08:47 PM
yes, silverstar, I agree- i think jerry was absolutely gorgeous and everytime he kissed Jen I was picturing myself in her shoes!! Double swoon!

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by RangeRover on 02-08-05 at 10:11 AM
There is no such thing as the perfect person. As for Jerry he hasn't been home in years.. and yet ironically decides after knowing a woman whom he met on a reality show for all of 2 weeks to finally come home and meet his mother. Who happens to be deaf.

The man is well known reality whore and it was obvious the MORON's probing of his family was wasted as they have no real idea what Jerry is like or likes as they haven't SEEN him for years.

Jerry is good looking. Period. Beyond that I wouldn't even go further to figure out who or what he is about.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by Spidey on 02-08-05 at 10:19 AM
*fingers in ears* lalalalalalalalala. I can't hear you! lalalalalalala.

He's perfect, I say! Perfect!

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by frisky on 02-08-05 at 10:19 AM
RR, your post isn't the first I've seen that claims Jerry has a DAW past. Was there a thread about Jerry being on other shows or something? I missed it! If that's true, then that just proves my vague misgivings about this "perfect guy."

Incessant whining.
He's still hot, though.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by RangeRover on 02-08-05 at 10:39 AM
Apparently Jerry has dated reality whores from other shows. At one point he was a doorman on The Real World which led him to date one of the contestants there and then the BB winner Lisa he also dated.

A "source" claimed that he wants to be famous and is accomplishing it by dating reality women.

This may be why the moron keeps asking "are you in to win?" Even in that dim bulbs recesses of her small mind she is instictivly responding to a sense that all is not right here.

I am currently reading a book called Blink which is about how we know in an instant the outcome of a situation. The whole idea of "love at first sight" the response of "fear" in certain situations, etc. And Gladwell discusses how we often use this instant sensation to determine our level of attraction to a partner.

What is interesting is he also cites a study by a UW Professor who can predict with amazing certainity the success of couples by the WAY they communicate. The subtle clues and signs given that tell you if they are going to make it. Given the propensity for Jen's eye rolling, smirking and obvious disdain she provides a "tell" that if you look sees who she is attracted to. She picks the wrong guys because she overlooks all those signs that they in turn give her.

Jen has zero self awareness and even less external awareness. I think you and I and others are picking up on how he LOOKS at her. Its very condescending and almost paternalistic. He pets her head, kisses her head as one would a child. His attraction to her seems unnatural but if you recall she and Andrew had that. She is very asexual and in kissing sequences its been commented about her lack of chemistry.

Jen is attracted to Jerry sexually. But she doesn't see beyond that. She isn't exactly bright.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by missygirl3 on 02-08-05 at 11:43 AM
RangeRover, do you even know Jerry? Those comments are kinda harsh? What is wrong with being protective of his family? maybe there is a reason he has not been home in 2 years that were not divulged on the show. You are extremely judgemental.How do you know that he is a reality whore? Do you work in the entertainment industry? Why are you still watching if you bash the show so much?

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by TDeniseS on 02-08-05 at 12:58 PM
> Why >are you still watching if >you bash the show so >much?

I thought the show was "fair game" for bashing or "fawning." IMHO, Jerry is suspect......in more ways than one. I just can't believe that Jen will pick him...... I am hoping she will pick John Paul...best looking, best family, and most stable. Jerry appears to be one of those guys that will do "anything" for money or attention.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by RangeRover on 02-08-05 at 01:18 PM
Missy...let me explain something to you. FREE SPEECH. I have the right to have my opinions, you have the right to disagree with them. PERIOD.

This show is in fact what the preceding poster said..FAIR GAME..I suspect everyone in this shows "intentions" and if you read my other posts in another thread you would see why I bash it.

I think the odds and statistics of the relationships, and I use that term loosely, have proven that the intention of these people and their subsequent claims of wanting to find someone are in fact b/s. THIS IS MY OPINION to which I am entitled.

You don't have to agree with me and if Jerry rocks your world that is great. To each his or her own.

