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"Beauty Brains and Brawn needs a sequel"

Posted by Joe Gazillionaire on 07-28-14 at 01:53 AM
Blood vs. Water was probably one of my least favorites and unfortunately it's coming back. I didn't really like it because of the forced tearjerkers that's usually just kept to a minnimum for the family member/letter from home episode every season, but with Blood vs. Water, that's like every episode.

But, Beauty Brains and Brawn was a lot of fun and it seemed like that season had a lot of aggressive players really playing hard. For the sequel, though, I'd like to see the brains actually be smarter and the brawn be stronger or more athletic a la James or Ozzy types. You could have many sequels to this because you have the eye candy factor, the awe of watching physical strength and thrill of seeing smart people outwit others. I think they just did a bad job of casting the brains. For the next brains, I'd like to see a subset of "Kngpin" types who are Alphas because of their cunning and street smarts. Every few seasons we see this in the likes of Boston Rob, etc.

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"RE: Beauty Brains and Brawn needs a sequel"
Posted by Colonel Zoiderg on 07-28-14 at 08:26 AM
Sure, I'd make another wrinkle - Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty vs. Bums. Get a season with five nerds, five jocks, five prima donnas, and five average schmos off the street.

The flaw to this season, though, is that the tribal stages are all about teamwork, and the Brawn tribe has a huge innate advantage in that while the Brains generally are at a disadvantage.

The Brawn tribe was Cliff, Tony, Sarah, Woo, Trish, and a quitter. That's a basketball player and two cops - all teamwork professions. Two athletics instructors - also pretty heavy teamwork involved, especially in martial arts. The hairstylist was the one who didn't belong, but still...that's a lot of teamwork.

The Brains? An economics student, an accountant, a lawyer, a nuclear engineer, a poker player, and a baseball executive. Lawyers work in teams, yes, but lawyers are notoriously bad at Survivor (only Cochran won, and he works as a comedy writer now.) The rest, except maybe the baseball executive, imply introversion and a solo path. This is a team that is not at all designed to work well together.

There's a reason that the tribe switch included all six Brawn and only three Brains.

"RE: Beauty Brains and Brawn needs a sequel"
Posted by Joe Gazillionaire on 07-28-14 at 09:37 PM
>Sure, I'd make another wrinkle -
>Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty
>vs. Bums. Get a season
>with five nerds, five jocks,
>five prima donnas, and five
>average schmos off the street.
>The flaw to this season, though,
>is that the tribal stages
>are all about teamwork, and
>the Brawn tribe has a
>huge innate advantage in that
>while the Brains generally are
>at a disadvantage.
>The Brawn tribe was Cliff, Tony,
>Sarah, Woo, Trish, and a
>quitter. That's a basketball player
>and two cops - all
>teamwork professions. Two athletics instructors
>- also pretty heavy teamwork
>involved, especially in martial arts.
>The hairstylist was the one
>who didn't belong, but still...that's
>a lot of teamwork.
>The Brains? An economics student, an
>accountant, a lawyer, a nuclear
>engineer, a poker player, and
>a baseball executive. Lawyers work
>in teams, yes, but lawyers
>are notoriously bad at Survivor
>(only Cochran won, and he
>works as a comedy writer
>now.) The rest, except maybe
>the baseball executive, imply introversion
>and a solo path. This
>is a team that is
>not at all designed to
>work well together.
>There's a reason that the tribe
>switch included all six Brawn
>and only three Brains.

As long as there's 1/3 beauties.

Didn't you find the brains contestants weren't that smart? That might have been a casting issue. They weren't great at puzzles, shelter, social dynamics or the challenges.... Cochran was terrible at the game in his first season....he didn't seem to understand the social element. He came back the second time around and seemed to be much more social. Going back to your average schmoes idea, they might have a "Haves" vs. "Have nots" face off season. One tribe with all of the advantages in life. They're the ones from rich families, great schools, good genes, etc. The other are ones just eeking their way through life.

I wouldn't mind the show mining the Beauty, brawn brains season for future shows because I thought they were all pretty interesting characters. They played as aggressive as I've seen any season and even the ones that didn't had interesting personality quirks. The Beauty tribe was smarter and more athletic than they were given credit for... they solved the puzzles and challenges just fine. The brawn, well mostly Tony, was smarter than most of the Brains tribe. I guess street smarts is more important. The Brains were going to stick together, but whenever you have a traitor in your mist, it just blows everything out the water. Kass was just too much of a wildcard for any group with her to last--I really do not understand her game at all...there's no way anyone would vote for her with her brand of game.

By the way, I'm getting sick of quitters. If they quit, that's it, they should have a scarlet letter and be forever banished.