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"Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"

Posted by Aruba on 04-18-08 at 08:14 PM
If you heard a "thump" that was Michel's jaw hitting his keyboard after looking at my ranking. LOL. Well we all knew the dismantling of the men would eventually happen..."normal" men would have seen it coming from a mile away. But not this quartet. One (Ozzy) is too arrogant and overconfident, another (Erik) is ridiculously naive (it's sad when the "most boobs" a 22-year old man has ever seen could be viewed on page two of National Geographics), a third (Jason) is just a plain dumba$$, and the last dofus (James) needs to grow a "set".

1) CIRIE (5,7,11,12,14,14,4,12) - This schoolyard pick nonsense is getting old and I don't like it (and that's coming from a guy who was among the first to get picked in his childhood). I felt very bad for Cirie, but at least she had time on EI to think...and think she did! Ever the opportunist you must give her credit for orchestrating Ozzy's boot. BTW, that immature childish act of crossing your fingers means nothing...Grow up!

2) JASON (1,4,5,6,10,7,3,6) - For Ozzy to fear he could go on an immunity run is a rave. If he had half a brain he could be dangerous. It's mind-boggling how scum could give their word to someone knowing all along they're nothing more than two-bit liars. I guess my parents did a much better job raising me...and spare me the rubbish that "it's only gameplay."

3) ERIK (3,1,4,8,6,6,1,3) - OK, in the beginning his innocense was "cute"...now it's getting annoying. I understand being an ice cream scooper from Ypsilanti is not the perfect profile for a chick magnet, but to need to attend a tribal feast in Yap and puke on betel nut to sneak a peek and talk about a middle-aged native woman's boobies is borderline pathetic.

4) PARVATI (9,1,9,13,12,13,16,18) - We know Jason could have taken you, but kudos for hanging in there for six hours! I would have ranked her higher this week if sleeping beauty realized this is "Survivor" and not some slumber party. Did it ever dawn on you that James "obnoxious" behavior was a case of trying to provide for sorry-a$$ skanks like you??!! Which brings us to #5

5) JAMES (4,5,3,4,8,11,11,14) - At first I thought James massive size was from digging graves...now I'm beginning to think it was the result of eunuch castration. A man with any "set" would have told Parvati to keep her tombstomb teeth and monster gums in her filthy mouth otherwise get her skanky a$$ in gear and help around camp. Where is "Zoolander" Dave from China when you need him?

6) AMANDA (8,8,10,11,7,10,16,16) - Bad news - she lost a sleepmate. Good news - maybe now she could start "playing" the game.

7) ALEXIS (6,6,7,5,4,1,2,5) - Let's pout because we didn't get our way. Golly Gee, isn't that what ALL motivational speakers would tell their clients to do??? It would be in her best interest to keep her hair down all the time because the more feminine you look, the better chance you have to advance THIS season.

8) NATALIE (7,9,8,9,9,8,8,9) - Her cocky confessional previewing next week made me sick. The only reason you're advancing is because you were born with a vagina. You suck...Nuff said.

BOOTED) OZZY (2,2,2,3,2,2,12,11) - Even if he wasn't booted he would have dropped down considerably in my ranking this week, and not because of his cockiness or arrogance (that's typical Ozzy). But Dude...are you auditioning for a job on the Food Network or what? Unless Rachel Ray is searching for a co-host you're not doing yourself any favors by rambling on about a tribal feast to starving Survivors. Although Ozzy copied Yauman's fake idol strategy, he sadly did not emulate James class from last season with his exit speech. Still considered one of the best competitors in Survivor, unfortunately the same cannot be said for the person.

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"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by cycles2k on 04-19-08 at 01:42 AM
Lying isn't strategy and crossed fingers don't count.

1) Jason: I like the fact that he beat Ozzy in back to back ICs. He plays with heart. Too bad he lacks the brains to outwit because I'd like to see him win.

2) James: Funny but liar liar pants on fire.

3) Cirie: Liar liar pants on fire.

4) Amanda: Liar liar pants on fire but at least her pants cover her butt this season.