And to answer your questions: I would but I highly doubt you are all that interested.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by frisky on 02-08-05 at 01:40 PM
Listen here, Missy! (sorry, no offense intended. I just had the urge to type that! )

RR is right that we don't have to "know" reality TV people or work in the industry to bash them here. Also, in my original post I asked for people to call my attention to Jerry's faults, since he was just tooooo perfect for me.

This "Real World" thing has got me thinking that Jerry is just a DAW. Makes me wonder, though, why, if he wants to be famous, he is dating reality stars. Why not date REAL stars? Or why not BECOME a "star" in your own right?

That said, I think the reason that Jen keeps wondering about Jerry's motivation and "wanting to win" is because of what Fabrice told her about Jerry.

Incessant whining.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by Spidey on 02-08-05 at 02:00 PM
This whole "Does Jerry just want to 'win'?" thing is all misdirection. That conversation with Jerry's brother continued well after he said he didn't know what Jerry's intentions were. I am sure the conversation was edited and taken out of context. Fabrice gave them the sound bite and they ran with it.

As far as the whole "DAW" and Daw-dater thing goes, couldn't it just be possible that he was an innocent doorman who got pulled into the world of Reality TV through the Real World happenstance? And once you are in the circle, you tend to meet and date others in that circle.

And who is to say Jerry wasn't recruited for this show because someone saw his beautiful face on the Real World? How do we know he actively sought this limelight and for what purposes if any?

She's going to pick him, no doubt. And even if it doesn't work out in the long run, she'll at least get to see him nekkid. Sounds like a successful outcome to me!

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by Kelly_Smith on 02-08-05 at 02:07 PM
Yumm! He is a really beautiful male specimen, I must say

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by Loree on 02-08-05 at 02:56 PM
> maybe
>there is a reason he
>has not been home in
>2 years that were not
>divulged on the show.

I don't have a problem with him not being home in 2 years. Alot of people don't like to go home again. Now if he has not seen his mother in 2 years I would worry. But he didn't say that. He may have visited with his mother at his place in LA and at other relatives' houses rather than going home to Rochester to visit. Maybe he likes to treat his mother to trips to visit him so she doesn't have to cook and take care of him when he goes home. We really were not given enough info to know. And meeting at his brother's house might have been so his mother didn't have to do the cooking and his brother maybe has a larger house to accomodate everyone and the camera people.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by AMAI on 02-08-05 at 10:13 AM
If Jerry really likes Jen, then he could have been concerned not just for his family's sake, but for the sake of this budding romance - will she have an adverse reaction, as perhaps some past would-be girlfriends have had? It's not like Jen would be rude, necessarily, but it seems likely that other women have just shown the signs of being uncomfortable, or done their best to ignore his mother.

And he was worried that that would be the case with Jen.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by Kelly_Smith on 02-08-05 at 02:00 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-08-05 AT 02:01 PM (EST)

I agree, the whole family thing is a little shady. There is something going on that we didn't see. I wish he gave a reason why he hasn't been home in so long! There's gotta be a reason, maybe they just edited it out for whatever reason. Made me wonder though. Maybe it's something about his Dad who was MIA. Jerry and his Mom and even brothers were very warm with each other so it's hard to believe Jerry is an estranged son..

I can understand why he was nervous about bringing Jen home though. When you are on a first or 2nd or 3rd date, the last thing you want to do is bring in anything painful into the mix. Most people will get scared off or somehow feel uncomfortable. Jen handled the situation really well but I can see why he would be nervous.

I can't really figure out his motives but if he's acting, then he fooled me! He really looks genuinely smitten when he's with Jen.

I really do like John Paul also. But I wonder if Jen wants someone more exciting. He's a sweetheart of a guy, but tends to be very laid back and reserved. That can get old real fast. Plus this situation reminds me of Andrew all together. Andrew had his whole life set up and Jen waltzed right into it and felt out of place. JP has everything settled already so I wonder if Jen can once again deal with entering a man's life instead of building their own life together.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by KScott on 02-08-05 at 02:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-08-05 AT 05:17 PM (EST)

I think Jen is ready for laid back. Remember with Andrew they were always going, going, gone and that was part of their problem.

