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"Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"

Posted by GaryMele on 04-06-01 at 03:06 PM
After seeing two interviews where Jerri has mentioned the harsh treatment she's been getting on the web I just have to write. You know what? All of you Jerri haters reading this, concocting your brilliantly worded replies....two words


OK, that being said, Jerri, just in case, THIS is one of the sites where you have seen the really crappy ##### being said about you, listen up...

We don't all hate you. Besides being stunningly attractive with a beautiful body AND face, you've showed the country that just because you're in the outback on a reality show, without food, braving the elements, you don't have to sacrifice style. You were amazing to watch week after week. You took 4 or 5 articles of clothing and every week came up with two or three different,
fabulous styles! Impeccable is the only word that does it justice. With your famous blue bikini, pink wrap, and that, now, immortalized cowboy hat, you redefined the term "sex symbol" for the new millenium!!!

Oh, and about the "bitchyness" Guess what? Not all of us call a strong woman a #####. As the matter of fact, most of us LOVE a strong woman. We got it. You weren't "mean" You were honest! Keith IS arrogent and annoying as hell. I'm glad you called him on it and I'm glad for EVERY remark you made on the show that may have pissed somebody off. You told it like it was. You know what? The people that don't like it and call it mean are the ones that don't have the balls to say how they feel anyway. Because of that, they fault anyone who does. Oh, and these same people have a bad habit of releasing their repressed feelings on someone they don't know, who represents what they're not capable
of, all from the cowardly, safety of their home computer.

Jerri, you were the most entertaining person on the show. It was really sad how boring it was this week. Your presence was sorely missed. There's NO doubt you are the star of this Survivor. Don't let the negativity get to you. Remember good press, bad press, ANY press is good!! As long as you've got people talking! If you take any advice. Be really smart about the decisions you make regarding your carreer. I'm sure, if they are not already, the offers are gonna be pouring in. Oh and by the way Congratulations on you negotiations with Playboy! I think it'll be great for your career too. I look forward to seeing you again. TV, movies, anything you do I'll support you.

Take care,

Your fan


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by Cherberrie on 04-06-01 at 03:20 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-01 AT 03:27 PM (EST)

Hey GaryMele...your post inspired me to write one of my own over on the Basher board.

"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by VampKira on 04-06-01 at 03:28 PM
At least Jerri got the right board this time.. sheesh! Good thing she saved the identical post to her hard drive....

"There's a sucker born every minute at Transylvania Maternity Hospital."
"I'm gonna take a bath so the whole tent doesn't smell like ass at the end of the night" - The late, and often absent, Nick Brown

"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by jsitbje on 04-06-01 at 03:36 PM
you know i applaud your effort to view a woman's aggressiveness and confidence as strong rather than bitchy. however you seem to have fallen into the same trap that lots of guys do. you can't accurately differiente between a sincerely strong woman and a b*itch. the inaccurate result is that viewed through your eyes, the strong women are bitches and the bitches are strong...


"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-06-01 at 04:20 PM

The amount of effort I expend to FIND a strong, self-actualized woman, and all I was looking for all along was Jerri. Who knew? I'm really sorry for all the things I said about her.

Except for the sorry part.

-- JV

"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-06-01 at 05:43 PM
Well, it's nice that you finally have sorted out all this stuff about the right boards. I know what it's like. I feel a story coming on...

There was a time a few weeks ago. I had just written a survivor song parody. I posted it on the basher board, where I assumed that all song parodies should go. The problem was, it was a song of praise to one of the survivor castaways, and I don't think it should take too much effort for you to figure out which one. Anyways, I got the hell bashed out of me for that one. What did I learn from that? The basher and fanatics boards are separated by a very thick line.

So, you're not the only one who that has happened to. Gary, welcome to the board. We're glad to have you, even if you are Jerri (having a survivor castaway post on our board is an honour, no matter who). Don't be afraid to post more often, for these people are actually pretty nice. Just watch what boards you post on.