5) Erik: Likable but Liar ... well you know.

6) Parvati: Flirty liar.

7) Alexis: About as motivational as a twisted ankle.

8) Natalie: Pointless player of the season.

Ozzy the Bootee: Lied and laughed his way to loser lodge. Not only lost the game but lost the respect of many of his fans. Dumb.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by iltarion on 04-19-08 at 02:29 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-19-08 AT 02:50 AM (EST)

Pathetic. This is a pathetic season. For the first time ever, well, maybe Fiji, I'm not even sure if I'll even watch the next episode. I probably will just because I have it on Tivo; otherwise, I probably wouldn't. It is funny to me how lying is equated with being "smart." That would be a good one to teach my kids. Yeah, yeah, it's just a game. Pathetic. (I am slightly interested if an all woman's alliance can finally stick together for more than 1 vote though.)

1. James - He is the man. Yeah, he guaranteed Jason too, but he was one of the last and clearly reluctant to do so. Is he a great player? No. If he were, then he wouldn't have made an alliance with someone like Parvati just because she flirted with him. He is a consummate worker and a genuine person. He is also likely the next to go.
2. Amanda - Stuck with Ozzy and is in big trouble now. However, if she could make the Finals, she probably wins thanks to the bridges burned by Parvati and Cirie.
3. Cirie - What is up with crossing your fingers? I think that works for 8 year olds. The edit is clearly emphasizing her role in every boot though. Notice how all the women were already talking together, before Cirie said anything? And Natalie's immediate assurance to Jason that she wouldn't vote for him also leads me to believe she at least was also thinking about going after Ozzy. The edit is trying to make Cirie look as good as possible though. She wasn't originally in the showmance alliance; therefore I believe she takes none of the blame.
4. Jason - Is here mainly because everyone else sucks so bad. He should have never given up an IC that he was in position to win. Why? So that a bunch of people ready to vote him out could have something to eat? Screw them. On the other hand, James can call him as dumb as he wants, but if Jason refuses all of them, he is flatly telling them all that he doesn't trust them, any of them. That would have taken a lot of guts. It was a bad position either way for him. Could this weasel go on an immunity run? He almost just won an IC that clearly favors a woman to win.
5. Parvati - Isn't dead last because I just can't say that any of the 3 below her deserve to win this, even jokingly. She just didn't need to do that and may have ruined her game with paranoia. She would have had the F4 or the F5 to boot Ozzy. Didn't need to possibly lose 3 votes by booting Ozzy now. She now has to hope for a forgiving jury. Foolish gamble. By the look of her face at TC, she knew it. No celebration from her at all. The IC was made for her. I have seen that same challenge 3 times now, and a thin woman won it all 3 times. Coincidence? I don't think so. Can't complain though since the last IC clearly was better for the men.
6. Erik - Moves out of the bottom thanks to getting to narrate the entire reward, and doing a good job. Apparently the young man hasn't discovered the internet yet. Good for him. He should be able to slip by for a while now, and he is getting enough face time to suggest he will.
7-8. Natalie and Alexis- I don't even care enough to separate them. Alexis pouts after getting no food, which she didn't deserve, and Natalie is a zombie in a nice bikini. They are both in a decent position, especially Natalie, thanks to being no threat to anyone. It is just a sad fact of Survivor that sometimes that's all it takes to get by.

Adios muchacho-

Ozzinator - Too big of a fan of HIMSELF. Should have seen it coming. With these new, horse-crap, idol rules, it should now be apparent to all future survivors that telling everyone you have the idol is a BAD IDEA. THAT was Ozzy's biggest mistake. His second mistake was letting Cirie orchestrate Yauman's boot in the first place. He should have known, as popular as he is, keeping the more popular players around was a good idea for him. He actually chose wisely in Amanda, who was true to the end. I don't blame him for his vindictiveness after the vote. He was right to be ticked. I would have been too. He wasn't outplayed. He was just betrayed by people he trusted. There is a difference.


