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"Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"

Posted by Aruba on 03-21-08 at 08:46 PM
I know you all have to be sick and tired of me righfully bashing the incompetent casting crew, but you know what...I'M sick and tired of them casting pathetic players! So here we go again.
On a positive note, kudos to Jeff. In the past I still feel he may have persuaded an exit or two for the "benefit" of the season, but I did not see that this episode. He showed compassion and handled the situation in an excellent manner IMO.

1) ELIZA (2,1,3,5,4) - Even though it's only Day 19, if they awarded a "Tryer's Trophy" to a deserving castaway every season, engrave Eliza's name on that award right now. Continues to scrap and comes through again with the puzzle in the IC.

2) OZZY (3,2,2,12,11) - Let's see...he gathers food, he's a hard worker in a survival habitat, and he shines in challenges...YEP, I would consider those "leadershp qualities." Too bad jealous players like Tracy and Cirie can't appreciate those qualities. It was tough keeping him from #1 this week; especially when exercising self-control during the shower scene.


3) JAMES (4,8,11,11,14) - He's in my Top 3 for one reason only. When he said "This is a game called Survivor???", I could have jumped through the TV screen and kissed his bald head. Hey, at least someone may be reading my posts

4) ERIK (8,6,6,1,3) - OK even I had to giggle along with Cirie watching Erik stuff his face while Ozzy enjoyed some shower time with Amanda and Ami. So what if he is mentoring off Ozzy. Two people can gather twice as much food. Is my math correct?

5) JASON (6,10,7,3,6) - Not much about the HII. I'm still praying he knows it's a fake. No way Eliza could have moved those heavy puzzle pieces by herself in the IC, so giving Jason an "assist" in that crucial win.

6) AMI (7,13,13,15,18) - Did anyone else get the feeling when listening to Ami it was Mikey (Ep. 2) all over again? What's with the wordy explanation? Just tell us what we already know...you hate men and you want to target the alpha-males. But at least she's trying to play.

7) ALEXIS (5,4,1,2,5) - Talk about a disappearing act during the past three episodes. She continues to drop. Too bad because I really liked her.

8) NATALIE (9,9,8,8,9) - Is Natalie's face a nip/tuck operation gone bad? I know I'm being critical about her appearance, but sadly there's not much else to talk about with this "player". If she goes to the losers lounge soon perhaps she can get a referral from Tracy.

9) PARVATI (13,12,13,16,18) - She moves up by doing nothing. At least it's better than being a Ho.

10) AMANDA (11,7,10,16,16) - Clearly she's using this season as a dating service. Oh by the way, if Doe-eyes manages to coattail and advance, than I guess that's a bonus. As much as I would hate to see this, if she screws over Ozzy at least she's showing some proactive play.

11) CIRIE - (12,14,14,4,12) - Oh brother...where do I start? That nonsense in the boat shows what a waste of space you are on Survivor. Carrying on about Ozzy proves you're nothing more than a jealous bum. This guy competes his heart out only to watch an idiot like you fumble solving a stupid puzzle. Giggle all you want about stardust coming out of Erik's mouth. It's more appealing than the verbal diarrhea that comes out of your mouth. BTW...I don't care for Cirie that much.

BOOTED) TRACY - (10,3,4,13,7) - I knew she was overplaying her hand, but I didn't think our middle-aged blow-up doll would be exiting this early So, you still think it's good strategy to weaken your tribe???

MAJOR MISTAKE) KATHY - (14,11,16,14,17) - I could be dying of thirst on the golf course but would never consider buying even a drop of water from a quitter like you.

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"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by michel on 03-22-08 at 12:08 PM
Don't worry Aruba, I read your posts every week!

1 - Parvati (2,2,2,2,3,1): I'm sure SHE doesn't think it's the stupidest thing ever to do this twice.

2 - Alexis (6,5,3,4,4,3): She was right to say it's time to get back to survivor.

3 - James (8,8,8,8,8,4): We knew James could give good narration but hearing James, the "Survivor Philosopher" was new!

4 - Cirie (12,1,4,10,5,6): Did Ami think her big scheme wasn't transparent to the one who first applied it? Cirie is one of the best strategists ever. Having fun at her expense is a bad idea, especially when we didn't see a single fish caught at the reef.

5 - Eliza (10,10,7,3,2,2): She looked as lost as the fans during the storm.

6 - Ozzy (5,3,2,1,1,4): Cirie called the arrogant side of his personality "Oscar". Maybe she reads my posts! Careful Ozzy. You saw only 2 strategies but there is a 3rd: Be with you until it's time to ditch you.

7 - Amanda (4,4,5,11,7,8): She's starting to scheme. Too bad, this season's theme has been that schemers get eliminated.

8 - Cat-alie (16,12,11,12,12,9): For one thing, she wasn't kidding when she said she wanted to keep her head down.