By the way, I agree with you. At first, Jerri was kind of annoying, but I got used to it. I loved tuning in every Thursday to see what amusing things Jerri will manage to cook up in the Outback. I think her presence will be missed, but maybe not sorely. Have a nice day and welcome to the board, Gary, Jerri or otherwise!



"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-06-01 at 05:51 PM

The funny part is, I've bashed Jerri with the rest, but I've found over the years that there are damn few people who irritate me enough to get on my "sh!t list." I doubt Jerri could make the list. I'd buy her a beer, if the opportunity presented itself, and I'd enjoy talking to her. I just wouldn't do it very often, lest I hit a "bad day."

-- JV

"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by Scooby Doo on 04-06-01 at 10:09 PM
Hey Gary ,

Yah , some of us who like skank love you. Jerri is trailer trash skank !!!!!

I bet you ordered the Playboy already. Wank-wank-wank , yah wanker.

We are hiding behind a computer ? You won't get a date by saying nice things about her on the computer. I'd tell her to her face that she is a skank !!!!!

Maybe your wanking and her skanking will go together.

"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-06-01 at 10:16 PM
Well aren't we being a little harsh? After all, this is the FANatics board. If Gary likes Jerri, then more power to him. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't mean you bash him and call Jerri a skank. And Gary has tried to fit in here too. We should support his effort (on this board anyway).

P.S. Go Gary! If you like Jerri, keep at it! Don't bow down to persecution!



"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-06-01 at 10:38 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-01 AT 10:40 PM (EST)

Hmm... "Gary has tried to fit in here..." Hmm...

I'm sorry, man, I'm not seeing it. 2 posts, the second a carbon-copy of the first, do not "fitting in" make. I'll likely "rop ea" of shock if we hear anything further from "GaryMele."

Except for the sorry part. <--editted to add neglected disclaimer

-- JV

"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by Cherberrie on 04-07-01 at 08:29 AM
I agree...I doubt Gary will come back. I think Gary IS Jerri and only posted to get a rise out of us. (And, yes, it worked! LOL!)

"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-07-01 at 11:03 AM
>>>I think Gary IS Jerri<<<

And now you've scared her away. See? We were this close to getting our second brush with semi-stardom (kind-of) and we blew it! Awwwww booooo, <sniffle>. I, for one, would've loved to have Jerri, or anyone else, post on our board. But I'm probably the only one I guess.



"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-07-01 at 11:12 AM
Nah, I think it'd be cool, too. Of course, she'd have to grow a thick skin, but anything is possible, right?

-- JV

"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by Scooby Doo on 04-07-01 at 12:01 PM
I bet you are correct. Gary is Jerri. She / he had the sex change last week.

"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by Lightmage81 on 04-10-01 at 04:30 AM
>to get a rise out
>of us. (And, yes,
>it worked! LOL!)



I wonder if you posted that on purpose?

"RE: Jerri SOME of us LOVE you!!!!"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 04-10-01 at 09:52 AM
Hey, it's Amber! Welcome to the board!

"Look at this another way...."
Posted by dangerkitty on 04-10-01 at 02:04 PM
>Hey, it's Amber! Welcome to
>the board!


Now THAT"S the most likely culprit yet!!

As long as this has gotten bumped up again, I'll take the opportunity to comment again:

I'm still choosing to take this post as dazzling work of satire. I mean, c'mon, could anyone seriously compose the following lines with a straight face?:

>>>You were amazing to watch week after week. You took 4 or 5 articles of clothing and every week came up with two or three different,fabulous styles! Impeccable is the only word that does it justice. With your famous blue bikini, pink wrap, and that, now, immortalized cowboy hat, you redefined the term "sex symbol" for the new millenium!!!

Especially the last sentence, I mean, really. I can just hear Robin Leach's voice-over.

And think about this: if I, Dangerkitty, had posted this letter, how would it sound to you? Oops, I just realized that I am over here at Fanatics, not Bashers... so please forgive me. But those of you familiar with my posts on Bashers, read the original post again with the mindset that I wrote it, and see how it sounds to you.

Ahhhh....I am going through serious "jerri-bashing" withdrawals.. Thanks for indulging me.

