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"So who's in charge now"

Posted by garcor on 04-17-08 at 10:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-17-08 AT 10:10 PM (EST)

Well that was fun. But who it leaves in charge I don't know?

Is it Parvati who has alliances among both faves and fans? Or Cirie who can now claim chief responsibility for ousting two of the biggest threats in the game Ozzy and Yau? (Certainly not Amanda who is left scrambling.)

The women as a group? Will they agree to purge the men; and if so how? Move out the godlike Jason first as the biggest remaining challenge threat followed by James to keep equal numbers of faves and fans?

Or will neither group trust the other? Tie vote based on tribal lines? No reason for Eric to vote with faves as his loyalty was entirely to Ozzy. Would Parvati throw in with them and target Cirie as most likely fave to put up a good fight? Or could they entice a disgruntled fave, like James, to flip?

Think the women sticking together makes the most sense, but will require some trust. Hope they don't all cross their fingers.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: So who's in charge now"
Posted by smokedog on 04-18-08 at 01:03 AM
I would be unsatisfied if someone other than Cirie or Parvati wins this. They have both played well and seem to be calling the shots without getting the spotlight put on them. Parv looks to be in hot water next episode (from the previews), so I think Cirie is in the best spot right now.

"RE: So who's in charge now"
Posted by dabo on 04-18-08 at 02:06 AM
Best performance ever by a jurist in a nonspeaking role!

"RE: So who's in charge now"
Posted by iltarion on 04-18-08 at 03:26 AM
I have no idea what Eliza was acting surprised about. Was someone stripping? Ozzy being blindsided was as surprising as Eliza's stick not being a real idol.
Parvati is not playing well. She is in fact, playing for 2nd place now. There are already two jury members who will not vote for her, and Amanda, James and Erik are likely to be 3 more. She is as likely to win as Jonathan was to win Cook Islands. Apparently, she didn't learn anything from his example. Cirie is now the only fave who can win this, unless James makes a run to the finals, which is very doubtful. Cirie is not one to be in charge, however. She will continue to allow Parvati to lead, and thus let Parvati take the heat.
The women deserve no props for coming together for one boot, the unoriginal, paranoid-driven, take out the strong man with the idol. They will deserve props, however, if they can hold their alliance together for more than 2 episodes, which is rarely seen.


"RE: So who's in charge now"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 04-18-08 at 07:36 AM
Oh, if Eliza believes that Parvati had a hand in voting Ozzy out, I think she would vote for Parv. Eliza is someone who will respect good game-play, so I believe she'll vote for whoever plays the game the best and speaks the best at the final TC vote.

"RE: So who's in charge now"
Posted by Jims02 on 04-18-08 at 11:47 PM
I agree. Eliza, although somewhat erratic, is one of those game-people. Her downfall in the game was her disregard for the social game, so it's extremely unlikely she's going to factor in how much she likes someone into her vote. And I admire jurors who do that. If you lose, you should figure out who orchestrated it, and give them your props for besting you.

We have to give Parvati and Cirie some credit here. While voting out the idol-holder has been done already, it's still somewhat tough to pull. In many votes, it doesn't necessarily matter if the victim knows they're going, because the votes are locked in. Voting someone like Ozzy (or James last season) requires almost flawless execution. One leak could sink the whole plan.

When it came down to it, Parvati and Cirie knew they had no shot in hell to beat Ozzy in the Finals. And Parvati also realizes that she has a pretty bad shot against Cirie, strategic genius that she is. It should be interesting to see how Parvati, in particular, plays the game down the home stretch. I think she's played an extremely solid game so far, but I wonder if she would get any credit from a jury.

"RE: So who's in charge now"
Posted by agman on 04-18-08 at 11:55 PM