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"Fanatic's Popularity List Vol. 5 Pt. 2"

Posted by Survivorerist on 03-21-01 at 09:46 PM
I know tonight's show was only a recap, but maybe it (or time) still changed our opinions of the castaways. So I am still posting a popularity list for this week. Here goes...

Position.Name (Position Last Week)

1.Amber (1)
2.Elisabeth (3)
3.Colby (2)
4.Jerri (6)
5.Rodger (7)
6.Tina (4)
7.Keith (5)
8.Nick (8)

Survivorerist's Chart Notes:

- Amber retains #1 for the second week in a row. Mainly because the recap didn't present any really strong evidence against Amber or for anyone else. Elisabeth, however, is nipping at her heels. It will be interesting to see what happens.

- Jerri makes a jump into the top 4 for the first time. This is mainly because I have begun to see her deceptiveness (some of you may call this bitchyness) as more of a strategy than anything else (although only time will tell if it was a good one or not). And seeing that bongo fire thing again was just great!

- Colby, what can I say about Colby? He's just such an awesome guy. I especially liked his "Colbyisms. (tm)" The best thing is when he voted for Kel (I think) and was like "Thanks for playing. We've got some lovely parting gifts for you." That was the best! He also has the most awesome writing of everyone there.

Thanks for listening, and as Alicia said, "Peace out."



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"RE: Fanatic's Popularity List Vol. 5 Pt. 2"
Posted by Kokoro on 03-21-01 at 10:32 PM

Not many changes, mainly 'cause this ep didn't show much.
*Jerri and Amber's tie is finally ended and in a surprise move Jerri is now above two people on the list! This is due to the fact that she did apologize to Keith.(Don't remember if that was shown in ep 2 or not....) Also I love "Criminal" and for the most part she was able to stay on key.

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

Kimmi! Get back here!

"RE: Fanatic's Popularity List Vol. 5 Pt. 2"
Posted by Minstrel on 03-22-01 at 04:14 AM
I have to start fresh here but what the hey, it's recap week!

1. WizLiz -- may be running on fumes
2. RodgerDodger -- needs to look out for crash ahead
3. SiliconeTina -- loves to hit the walls and bounce
4. BigTexColby -- steady, steady boy
5. Lamber (so soft and cuddly)-- two laps down
6. ChefKeith -- two laps down
7. DirtyHarryJerri -- 29 laps down
8. SickNick -- trying to get into the pit

"RE: Fanatic's Popularity List Vol. 5 Pt. 2"
Posted by 5Foot3 on 03-23-01 at 10:00 AM
Hi everyone I'm new here and this is my first post. I have not yet seen the recap episode but I will make my list anyway...


I love Liz and would forever where a smile if she won the million dollars.

"RE: Fanatic's Popularity List Vol. 5 Pt. 2"
Posted by Joe DiNimite on 03-25-01 at 08:39 AM
>And seeing
>that bongo fire thing again
>was just great!

I'm sure it was...

>"Thanks for playing. We've
>got some lovely parting gifts
>for you." That was
>the best! He also
>has the most awesome writing
>of everyone there.

My, your attention for detail is impeccable (sp?). However, I did like the parting gifts comment. I also liked his strategy for gaining popularity. He snored to keep everyone else up all night so he'd seem well rested, while the rest looked all tired and weak at the next challenge. lol Sneaky, eh?


"RE: Fanatic's Popularity List Vol. 5 Pt. 2"
Posted by Survivor Forever on 03-28-01 at 09:39 AM
Here I go.

1. Rodger - I am from KY so I have to like Ky Joe
2. Elisabeth - She loves Roger and is sweet like colleen
3. Colby - He is Smart. That move to boot Mitchell was sweet
4. Keith - Think he has been lucky but Jerri hates him so I have to like him
5. Tina - She just keeps on going, and she is a key if any Kucha members are going to survive.
6. Amber - Every now and then I want to like her then I see her with Jerri
7. Nick - Is he playing the game or just there to take up space
8. Jerri - Reminds me of to many backstabers at work

"RE: Fanatic's Popularity List Vol. 5 Pt. 2"
Posted by desert_rhino on 03-28-01 at 12:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-28-01 AT 04:02 PM (EST)

1. Elisabeth. guuhhhhhhhhh (drools)
2. Tina. Who can't like the tough mom?
3. Keith. Kan't Kook, but Jerri hates him.
4. Rodger. Likable, in the scoutmaster kinda way.
5. Amber. Better than Jerri, but hangs out with Jerri.
6. Nick. Who?
7. Jerri. Nice body, but crappy, backstabbing attitude.
8. Colby. Can you say "Con Man?" He and Jerri deserve each other.

-- JV

"RE: Fanatic's Popularity List Vol. 5 Pt. 2"
Posted by moleseeker on 03-28-01 at 03:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-28-01 AT 03:47 PM (EST)

alright here goes
1. Colby- he's played well and fair except with Jerri (even more reason he's #1)
2. Liz- I really like her, I can't wait to see her more ruthless side
3. Rodger- I think he's genuine
4. Keith- He is a stand up guy
5. Tina- Backstabber but has her moments
6. Amber- She's a follower but I think she has a personality... somewhere unlike...
7. Nick- Come on DO SOMETHING
8. Jerri- Do I need to Explain?

"RE: Fanatic's Popularity List Vol. 5 Pt. 2"
Posted by HeronNoire on 03-28-01 at 11:35 PM
1. Liz -- she's actually growing a personality now! Kitten got claws.
2. Rodger -- Not just another good ole boy, no sirree.
3. Keith -- hides his Emeril-envy well. Hates Jerri. Gotta like him.
4. Colby -- He's ok. He'd be higher on my list if he canned the mean-spirited sarcasm.
5. Nick -- so understated. Don't know enough about him to like or dislike him.
6. Amber -- she's not interesting enough to dislike much.
7. Tina -- Seems like the type who'd gleefully read her kid's hidden diary.
8. Jerri -- for obvious reasons. Oh yeah.. and the singing.