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"Best Friend/Cousin Relationship???"

Posted by Aruba on 11-08-08 at 07:03 AM
Personally I'm perplexed over this best friend/cousin relationship with Marcus & Crystal. Consider your own very best friend...if he or she had a cousin who won an Olympic Gold Medal wouldn't you know about it??? I'm positive if my own best friend's cousin won Olympic Gold I would damn well know about it.
Very Strange.

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"RE: Best Friend/Cousin Relationship???"
Posted by suzzee on 11-08-08 at 08:18 AM
Crystal's medal wasn't that long ago 2004 but who knows how long Marcus has had this best friend. It may just not have come up in conversation. Marcus seems a bit self absorbed so the best friend status may mean something completely different to him. Like they talk every few weeks or so.

Agman camouflaged me for S17

"RE: Best Friend/Cousin Relationship???"
Posted by PsychoKitty on 11-08-08 at 03:31 PM
I thought of this too, but I think he did realize who she is. Just didn't say it during the shown video. He seemed to allude to it, about how she was a strong competitor, etc. Not that we've actually seen any evidence of that from her! Now, whether or not he "outed" her to anyone, that we don't know. But I suspect he knows.

What makes no sense to me, is to suddenly trust this person who's related to his friend, after having forged all these other relationships - that suddenly Crystal moves to the top of the list over his alliance. Some people have felons for cousins you know? It's not an automatic friendship I feel bad for Marcus. Wanted him to go a long way. He was the only one deserving of winning this with the exception of Matty. He got hoodwinked ;) (You should have grabbed that idol Marcus!)

Not that I have an opinion one way or another ;)
Signature by tribephyl

"RE: Best Friend/Cousin Relationship???"
Posted by suzzee on 11-08-08 at 04:02 PM
In his interview he says that Randy and he weren't that far out in the surf and that the II was "welded" to the bottle. They were far enough for a switcheroo or something. I would have done some fast talking with Randy about "sharing" the idol blah blah. Then it turned out that they split up and Marcus maybe having the II would have saved him. I think Randy would have done it.

Agman camouflaged me for S17

"RE: Best Friend/Cousin Relationship???"
Posted by garcor on 11-08-08 at 04:37 PM
Think Marcus knew he was in trouble because the tribal switch forced him to rely upon the alliance's sixth member for a tie breaking vote. Figure he wasn't totally sincere in his change of alliance priorities, even to the cameral. If he really is close friends with her cousin he might have found the situation awkward.

"RE: Best Friend/Cousin Relationship???"
Posted by Aruba on 11-08-08 at 08:45 PM
Good post PsychoKitty

I know your "felon" statement was just an example, but CBS does a very elaborate sceening and check on potential players, so other than being pathetic, weak, inept, and/or braindead if anything REALLY major showed up they would not be considered for the show.
Putting so much trust into a new relationship is suspect, but as I stated in another post, I feel Marcus is a genuinely nice guy who got caught up in this new revelation.

And I wholeheartedly agree that Marcus and Matty are the only deserving players to win this season.

"RE: Best Friend/Cousin Relationship???"
Posted by PsychoKitty on 11-09-08 at 09:05 PM
Thank you Aruba

Not that I have an opinion one way or another ;)
Signature by tribephyl

"RE: Best Friend/Cousin Relationship???"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-08-08 at 10:22 PM
I said the exact same thing....I know my best friend would have mentioned it sometime or another.

But so many people call their acquaintances, friends and even best friends.

You think the producers were shocked when they found out they had someone in common???

"RE: Best Friend/Cousin Relationship???"
Posted by seas72 on 11-09-08 at 07:31 PM
I wasn't aware of the connection with Marcus and Crystal until now. I must have missed the episdoe when this came out. Does anyone know which one this would have been? Did Marcus or Crystal bring it up first? I assume no one else in either tribe knows?

"RE: Best Friend/Cousin Relationship???"
Posted by michel on 11-09-08 at 09:21 PM
It happened in this episode. It wasn't aired but as they arrived in camp Marcus asked Crystal if she knew a Kenny Cox. She told him she had a cousin by that name and then, on camera, Crystal told us about it.

"RE: Best Friend/Cousin Relationship???"
Posted by billsmith_1972 on 11-10-08 at 05:39 PM
It might have been a best friend from school (either high school or college).

We all have thoses that move away and we don't stay in touch with them over current events.