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"Penner family member? Carter screws up."

Posted by msquared on 12-06-12 at 03:16 PM
I finally realized that Penner's loved one had to be there on the Island with the others. Although it seems like a week has passed for us, the reward challange was only a day latter, so they would not have known who would be voted out. They had to have Penner's loved one there. Do you think Penner got some time with them?

Also, why didn't Carter propose for them to split the vote? If Abi has a HI, and she plays it like she said she would, he still goes home. But if she is bluffing, which most of them thought she was, they end up a tie vote and they vote again, but this time they all vote for Abi and she goes home.


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"RE: Penner family member? Carter screws up."
Posted by byoffer on 12-06-12 at 03:25 PM
Yes, I believe it was stated somewhere (maybe a Penner interview) that his loved one made the trip, but did not get to see him.

I think that same thing happens most seasons due to logistics.

Some seasons the Survivors get too see but don't even get to hug their loved ones. Check out this and the awful ending for many of the Survivors.

"RE: Penner family member? Carter screws up."
Posted by michel on 12-06-12 at 07:11 PM
Since Byoffer answered the first question, I'll answer the second.

A split vote doesn't help Carter because he likely goes home on the revote.

There was a better way: If Carter had been smart and if they believed there was a chance that Abi had an idol, he should have gone to Abi and told her to vote for say Lisa. Then he goes to Lisa and tells her that there were two votes against her so that she's leaving when Abi plays her idol unless she joins him and Abi and vote out Denise and maybe sway Mike along the way. Suddenly, Carter has a shot at not only staying but having an alliance.

And Byoffer, I watched the clip and I don't think it was awful just dumb. One more stupid twist in a season full of them. Mike should have kept the visit for himself in a big "screw you" to the Omies and to production who most certainly had been hoping for this result.