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"What was Ozzy's biggest mistake last night?"

Posted by garcor on 04-19-08 at 00:04 AM
I thought it was quitting the IC for the donuts. Not only did he lose the chance of gaining immunity he made it clear to anyone targeting him that he felt safe at TC.

Looked like the food bribes played a large role in what happened. Besides Ozzy's donuts, there was Jeff's offer of a small feast that could be shared with other players. If not, pretty good chance Jason would have won the challenge. Without Jason as likely target I think Ozzy would have felt threatened and might have played his idol.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: What was Ozzy's biggest mistake last night?"
Posted by agman on 04-19-08 at 00:07 AM
I think Ozzy just got too cocky and arrogant for his own good.

"RE: What was Ozzy's biggest mistake last night?"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 04-19-08 at 08:39 AM
I think Ozzy just got too cocky and arrogant for his own good.

Agreed, with the words "careless" and "too trusting" thrown in. He didn't even bring the idol to TC. Come on; people know you have it. I wouldn't be caught dead at TC without it, especially if I knew people knew I had it. Why he didn't at least bring it I'll never know, except he sad he trusted Parvati (big mistake,) but even with that, he seems to lack Yau-Man's Spidey Sense in knowing when to play the idol.

That or this version of the idol has already been beaten, and they need to introduce a new phase.


"RE: What was Ozzy's biggest mistake last night?"
Posted by Silly_Sam on 04-21-08 at 01:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-21-08 AT 01:21 PM (EST)

I watched the show again On Demand last night. I did not catch that Ozzie did not bring the idol to the TC? What did I miss?

I think he got too confident. He is not the 1st. lol
I think it was a bad move for them all to tell Jason they would not vote for him so they could get the food. It is one thing to decieve but that was downright wrong IHO. Then to laugh at him made it even worse. Ozzy got what he deserved.
Bad Karma now for James, Amanda and Eric too.

"RE: What was Ozzy's biggest mistake last night?"
Posted by tjcrew on 04-21-08 at 08:46 PM
"I watched the show again On Demand last night. I did not catch that Ozzie did not bring the idol to the TC? What did I miss?"

It wasn't on the show, it was on the Ponderosa that you can see on the CBS website. They did an interview with Ozzy at Loser Lodge and that is where he said that he hadn't grabbed it and if he had taken it, he got nervous enough from things said at TC that he would have played it.

"RE: What was Ozzy's biggest mistake last night?"
Posted by Brownroach on 04-22-08 at 04:24 PM
Yes but in his recent interview with Reality TV World (front page of this site) he said he doesn't know if he would have played the idol if he had brought it with him. He felt the tribe tricked him pretty good.

Bleauin' ze bleus eaué, coeurtesie oeuf agmanne

"RE: What was Ozzy's biggest mistake last night?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 04-22-08 at 11:08 AM
>LAST EDITED ON 04-21-08
>AT 01:21 PM (EST)

>I watched the show again On
>Demand last night. I did
>not catch that Ozzie did
>not bring the idol to
>the TC? What did I
>I think he got too confident.
>He is not the 1st.
>I think it was a bad
>move for them all to
>tell Jason they would not
>vote for him so they
>could get the food. It
>is one thing to decieve
>but that was downright wrong
>IHO. Then to laugh at
>him made it even worse.
>Ozzy got what he deserved.
> Bad Karma now for James,
>Amanda and Eric too.

Ozzy also mentions in his itnerview on this site the same thing. he did nto feel he needed to bring it. Which was stupid, but by bringing it he could sense if he needs it or not. Maybe he would not of sensed it anyways, but he should've brought it.

What gets me also about Ozzy taking the Donuts is that he just came abck from a feast. Then after the donuts he lied to jason for more food.

"RE: What was Ozzy's biggest mistake last night?"
Posted by smokedog on 04-19-08 at 01:46 AM
In is interview on this site, he said he was going to wilt anyway, he just grabbed the donuts rather than get nothing.

"RE: What was Ozzy's biggest mistake last night?"
Posted by iltarion on 04-19-08 at 02:45 AM
Thank you. That's exactly what I was going to say. Ozzy looked very strained when he gave in. I think he knew he wasn't going to win that challenge. His pride probably told him it would be better to make it look like he lost on purpose rather than go down in defeat to Jason again.
Ozzy's mistakes were before last night. I already mentioned this elsewhere, but I think it is worth repeating. His two biggest mistakes were 1) letting everyone know he had the idol. With the idol only being good if you play it ahead of time, which coincidently, makes it useless, as it has been ever since Cook Islands, obviously everyone is going to want to blindside you once they know you have the idol. Yul could blithely tell everyone he had it because he could play it whenever he needed to. It was actually a smart play for him since that actually discouraged people from voting for him. That no longer applies. The smartest way to handle the idol now is to do what Earl and YauMan did in Fiji. Share it with someone else. Someone, preferably, who isn't obviously in your alliance. Therefore, if a blindside is coming, they can warn you, and you can do the same for them. If Ozzy makes this deal with Alexis, he is still around.
And 2) back near the beginning, Ozzy allowed Cirie to talk everyone into booting Yau. That was his initial mistake in the game. With Yau being even more popular than Ozzy, it was in Ozzy's best interest to keep him around as long as possible. Actually, Yau would have made the perfect swing vote between the showmance couples. Both couples would have known that they wouldn't want to take Yau to the Finals, and therefore, there would have been almost no chance for betrayal at F5.