"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by garcor on 04-19-08 at 10:41 AM
Parvati - likely lost at least Ozzy's jury vote and has some serious explaining to do to Amanda and James. will she try to convince Amanda that Parvati's four girl alliance is the way to go? might be an effective alliance as crosses tribal lines and appears unknown to other players.

Alexis - appears more of a player than Natalie. might have option of either going with Parvati alliance or with original fans alliance.

Natalie - see above.

Jason - shot at making it to final TC due to combination of IC ability and unpopularity with fellow players. hasn't shown anything to make other players fear going against him at final TC.

Cirie - has played well. not sure who are her allies now? seems that Parvati is more effective at creating alliances. like Parvati might have lost some faves votes if somehow makes final TC.

Amanda - looks to be in a bad place, not being in on the vote off of her biggest ally. might not mean as much as usually does though as other players thought they had to move out Ozzy and Amanda seems to have the ability to make people want to work with her. if ends up in another strong alliance has advantage of not having turned on her alliance; could end up with many faves votes if somehow makes final TC.

James - still fun; his accidental drenching of himself was hilarious. not exactly an alliance builder though or strong enough socially to be in on whats going on. hard to see him not going home soon.

Erik - goofiness can be endearing. even Ozzy sounded fond of him. does not appear to have a role in game though beyond Ozzy's spare vote and tribal mascot. figure him as spare vote again and future easy vote out at some point before final TC.

Ozzy - think he probably could have trusted Yau more than Parvati and much more than Cirie. accept he gave up on IC cause of fatigue. don't see how he trusted Parvati (or Cirie)? she did not owe it to Ozzy to hand him the million.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by Aruba on 04-20-08 at 06:41 AM
You could have stopped at your very first word and I would have congratulated you on an appropriate post.

I agree that castaways other than Cirie "talked" about booting Ozzy. Heck, if you want to credit the first one who talked about it you'd have to give the nod to Ami. She put the plan in motion episodes ago...a plan that would have worked if Chet didn't want out.

Implementing the Anti-Darwin Syndrome is hardly "brillant" or even "smart"...we're not talking about proving Einstein's Theory of Relativity here. If anything it's so blatantly obvious, yet I would still give Cirie credit this past episode for maybe not "thinking" about it but more for "orchestrating" it.

On a side thought, I'd be curious about how Jason was approached with this "Spice Girl" plan? I don't recall seeing him approached during the episode and I would have to assume he was since they smartly decided not to include Amanda. Any thoughts?

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by michel on 04-20-08 at 01:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-20-08 AT 01:21 PM (EST)

Just before Alexis' confessional about keeping it on the DL, Alexis and Natalie were shown telling Jason that they had the numbers against Ozzy.

I'll never understand your supposed syndrome. Should the check be written in advance to the strongest guy?

Jeff: "We are here in China with 16 Americans ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime. James, the strongest man we've ever had on the show will be the sole Survivor since no one is allowed to plot against him."

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by Jims02 on 04-20-08 at 02:41 PM
I'll never understand your supposed syndrome. Should the check be written in advance to the strongest guy?

Exactly. Why do the jocks deserve a pass in this game? If I wanted to see something based solely on strength and athleticism, I'd be watching ESPN. In every game, there's a scoreboard. And in the game of Survivor, it happens to be the votes at tribal council. Your goal should be to ultimately minimize how many votes you get.

Is dominating your way through the game the best way to do that? Probably not. It's been done before (Palau's Tom), but it's pretty tough to pull off. Tom was smart to align with people who stuck by him until the Final 4.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by Aruba on 04-20-08 at 04:02 PM
So I think jocks should get a free pass??? I want all the castaways to be pillars of strength and athleticism???

Well Mr. Jims...howabout you take a gander at my rankings this season and see who consistently ranked in my top three every week. I'll save you the time and tell you...ELIZA. Yep...that "jock" Eliza who I'm sure was casted for her "strength" and "athleticism".

