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Thread Number: 4714
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"Eliza is out and I'm in Pain, but isn't sadism the answer guys?!"

Posted by screamhbk on 04-11-08 at 11:50 PM
Ok, so the season didn't go as planned. Eliza, Jonathan, Yau, Ami and Cirie, were supposed to band together and take a misfit alliance to the end facing the toughs of the Fans (a la Jason, Erik, Mike and Joel). The final straw was Eliza. As a Syracuse Grad that was heartbreaking, as a diehard fan I thanked the Survivor gods that she made the merge and had a chance to bring the heat (via her eyes) at Tribal council and the final interrogation (which I have no doubt she will, we are in for a dynamite Final Tribal Council folks), but as a true Survivor fan of every season I was anticipatory. Why?! Because now we get to watch the mighty fall. Sure one of the Couples Alliance members could win, but guess what(?) only one person can! This is the beauty of Survivor, the show never goes as planned, for better or for worse, and we get to watch it all unfold as its happening. This alliance is gonna eat eachother alive and I have front row tickets and a pint that can't wait to join me. So call this my closure for Eliza's elimination or whatever, but what I'm really saying here is fans of those eliminated: DON'T FRET (thats right I said fret), Survivor is as strong as it ever was and I predict a wild finish on Micronesia.

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"RE: Eliza is out and I'm in Pain, but isn't sadism the answer guys?!"
Posted by iltarion on 04-12-08 at 03:28 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-12-08 AT 03:29 AM (EST)

Hey, Screamy, welcome to the boards, and good first post.
This season definitely has not gone as planned. Instead of having a tribe of true fans who were students of the game, aka, Todd, Rafe, Danni, Chris, who could use their knowledge to challenge the best favorites of the game, instead of that, we got a tribe of quitters and the clueless like we've never even seen before. The last fans will probably be two UTR women.
I wouldn't say that EVERY season hasn't gone to plan. After all, Thailand basically went exactly as Brian planned it. And after the mutiny, Cook Islands went exactly as I would have planned it.
Here's hoping for that wild finish you've predicted!