I think Jerry sure is pretty but something about him just does not sit with me right.

- Sliced!
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by Kelly_Smith on 02-08-05 at 02:10 PM
It might be just him being a little more guarded. I do that myself (not on purpose of course) but I take my time before jumping into things head first. He seems like a guy who takes a while to really get to the heart of and might not open up as fast as others. That can definitely work against him in this setting.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by DebCapsFan on 02-08-05 at 03:18 PM
Truthfully, while I have some problems with Jerry, I had more problems with Jen in this episode. Gah, she's so vapid.

And she has by far and away the most chemistry with Chris.

Made for me by RolldDice.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by Roo on 02-08-05 at 04:11 PM
LOL. Did you catch the way he looked at her before the rose ceremony. Methinks Chris has a crush.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by Elaine0 on 02-08-05 at 05:31 PM
First off, I'd pick Jerry in a flash. He may or may not be genuine, but who cares. These relationships don't usually last, so why not have fun with someone you are attracted to while it does.

I noticed last night that when the first three kissed Jen, they moved towards her. But Jen was the one that moved towards Jerry at the school. So she is obviously crazy about him.

There was one thing that bugged me about him. He was hesitant about bringing Jen home. That could be for a number of reason that people have already mentioned here. Fine! He also said he hasn't been home in a long time. Again that could be for a number of reasons and again, fine. But if he hasn't been home in a long time, which he admitted, then why does he want someone that is eager to learn sign language? Someone here brought up that not being home doesn't mean he hasn't seen his mother in all that time. But if he hasn't, then what does it matter if the woman he picks wants to learn sign language if she'll only see his mother every couple of years. If he does see his mother regularly, then he is being very considerate. Maybe these questions will all be cleared up next week.

His mother and brother did hug him when he came in and they all seemed to care very much for each other. But the hugs weren't like a loved one you haven't seen in a couple of years, so maybe they have been together, but just not at home.

It is hard to believe we heard most of the conversation between Jen and Jerry's brother. Didn't his brother start out by saying Jerry was an honest person or something like that? Then to say he didn't know if Jerry was interested in Jen or just in winning and leave it hang there seems strange like there was much more to add.

I know in the past they've tried to trick the audience by thinking the person picked would be someone else. I don't think I noticed Jen until she was in the final 4. I remembered wondering what she was even doing there. But it has been said that Jen knew her pick very early, so who else could it be? Would she find her pick and then still go on about how attracted she was to someone else? That doesn't make sense. So I am with the group that feels these doubts about Jerry were picked out of many comments to lead us to not think he will win.

As I said at the beginning, short of finding out something truely horrible about Jerry, I'd still pick him. I've watched many reality shows in the past and have found some of the men attractive, but have never lusted over someone until now.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by RangeRover on 02-08-05 at 08:02 PM
So basically what you are saying that this is about YOU and you want Jerry for yourself... well even if Jen picks him I am sure he will be available in a few months.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by consise10 on 02-10-05 at 06:04 AM
You are a cynic aren`t you Rangerover ?

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by RangeRover on 02-10-05 at 11:38 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-05 AT 08:38 PM (EST)

If you read my post regarding this show in the thread of why is this show still on the air..you would know how I feel about this show otherwise I just end up repeating myself.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by consise10 on 02-10-05 at 07:03 PM
I have read most of your posts Rangerover and follow them with great interest.To the one you are refering about,yes ,I have read and know where you stand quite loud and clear,and I tend to agree.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by Spidey on 02-08-05 at 09:55 PM
I've watched many reality shows in the past and have found some of the men attractive, but have never lusted over someone until now.


And, truth be told, it makes me feel a little cheap and dirty.

But I'd still put him on my list.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by frisky on 02-10-05 at 01:51 PM
You say "cheap and dirty" like it's a bad thing.

