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"S25 Philippines Episode 9 Love / Loathe List"

Posted by SpotTheDiffference on 11-16-12 at 07:05 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-16-12 AT 07:37 AM (EST)

A lot of things came together just right for this episode. Seriously, can you just imagine Abi, Pete, and Artis on that reward? We're now at our third great tribal council in a row, this time courtesy of Abi's inability to censor herself.

1. Jonathan Normal (10, 6, 5, 5, 6, 1, 1, 2)
This was undeniably Jonathan's and Lisa's episode. From breaking the reward challenge, to what is shown of his interaction with the villagers, to his two long conversations with Lisa, there's just so much to like about him. This is probably his best edit in any of his seasons, and just basing on how hard he has worked in this game so far, he deserves it. And maybe the fan favorite award.

2. Michael (4, 3, 6, 12, 8, 8, 7, 6)
Mike may not be as visible as Jonathan or Lisa this episode, but his character was just as pivotal with him winning the IC and then subsequently finally flipping the vote on Tandang. Kudos to him for finally sticking up for himself.

3. Lisa (3, 14, 10, 7, 3, 3, 3, 1)
Nearly everything this episode indicates Lisa flipping: Malcolm forgiving her for the last TC, Jonathan's long talks with her, Mike talking to her about flipping, Abi being her normal self. So why the whole charade, editors? Anyway, she's definitely a sympathetic character, and the whole tugging-at-the-heartstrings theme of this episode suited her story well.

4. Denise (1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4)
I loved how Denise showed that she has a mean streak this episode. I literally laughed out loud at her sarcastic "Yay! Whoopee!" as Abi found the clam, and then as she called Abi a "selfish mess" during her voting confessional. It also seemed that it was her idea to vote out Artis who, among the power trio, was the best choice for a target.

5. Malcolm (5, 5, 3, 1, 1, 4, 4, 3)
Malcolm is fifth mostly by default. He remains a very likeable character who is great at challenges. Now, we get to see a more sensitive side to him as he talks about the reward. It's great that he understands the game, and realizes that Lisa's move was nothing personal.

6. Carter (15, 9, 14, 10, 10, 10, 6, 7)
Still relatively invisible, and still lacking personality. He gets a bump up mostly because Pete lost almost all his power this episode and his single, but astute, confessional.

7. Pete (11, 11, 8, 3, 7, 7, 5, 5)
Pete’s downfall has to come soon, and it should come from one of the people he antagonized the most. Maybe now, he’s learned how difficult it is to keep people by your side after treating them horribly. Pete loses two balls, indeed.

8. Abi (6, 15, 15, 14, 11, 9, 8, 9)
Proof yet again that you can't spell "Liability" without the "Abi".

Artis (16, 10, 11, 6, 9, 11, 9, 8)
Jeff (7, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 10)
RC (2, 1, 2, 8, 4, 6)
Katie (14, 12, 13, 13, 12)
Sarah (8, 13, 12, 11)
Dana (12, 8, 7, 9)
Russell (17, 16, 9)
Angie (9, 7)
Roxanne (13)

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"RE: S25 Philippines Episode 9 Love / Loathe List"
Posted by michel on 11-17-12 at 09:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-17-12 AT 09:37 PM (EST)

What was that? In large parts it wasn't an episode of Survivor; it looked more like "Facts of Life" without the "laughs-in-a-can".

1- Mike: He's still going with the flow. Even when he makes the big move, no one knows he did. I loved his "cat that ate the canary" look after Jeff snuffed Artis' torch.

2- Jonathan: Once more, he's the one directing this story. As enjoyable as he was during the reward, his "Dr Penner - Psychiatrist" gig wouldn't make for good TV.

3- Denise: She's still quite uninteresting but who else fits here? At least she talked during TC but it's old news: "The game changes". Yes it does but what did she do to change it? Nothing.

4- Malcolm: I'm curious: Has he gone back to tending bar or to teaching? Somehow I guess he realized there was a reason why he liked serving drinks to girls in bars. As for his game? Nothing happening.

5- Abi: The "graceful" Abi must be fuming still. That episode was a joke played on her and she made for a good target. No self awareness and a big mouth make for good comedy.

6- Lisa: Well boohoo... The game is bigger than her but it took her 25 days to realize it? She's hesitant, wishy-washy and she wants to be loyal...Those are ingredients to a boring game.

7- Pete: It seems he never sat down with Skupin and Lisa to fix things. He watched his alliance crumble without lifting a finger. Dumbass.

8- Carter: He talks! What did the casting department find in this guy?

9- Artis: He had nice parting words. Maybe he should have spoken before instead of being angry all the time.

Ils sont fous, ces Romains!

"RE: S25 Philippines Episode 9 Love / Loathe List"
Posted by garyc on 11-17-12 at 10:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-17-12 AT 10:56 PM (EST)

Jonathan: Very creative at trying to give Lisa a reason to flip. Also good RC strategy.

Mike: Changed the game. Seems a smart move considering he voted with more fragmented tribe. If he can talk Lisa into voting with him they control as many votes as any of the other remaining groups.

Malcolm: Smart enough to continue to try to work with Lisa after she outed him for his idol at last TC. Teaching past in Micronesia gives him an added dimension.

Denise: Appears perceptive and straightforward.

Carter: In his few words, at least appeared to understand game.

Pete: Assuming he made some effort to keep Mike and Lisa loyal but had to overcome Abi undoing his efforts.

Lisa: Why didn't she change the game. Too much equivocating. Didn't she agree to play Survivor. She should know she couldn't be loyal forever; and why bother to people who don't respect you.

Abi: Hopeless in every way.

Artis: Nice speech after being voted out. Clashed with what we were shown of him up to now.

"RE: S25 Philippines Episode 9 Love / Loathe List"
Posted by dabo on 11-19-12 at 12:37 PM
01. Jonathan (1). First he broke the reward challange, then he broke the Tandang alliance' control of the game. For all the good play on Lisa, though, it seems it wasn't enough.

02. Malcolm (3). Realized getting women drunk is not his life calling.

03. Denise (4). Called the boot shot. It really ought to have been Pete or Abi instead of Artis, but she was the one who decided it and it did fall into place.

04. Michael (5). Instrumental big move breaking up the Evil3 even though he had to break from Tandang, including Lisa, to do it.

05. Lisa (2). Unbelievably, despite the Abi treatment she received, despite Penner and Skupin talking sense to her, she still couldn't see the writing on the wall. Actions do speak louder than words, but sometimes that means being pro-active.

06. Carter (6).

07. Pete (7). Got lucky he wasn't on the chopping block this time.

08. Abi-Maria (9). I can't even work up a hate for her, she's just too dumb for this game, her own good, her tribe, her alliance, and so on.

Good-bye Artis (8). Classy final words.