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"About Last Night..."

Posted by Lainabee on 03-22-01 at 03:54 PM
Wow, did last night suck!!! I only watched half of it. "Behind the scenes footage of the most exciting challenges....... that we previously aired in Episodes 1-8!" Blahhhh. Did anyone care?? How useless WAS that?

I thought the Colby snoring thing was hilarious, especially since everyone else just sat up and stared at him. Keith was cracking me up with those, "The animals are wondering "what the hell IS that?!"" cracks. Did anyone notice that the first 20 minutes were used to show first episode clips? 1/3 of the hour to show 1/8 of the episodes... hmm.. I think that translates to: Boring.

It did make me re-think Kel, though. In his brief time on the show they made him seem quiet but nice enough. In the clips last night it was Way Irritating Kel that came to play. Did you SEE him in the canoe with Keith and Mad Dog?? Holy crap!! SHUT UP!! "Me me me. I'M a Captain. (PS: I'm a Captain. In the US Army.) I feel this way. I would never. I am quiet. I I I I I." Maybe he didn't make any friends because he starts every sentence with "I."

Otherwise the episode just showed us what we already know, and gave new viewers the scoop on why Jerri's the tribal b*tch. I thought her Fiona Apple regurgitation was hysterical, especially after the group's *sincere* applause at the end, and right before the commercial you heard her go, "She's SO my key!!" Uh huh.

I had also forgotten those annoying Colby-isms at the beginning. "When I wake up each morning I'm grateful for two things: I'm happy to be alive, and I'm happy I'm a Texan." (Insert big grin here; Add gagging noises at your leisure.)

It also served to make Mike gross-- fish EYEBALLS!!??? Did they show that in the episode?? I wasn't aware. Nastyyyyyy. And Nick saying, "He likes to eat fish guts--and other parts that aren't necessary," made me laugh. Burned in the fire-karma? No kidding.

It did give us good material with which to gauge Keith's character change. When Jerri first took over the coveted cooking duties I found him incredibly annoying and egotistical about it. Now, however, he's quite likeable and one of my favourite Survivors.

Note, if you will, that all of this information is from the first 1/2 of the show, or, the first two episodes. The "Behind the Scenes" episode last night was as regurgitated and appreciated as Jerri's Fiona Apple imitation, and like the Survivors at that campfire, we may have been listening, but we really didn't care.

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"RE: About Last Night..."
Posted by desert_rhino on 03-26-01 at 10:48 AM

Kel made me chuckle. He's got so much Hubris, it's amazing his chest hasn't swelled to 43 times its original size.

You want to play the "you ate beef jerky you cheater" game with JV in Kel's place?

scerri: "you ate beef jerky, you cheater"
JV: "hmm... How sure are you of that?"
Scerri: "pretty damn sure, you cheat."
JV: "REALLY sure?"
Scerri: "Yes, you jerk!"
JV: "see any beef jerky in there?"

As opposed to Kel's "I don't HAVE to defend my honor, I'm a Captain!" Yeah, whatever.

-- JV