Incessant whining.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by woiwod on 02-10-05 at 10:18 AM
It seems to me that most of you are concerned about Jerry's "Past". I would think we all have "Pasts" and maybe some of the things in it would make us better catches. I think he cares about Jen and maybe since he has been around he is less likely to give it all to quickly.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by freakusmaximus on 03-04-05 at 03:40 PM
here is a list of problems with Jerry and it all has to do with MOTIVES
1. questionable motives (ie he seemed like he was in this for fame- like BOB Guiney)
2. he moved to LA, away from his family, is an art gallery director but with no strong ties to his job. to me that = aspiring actor/ model
3. he wrote that song for Jen, which he obviously submitted to ABC. to me that = aspirations as a singer. writer, whatever- other than marrying Jen

look, the bottom line is that Jerry may be a great guy- but I can TOTALLY see why Jen wasnt sure if he was in this for his own personal reasons- to help his career or whatever or for her. He played the underdog very well- but I think it was an act.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by freakusmaximus on 03-09-05 at 04:12 PM
oh- and his new website seems to validate these thought

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by consise10 on 03-09-05 at 06:44 PM
Despite Jerrys career aspirations,one must ask why "goody two shoes Jen" continued on the journey with him-right down to the finale? Of course he was in it for the fame, but so was she.Jen was in it for the media exposure too,otherwise why would she enter into an agreement with ABC knowing that she had a romantic interest outside these men who, I`ll say once again ,were all of her own choosing.

Always good debating with you freakusmaximus.

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by freakusmaximus on 03-10-05 at 09:24 AM
I dont really think Jen was on a journey with Jerry- I Think it was edited that way. I think her selection of guys was really bad (even if she did choose 25 of them they might of had really bad applicants to choose from and those were just the best 25. week after week she got rid of one loser after the next- from guys asking for her autograph to stalkers to fabrice. what was left in the end was jerry and john paul. I dont think she has a choice to stop in the midle and say I dont like these guys. I think she has to stick with the format of the show. but I think if any of the guys from past shows (ryan, charlie, etc) had been part of her group of guys she may have found someone. she knew Jerry was only in it for the fame- and I totally respect the fact that she caught on. Jerry played the underdog- in the live series when he asked when t o marry him, Jen looked at him like, Huh? I thought we already discussed this... Jerry played up being the underdog to help his own fame. I dont feel bad for him at all. and, consise10, Jen didnt continue along the journey with him all the way to proposal- she cut it off before that . also we dont know if jen had a romantic interest outside of the show when she went into this- its been month since the show was taped- she could have met someone after

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by yankee fan on 03-10-05 at 01:30 PM
Every time Jerry stated exactly what he was looking for, Jen would say "I still don't know why he won't answer my questions".
I don't think the guy could have said it any better. Was I watching the same show? Were we all listening? I didn't see him avoid any questions or look like a player in this at all. He sure seemed genuine to me. She probably can't marry him cause he's better looking than her! She needs to be the one every one is looking at! Jerry's hot! She didn't have any connection with the really nice guys, the rich ones, the hot ones, I guess she just has to keep looking. Just, please, not on TV!!!!

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by consise10 on 03-12-05 at 06:19 PM
Again I find myself agreeing with you yankee fan.

Jen, as you say is SO VAIN,that she probably thought she couldn`t compete with Jerry in the attention stakes.

Freakusmaximus,I don`t know why you continue to blow Jens trumpet when she was so utterley unforgivable in her own show with what she did to both men at the end.Yes she did have an outside interest,as I read it somewhere on these boards.(I wish Lolette would post that link).It was with her boss at a job she had in California right before she began procedings for her show. It is true ,and she was downright deceptive, not to mention manipulative in giving all these potential suitors false hope during the redording of her show.

I am glad to see the END of her !!

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by Lolette on 03-12-05 at 09:48 PM
links http://www.sirlinksalot.net/thebachelorette.html http://www.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=TheBachelorette

"RE: The Problem with Jerry...."
Posted by emmared on 03-10-05 at 10:57 PM
Um, let's remember that, at least technically, Fabrice got rid of HER.

Not a Jen fan.

"Latest Jerry's pictures (Ryan and Keith ) from....."
Posted by Lolette on 03-12-05 at 10:01 PM