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Thread Number: 4712
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"Who is going to step up and take one for the team?"

Posted by msquared on 04-11-08 at 09:30 AM
Ok everyone knows that Ozzy has the II. Now who is going to step up and take one for the team to get it out of the game?

Jason is the obvious choice. He should call a tribal meeting. Hell, even invite Ozzy along. Tell everyone else "Do you want Ozzy to have that II the rest of the game? All of you should vote for Ozzy at the next TC. Ozzy will vote for me. He will then use the II and I still get booted, but the II is removed from play and everyone is on even ground."

Jason over played his hand by voting for Ozzy as well, so you know he is the next target. This way he can help the others.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Who is going to step up and take one for the team?"
Posted by jbug on 04-11-08 at 11:04 AM
~~~sits back and waits for Estee to share a better plan~~~~

jbug is a pain in the #####

"RE: Who is going to step up and take one for the team?"
Posted by vince3 on 04-11-08 at 11:11 AM
We don't need Estee, they just gotta follow the same plan that happened to James last year: Blindside him! Since the HII is a grenade and must be played before the votes are announced, and not a land mine that can be played after the votes are announced but before snuffing, blindside is the most effective way around it...........

The only reason it didn't work in Fiji is that: 1. YauMan got "bad vibes" and 2. Stacy couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"RE: Who is going to step up and take one for the team?"
Posted by jbug on 04-11-08 at 02:51 PM
We don't need Estee

gasp! you said that out loud????

"RE: Who is going to step up and take one for the team?"
Posted by iltarion on 04-11-08 at 04:28 PM
Jason won't do that, not while there is any chance at all that he could stick around, and I'm not sure there is any incentive for him to do so. If no one is on his side and they are voting him out, then why help them out by getting rid of the idol? Screw that. Let the weak fend for themselves.
If Ozzy and James were smart, which probably not, they would stick together and warn each other if their alliance threatens to blindside either. They should know that the women won't want to go to the end with them, no matter what promises they made. Since Ozzy just alienated his #1 ally, Amanda, he dang well better have done that. Regardless, it will be tricky to blindside Ozzy considering Erik, Alexis and James are all threats to let Ozzy know it is coming, and the blindside can not work at all unless Amanda is on board.


"RE: Who is going to step up and take one for the team?"
Posted by citywitch on 04-11-08 at 05:37 PM
Regardless, it will be tricky to blindside Ozzy considering Erik, Alexis and James are all threats to let Ozzy know it is coming, and the blindside can not work at all unless Amanda is on board.

Right now it will take 5 to blindside Ozzy. Cirie, Parvati & Amanda have already agreed to take out Ozzy & James. I can't see why either Alexis or Natalie would disagree. That's the 5 votes - they all know they don't want to face him in final 3. Jason is always out of the loop, and would want to see Ozzy gone anyway. I think the ladies could keep Erik & James in the dark.

"RE: Who is going to step up and take one for the team?"
Posted by iltarion on 04-11-08 at 09:59 PM
That assumes Alexis doesn't let Ozzy know it is coming, and it assumes Amanda is completely on board. If those two things occur, then yes, they can blindside Ozzy. And then the battle of the weakest will truly be in full swing.
