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Thread Number: 497
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"Tactics, people, tactics...."

Posted by rdc on 03-28-01 at 12:38 PM
Okay, it seems that everybody who posts on this site (including me) wants to see Scarri Jerri get voted out of the tribe, and the sooner the better.

But I was considering things from a player's standpoint, and although you'll all hate me for saying this,....the smart thing to do would probably be to keep her around and try to set her up as your opponent for the final two.

My reasoning: Nobody likes her (the tribes have only been merged for a short while and already the former-Kucha members hate her), so you gotta know that nobody in the final jury will give Jerri their vote to win the money. (Okay, Jerri would get Amber's vote, but that's just because Amber is Jerri's little lapdog.)

Imagine this scenario: the final three players are Colby, Keith, and Jerri (this is just an example, of course). Colby wins the final immunity challenge and has to vote Keith or Jerri out.

I'm sure everybody would be screaming at their televisions for Colby to give Jerri the boot, but the smart thing for him to do would be to vote Keith off and set himself up against Jerri. A lot of people would probably see that as Colby stabbing Keith in the back, but I'd bet that if this ever happened, Keith would still give Colby his vote, simply because he hates Jerri and has said that his main goal is to make sure she doesn't win the money.

So I'm sure everybody would agree that if the final two players are Jerri and ?, then the other player is virtually guaranteed the win.

So maybe that's the reason she's stuck around for so long. Anybody disagree?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Tactics, people, tactics...."
Posted by desert_rhino on 03-28-01 at 12:43 PM
Makes sense to me. Casting Couch diplomacy doesn't work well in their current situation!

-- JV

"RE: Tactics, people, tactics...."
Posted by katttywoman on 03-28-01 at 01:11 PM
It sucks, but much as I hate to admit it, it does make sense.

But I still want to see that skanky little b!tch go! That would make my day!


Meow to you too!

"RE: Tactics, people, tactics...."
Posted by Survivorerist on 03-28-01 at 03:35 PM
>>>So I'm sure everybody would agree that if the final two players are Jerri and ?, then the other player is virtually guaranteed the win.<<<

Even Jerri-Amber? Although I'm going for an Amber win (and I honestly think it would be very likely), Amber-Jerri is the one matchup I'm kind of questioning. Here's my logic.

I think, if Amber makes final two, prepare to be shocked by some strong Amber opinions in the jury questioning. I truly do believe that Amber is a smart woman with the ability to make some very strong opinions and play this game with a unique strategy (i.e. the strategy I would have used if I were in this game). The "shock value" of hearing Amber make these strong, intelligent opinions should definitely be enough to give her a majority against a lot of people who are, in popular opinion, "more deserving." (although that label is purely subject to everyone's personal opinion.)

But Jerri, in my opinion, is maybe the only one who is adequately prepared against such a strategy (which is why I think she chose to befriend Amber). Therefore, I'm questioning the results of an Amber-Jerri final two matchup. What do the rest of you guys think the result of such a matchup would be?


Fantasy Final Four: Amber Brkich, Colby Donaldson, Elisabeth Filarski, Jerri Manthey.

"RE: Tactics, people, tactics...."
Posted by managerr on 03-28-01 at 05:50 PM
I think that Jerri could beat both Amber and Colby in a possible head to head voting scheme. How the Kuchas will vote is pretty unpredictable right now.

Also, if someone protects Jerri until the end, the jury could end up taking their revenge out on that person and making Jerri the winner.

"RE: Tactics, people, tactics...."
Posted by HeronNoire on 03-28-01 at 11:23 PM
I have to agree -- having Jerri in the final two would practially guarantee success for the other person. But... that said, I have the horrible fear that somehow, some way if Jerri got into the final two, that she'd win. Mind control rays, voodoo, fear tactics, the promise of Jerri singing constantly if she loses -- something drastic like that that would somehow get the others to vote for her.

I don't want Jerri to win. I'm hoping she gets booted off ASAP. It will be more interesting and entertaining to see the others struggle for whom to vote for, rather than a "gimme" vote at the end.

"RE: Tactics, people, tactics...."
Posted by Lurking on 04-01-01 at 02:52 AM
Fear no more!