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"A little credit to Jeff."

Posted by Estee on 04-18-08 at 01:30 PM
That was his best vote reveal ever. He deliberately ordered them to make it look like an 8-1 landslide at the start, knowing that's what Ozzy and his alliance would believe they were seeing because he's been bringing them out that way since the start --

-- and then the hammer fell.

And Eliza's jaw. That fell too.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by JGTsgirl on 04-18-08 at 01:55 PM
LOVED IT. One of the best moments in Survivor in a long time. I couldn't stop smiling. Watching Ozzy's face change from smug satisfaction to surprise, then fear, then anger....it was awesome.

"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by CTgirl on 04-18-08 at 02:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-08 AT 02:40 PM (EST)

The vote reading at tribal council was brilliant.

The cameramen's work was great too - Amanda and James looking like WTF? Jason looking happy, then unsure, then happy. Ozzy was elated then angry. I also loved seeing the moment that it dawned on Cirie that their plan worked. Her face lit up like a Cheshire Cat. And watching Parvati squirm with the way Jeff read the votes was priceless too.

One of my favorite survivor moments ever.

And Eliza's reaction was just icing on the cake!

Setup by Tribe

"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by Estee on 04-18-08 at 02:45 PM
If I had any skill at graphics, I'd take a screencap of Ozzy staring at the player seats from his torch snuff position and turn it into a movie poster.

Title: I Want To Know Who Killed Me.

"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by agman on 04-18-08 at 03:33 PM
I loved every minute of that vote count! If anyone can screen cap Eliza's face, I will make the picture into siggies for everyone!

I'm still laughing about it!!!!!

"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by vince3 on 04-18-08 at 07:45 PM
Check Ozzy's interview. It's not dropped all the way yet, but it's good enough.

"Eliza's reaction"
Posted by michel on 04-18-08 at 08:52 PM
Warrior at Sucks had this vidcap:

Will it do?

"RE: Eliza's reaction"
Posted by MattyMax on 04-18-08 at 10:01 PM
omg that's amazing!

"RE: Eliza's reaction"
Posted by agman on 04-18-08 at 10:45 PM
That should work just fine!

"first siggie"
Posted by agman on 04-18-08 at 11:36 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-08 AT 11:44 PM (EST)

Here's one from the picture of Eliza's reaction. If I can get a picture of ozzy's reaction, I will make another one too!

ETA: These are for anyone who wants one!

"RE: Eliza's reaction"
Posted by agman on 04-18-08 at 11:37 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-08 AT 11:38 PM (EST)

OOPS, heheheheheh hit the wrong button

"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by toddE on 04-18-08 at 07:36 PM
I concur. This isn't as good as when Roger got booted from Amazon, but it's even better than Hunter's boot from Marquesas.

Second best boot of all time Survivor history. Just gleeful!

"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by PsychoKitty on 04-18-08 at 08:30 PM
It was quite dramatic! But Eliza looked like she was doing vaudeville! Poor Ozzy - but what a dumb move to not play the idol. Pervarti's going to have lots of "splaining" to do!

Not that I have an opinion one way or another ;)
Signature by tribephyl

"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by Sues on 04-18-08 at 09:31 PM
I liked Ozzy from the start...then it wained a bit with his cockiness...then it fell flat when he pulled a 'James'..lol

HOWEVA! Eliza's 'surprise' was nauseating. She pretty much set it up on her way out, did she not? A well placed smirk would have made a lot more sense....I'm glad she's gone...

feelin a bit worried for James though...

"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by dabo on 04-18-08 at 10:18 PM
Jeff arranged the votes for two different reveal scenarios. Had Ozzy played the HII Jason would have been out on the sixth vote (four Jason, two dead Ozzy) and the remaining three would have not been revealed. Leaving Ozzy to wonder who cast the other vote for him.

"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by Brownroach on 04-22-08 at 06:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-08 AT 06:13 PM (EST)

Not sure about that. I suspect Jeff would have revealed all the votes anyway, so as to make it known whether Ozzy really needed to play the idol or not.

Bleauin' ze bleus eaué, coeurtesie oeuf agmanne

"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 04-23-08 at 12:45 PM
I don't think he revealed all the votes when Yau-Man used the idol (granted, it was a 4-2 bounce and we pretty well knew that Yau-Man received four votes) so it's possible he would have stopped after six votes. I don't know, and none of us know because Ozzy has officially become the second most careless player in the history of the game (it's hard to top James wasting two idols, and I believe Ozzy when he said he would have played it if he had it, but he was a dope and left it at camp. Why? Honestly. Everyone knew he had it. Did it weigh more than a Yap money wheel and we just didn't know it?)


"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by Jims02 on 04-18-08 at 11:35 PM
I think they did a good job with the audience at home too, who are somewhat cynical by now, and are used to his tricks. The whole "maybe they'll vote Ozzy?" thing really looked like a classic Burnett desperate attempt at misdirection for an obvious boot. Especially when they've used the Ozzy misdirection a few times already. This happens on most seasons. Everyone who watched Vanuatu knows that "maybe they'll finally vote Eliza?" was each week's misdirection.

Last night, showing the 4-1 initial vote really made me start expecting Jeff to say his "The 12th person voted out is..." shtick. Good job, production staff.

"RE: A little credit to Jeff."
Posted by cycles2k on 04-19-08 at 01:57 AM
I agree, it was a nice change.

Ozzy's glare was the icing on the cake.