The reason I consistently ranked her high is because she put out optimum effort and gave 100%. IMHO see epitomized how a "survivor" should perform even though she got the snot beat out of her on a few occasions. You're right...if i want to watch sports I'll tune in to ESPN. Conversely if I want to watch social drama I'll tune it to any one of the dozen pieces of crap they televise on VH1.

Let's see...what would I rather watch???? A REAL season of Survivor...or which groupie becomes Bret Michaels new rock wife? WOW, that's a tough choice...I'll have to get back to you.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by Aruba on 04-20-08 at 03:38 PM
The "strongest" individual is not always the "fittest" in a Survival habitat. Courtney in China was pathetically weak but to her credit she stuck it out for 39 days. Granted she got carried most of the way, but I would still give her more credit than Osten in Pearl Islands with his James-like physique who will forever be labeled as a quitter.

The check should be written to the individual who puts out optimum effort and plays 100% in a Survival fashion. Therefore I would never suggest the check be written in "advance".

There are other Realty Shows that are nothing more than tossing human hampsters in a controlled environment and let them play the social game so the last one standing can be crowned "Miss Congeniality". IMHO that is what should set "Survivor" apart from a Big Brother on an island or MTV's Real World in a jungle.

Sorry if I'm one of the fans that take the show's name to heart. Anyone who thinks otherwise should petition CBS to change the name of the show to "Social Butterfly"!

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by Jims02 on 04-19-08 at 03:26 PM
1. Cirie - One of the Top 3 best strategic players ever? Possibly. She always seems to be in the right alliance, and looks at any change as an alternative. I loved when she admitted thoughfully, in a confessional, that it might not have been so bad if Eliza really did have the Immunity Idol. She's always looking at the different scenarios.

2. Erik - Mostly because he was so hilarious on the Reward Trip. And still give him props for picking the tribe name like that, and getting away with it. Pretty naive when it comes to strategy, though.

3. Jason - It was a pretty questionable move to drop out of the IC, but I can understand it a little. It's pretty unlikely that he could go on an extended immunity run, so he's got to try something, I guess. Still seemed like a bad idea, however.

4. Parvati - Only because of how strong she's played the game so far. The alliance with Natalie & Alexis made last night setup that boot, and she made it happen.

5. Alexis - Bumps down because she was a little too bitter in the IC challenge. I can understand her frustration, though.

6. Amanda - It's kinda funny to see her play the exact same game that she did last time. Now that "Todd" has been voted out this season, she might actually take a couple risks now.

7. James - Just kinda boring. Nothing against him, personally.

8. Natalie - The only person possibly more boring than James this season. Who is this girl?

OUT: Ozzy - Thank gawd. I was getting pretty tired of the smugness.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by michel on 04-19-08 at 05:49 PM
Aruba, I wasn't surprised. I knew you'd see the light!

1 - Parvati (3,2,2,2,3,3,1,1,1): She is proactively playing the game and won a challenge. What's not to like!!

2 - Cirie (12,1,4,10,5,6,4,2,2): "Pfffit, Ozzy's gone, Pffffit, the idol's gone". That's how a smart player plays!

3 - Natalie (16,12,11,12,12,9,8,8,8): She started the deals with Jason and her team had the lead in the reward challenge after 4 swimmers.

4 - James (8,8,8,8,8,4,3,3,4): "That would be bad..." he said just before losing his bucket!

5 - Jason (7,13,16,7,11,11,10,10,9): If only for 1 TC, he did prove it's better to have friends than win challenges.

6 - Alexis (6,5,3,4,4,3,2,6,3): She got too excited over cookies and Milk.

7 - Amanda (4,4,5,11,7,8,7,7,5): "I worry about Parvati and I don't know these girls." Didn't she do the same in China? Maybe she should get involved more.

8 - Erik (18,16,15,15,14,11,10,9): "I've never seen so many boobs" he said. We saw only one and that was Erik himself! He'll need more betel nuts and beer now with his zookeeper gone.

Booted: Ozzy (5,3,2,1,1,4,6,5,6): "I know what Cirie's doing" he said!!!!

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by Aruba on 04-20-08 at 06:19 AM
>Aruba, I wasn't surprised. I knew
>you'd see the light!

WHOAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!....let's not get crazy here. Giving a castaway her due for one week in one of the worst (if not THE worst) season ever is hardly "seeing the light". It's more like catching a glimpse of a gamma ray a gazillion light years away with the use of a radio dish telescope.

But considering what's left she was deserving as #1 this past week on my list.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by michel on 04-20-08 at 01:13 PM
What can I say: I'm really enjoying this season. I think it had one of the best merge episodes ever and the blindside of Ozzy was amazing.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by CTgirl on 04-20-08 at 01:50 PM
Ditto to what Mr. 3K man said (congrats to you Michel). I am enjoying this season and that was one of the best tribal council's ever.

1. Cirie – She got the credit for putting the Ozzy boot in motion. Great move.

2. Parvati – She put the nail in the coffin for Ozzy. Time will tell if that was a great move for her. She did great in the immunity challenge. My shoulder ached just watching it.

3. James – He’s a hard worker and he’s recognizing the girl power threat, too bad he’s not a schemer. “I must go to my happy place.” “That would suck.” Splash. He makes me laugh.

4. Amanda – Now that her “four clique” is dismantled, I hope she starts playing the game.

5. Erik – “The lunch lady doesn’t have a shirt on.” He is the boob! It was fun to see the trip to Yap through his naïve eyes.

6. Natalie – We haven’t seen much of her yet, but there is something intriguing about her. Sometimes the quiet ones are the ones you have to watch out for. I liked how she started the ball rolling at IC to get Jason to step down.

7. Jason – He caught a very lucky break this week. That won’t happen again.

8. Alexis – The editing really played up her sour puss, mopey act at IC. I expected great things from her this season, and all we’ve been given is a well-spoken motivational speaker who can pout.

Booted; Ozzy – I’ve been a big fan of his for two seasons so I was disappointed in his classless exit from Tribal Council. I’m sure he was in shock, but he forgot it was just a game.

Setup by Tribe

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by ohmyheck on 04-20-08 at 04:23 PM
Aruba, I personally couldn't disagree with you more. I am loving this season, and Survivor is a social game at heart.

1) Cirie - the best player this season. Her grin at TC was entertaining.

2) Natalie - something about her intrigues me.

3) Parvati - a one week bump up for getting rid of the arrogant Oscar.

4) James - I would love to see him win, but he's done nothing to deserve it.

5) Jason - Even though he did something very stupid, he was saved by Cirie and Parvati.

6) Alexis - Quit whining! You did something stupid and you're not getting rewarded for it.

7) Erik - He is the most naive people ever to go on the show.

8) Amanda - because I totally forgot about her until I realized I only had seven people on the list.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #10"
Posted by Survivorerist on 04-20-08 at 09:42 PM
Position. Name

1. Parvati (4)
2. Cirie (5)
3. Erik (2)
4. James (1)
5. Alexis (3)
6. Jason (8)
7. Amanda (7)
8. Natalie (9)
9. Eliza*

Ozzy was #6 last week.

Survivorerist's Chart Notes:

- Parvati takes this week's #1 spot. I am very pleasantly surprised with you this season, Ms. Shallow. You've definitely got some game and, even though time will tell whether your strategy works out, I must say that you are at least making it interesting.

- While Parvati is this week's Greatest Gainer, Cirie also jumps 3 slots this week from 5-2. Great move going with the Ozzy ouster this season. You're working magic to steer the game in your direction without making too much of an impression on the others. Eventually you'll have to convince the jury that you're actually doing something but nice job laying low when being the centre of attention could potentially be your ticket home.

- So Eliza, despite not being in this game, slides into a #9 position this week. Even though you got about 45 seconds of screen time this week, your ridiculously over-the-top facial expressions made my day. You may now just be my favourite person ever.

- Finally, I gotta hand it to Jason. The social game isn't working out for you, but you definitely have heart. I appreciate your attempts to be liked by the others in the game and, though you may be overshadowed by the drama-inducing antics of the others, your friendly nature is not going unnoticed. Don't stop being that guy

