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Forum: DCForumID4
Thread Number: 4707
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"Kathy leaving, what a load of C###!!!!!"

Posted by loggerwife on 04-04-08 at 10:43 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-04-08 AT 11:25 AM (EST)

There are those of us who would KILL to have a chance at this game with or without the million dollar prize. Medical conditions can't exist on the island, so that leaves me out. For her to voluntarily get in that boat made me SICK!!! From the view point of a 41yr old female repossessor who can never have her chance to play; Kathy leaving is an abomination. I would've had to have been drug off the beach "TOES DOWN" before I left without being voted off. She needed to stay in her comfy little house watching on TV and leave that spot for a REAL competitor. I wonder how her family looks at her now? Can't be favorable that's for sure. She is weak & took a spot someone else would have filled with pride. What a dumb a##!!! Go Ozzy, they all submit to him because they need him. He feeds them and keeps them warm. You bet, GO OZZY!!!!! It was time for Ami to go, choose a side girl and stay there until after the merge. Snake is only a good thing to eat in the game, not a good thing to be. I'm glad she's gone.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Kathy leaving, what a load of C###!!!!!"
Posted by Aruba on 04-05-08 at 09:44 AM
Hi loggerwife...welcome to the Boards.

It's nice to have an ally who actually looks at the title of the show when stating their opinions.

I have always stated that if I made it to the final selection round of casting only to lose out to "players" like Kathy, Chet, Natalie, etc. after every Thursday evening episode, I'd be spending all Friday morning in therapy.

Although in all fairness the real blame lies with the total morons who cast these bozos to begin with.

Hope to see more posts from you!

"RE: Kathy leaving, what a load of C###!!!!!"
Posted by Bebo on 04-05-08 at 12:20 PM
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