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"Jerri / Colby intimate video?"

Posted by Craig on 03-22-01 at 09:16 AM
Don't know the validity of this, but heard it on the radio this morning. . .

Radio said that there was a video smuggled off the set of S2 that has Jerri and Colby doing 'the nasty.' DJs said that it probably wouldn't be long before it's on the Internet.

Anyone else heard this? Wouldn't this mean that Colby probably doesn't hate Jerri as much as many think?


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"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by You all blow on 03-22-01 at 09:39 AM
someone just made that comment earlier on this board. They said they heard it on a radio show X101.5 in Tallahassee. I am trying to dig this up but could use a bit more info if it is available

"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by Craig on 03-22-01 at 10:06 AM
I heard it here in Atlanta on 99X. The DJs said: (Let me word this carefully) . . . that they both had their clothes on, but 'pushed them aside.' Colby had Jerri in a compromising postition bent over a fallen tree. Colby's shorts were down around his ankles. Once they realized they were being watched, Colby quickly pulled up his pants while Jerri ran behind a tree. Colby was reported as saying 'Get that camera off of me!' (Or something to that effect).

Wonder if this is just a rumor . . .


"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 03-22-01 at 10:19 AM
This video will be released in conjunction with the VampKira/Nick video coming out soon. Just kidding, Vamp!

I tend not to believe this. I would think that a) Colby and Jerri couldn't get away from the cameras long enough to think they could do it off-camera, much less try, and b) if it were true, MB would find a way to let us know what was going on short of actually showing the video (and knowing him, he's probably give us a peek with certain areas blanked out).

But if it's real, let's get it into theatres soon! Enquiring minds want to know (and see)!!

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by You all blow on 03-22-01 at 10:35 AM
Dawg, this is the 2nd time I heard this rumour. Another poster said they heard it on X101.5 in Tallahassee. I do not know if it is true but the news has made it to several radio stations. I am trying to find something more on it.

"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by VampKira on 03-22-01 at 11:39 AM

I have difficulty believing this because I would think that if it existed, it would have come out long before this.. I mean, the show has been wrapped up for how long now? And if Jerri goes in the next ep. That just means that it happened even longer ago, which is another reason I believe it to be false. I think we would have heard something before this. A new red herring perhaps.. Maybe MB pays the radio stations to say thing like that.. Who knows After yesterday, my gulliable days are over!LOL

>>This video will be released in conjunction with the VampKira/Nick video coming out soon. Just kidding, Vamp!<<

Heheheheheh.. In the words of Judy Tenuda.. "It could happen!"..just kidding, Dawg

"No sign of the morning coming, you've been left on your own, like a rainbow in the dark."-Ronnie James Dio

"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by ItzLisa on 03-22-01 at 01:04 PM

>I tend not to believe this. I would think that a) Colby and Jerri couldn't get away from the cameras long enough to think they could do it off-camera, much less try

*** Well, I think it's baloney too, but I have to disagree that they wouldn't be able to get away from the cameras - remember, supposedly Greg and Colleen did the Horizontal Mambo (so they say!)!

I guess we'll find out soon if Colby's "thingamabob" shrivels up and rots off!! (OH!!! HEY!!!! Was that a skank Jerri joke I just made??? Go figure!!!)

What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's all about???

"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by Cherberrie on 03-22-01 at 11:57 AM
>Wouldn't this mean that Colby probably
>doesn't hate Jerri as much as many think?

Your argument is based on the premise that you have to like someone to do the "nasty" with them. That is not always true. I think he dislikes Jerri and, if the story is true, that he probably was just using her.

"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by Chillicrab on 03-22-01 at 12:23 PM
Yeh, right.
MB is keeping it till after the season so that he can help Jerri in her career by screening it in the cinema under PG rating. He keeps the proceeds of course.

"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by rameses on 03-23-01 at 02:54 AM
Well, unless they did the "unprotected nasty", they didn't do anything while Mad Dog was there! I remember her talking in one of her interviews about the condoms in the first aid kits and how she appointed herself as the "condom police". She checked every day to make sure there were no condoms missing! I think she mentioned this on the CBS morning show, but I'm not 100% sure of that. And, I think they've pretty much hated each other since that time. Methinks we have another hoax!

"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by Cherberrie on 03-23-01 at 07:15 AM
Well, as we all learned in vivid detail from our last ex-President, there are many ways to be intimate w/o doing the "nasty."

"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by Riordan on 03-23-01 at 09:41 AM
Now that the nausea has passed...I doubt this is true, but

>Wouldn't this mean that Colby probably doesn't hate Jerri as much as many think?
***No, it means sex doesn't = like or love.

>Colby and Jerri couldn't get away from the cameras long enough to think they could do it off camera
***How long does it take, Dawg?

I'm still cracking up over the condoms in the first aid kit. I missed that part of that episode.


"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by Cherberrie on 03-23-01 at 12:48 PM
>How long does it take, Dawg?

LOL! I can't wait to see Dawg's answer!

"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by desert_rhino on 03-26-01 at 10:22 AM
I'd buy that for a dollar!

Still, I can see a guy like Colby being quite quick, actually, considering his absolute self-centeredness. I can CERTAINLY see Scerri bending over for some personal advantage, even if she wasn't enjoying herself much.

Of course, I've never managed to cut a quickie shorter than about 20 minutes, but maybe I just haven't had the right partner.

Seeing as how this is my first posting (and also the day I FedEx my Survivor 3 application to CBS, coincidentally,) I wonder how the picture and such will show up.

-- JV

"RE: Jerri / Colby intimate video?"
Posted by desert_rhino on 03-26-01 at 10:32 AM
dangit. The picture showed up on the preview, but not here.

-- JV

Perhaps it was too large.