9 - Ami (11,11,11,9,9,10): All her big plans amount to nothing.

10 - Jason (7,13,16,7,11,11): Did Jason get lost on the way to Exile Island?

11 - Erik (18,16,15,15,14): When we had that odd camera angle of Ozzy coming down from the tree, I think it was to let us imagine Erik, standing below, all puckered up!

Boot - Tracy (15,9,10,6,11,8): From day 1, she perfectly executed a bad strategy! She finally paid for counting on dead weights.

Quit: Kathy (19,14,14,13,13,12): She proved that she was just a fan not a survivor.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by Aruba on 03-23-08 at 05:59 AM
>Don't worry Aruba, I read your
>posts every week!

AWWWWW...Thanks Michel. If you shave off all your hair, I might consider kissing your bald head too! LOL

>Having fun at her expense is a bad idea,
>especially when we didn't see a single fish caught at the reef.

OK...gotta take the "kiss" back for that remark. I could not disagree with this statement any more. So because the final result was not want they hoped for, that justifies not even trying to begin with???!!! What a bonafide, quintessential, classic cop-out. One I would expect from a lazy jealous load like Cirie.

I guess it would have been OK for Ozzy to just "lay down" and not even try in the IC due to the fact that Cirie and Amanda sucked so horribly during their part of the challenge??? I suppose a weak inept player like Cirie would...but sorry, that will never fly in my book.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by michel on 03-23-08 at 01:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-23-08 AT 01:27 PM (EST)

You misunderstood my comment.

I have no idea if, in the end, they caught any fish. Maybe they did get a boatload but the important thing was that we didn't see any.

Let me explain:

The idea to go to the reef was a good one but the reef sounds more dangerous than the back beach where Ozzy told Cirie they would go. The whole scene was edited as a practical joke that Ozzy played on Cirie, springing the idea to go to the reef when it was too late to turn back.

The reason to go to the reef, "catch big fish... a giant clam to feed everyone for days" would have been good for the team but we didn't see them doing that. What did the editors show us instead? We saw Ozzy and Erik swimming and Amanda floating on the side of the boat, telling Cirie to cheer up. Then, we had a shot of Cirie's back, sitting in the EMPTY boat, no fish in sight.

That was the editor's way to show us that the boat ride was indeed a practical joke played on Cirie and not really a fishing expedition. Letting us hear Cirie saying that it "won't happen again" proved that Cirie wasn't there for laughs but was playing for keeps. It's all in the editing.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by Aruba on 03-26-08 at 05:47 AM

>Letting us hear Cirie saying
>that it "won't happen again"
>proved that Cirie wasn't there
>for laughs but was playing
>for keeps.

HUH????? WHAT??????????????

This one-dimensional hyena can't get two words out of her mouth without "laughing" or giggling. So most certainly she is in it for "laughs"...on yeah; that's only if the laughs are at someone else's expense. When it's at her expense we all see what a miserable person she can be. "Dish it out...but can't take it." Her type is a dime a dozen. Sadly the casting and season format is catering toward the "dime a dozen" jokes like her.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by PsychoKitty on 03-22-08 at 07:39 PM
Great list Aruba I read them too! And good points from both of you!

1) OZZY He is playing his heart out - the ultimate Survivor overachiever. Feeding his tribe, excelling at camp life and challenges. I hope he realizes there are many plots against him and is taking precautions!

2) JAMES He makes me laugh; and he was right on about this IS Survivor. What a bunch of pansies he's on a team with. Gag Watch your back James!

3) ELIZA I wasn't going to put her here, because I don't like her all that much. But I couldn't think of anyone I would put higher! So that's a compliment. And she IS really trying hard, and they did win that challenge because of her. Hope she's able to stick it out.

4) CIRIE At least she's trying to play the game hard. But you are right - very jealous of the actually talented, hard working players and their deserved standing on the tribe. But she is a schemer, and is getting her way most of the time. I just don't think she deserves to win. Let the leaves get her

5) PARVATI Can't stand her, but don't like the others more.
5) AMANDA She is so invisible this season - just doesn't seem like the same person from China! At least maybe she's starting to strategize a bit.

6) AMI Seems to be trying to work something, but can't tell if she never follows through or if someone else's strategy (untelevised) changes her mind before TC.

7) ERIK Is learning from Ozzy and trying hard - but not much of a player of any kind!
7) JASON Dumba$$. I hope he's still hanging on to that IDOL!
7) ALEXIS When is she going to show some spark?

8) NATALIE She IS one odd looking babe. Is there anything in her brain?

BOOTED: TRACY I admired that she was able to work some strategy (poorly thought out and motivated, but she did try with some success), and she can build a good shelter. But not the best social skills (let's eat the chicken!) She has had a target on her back for awhile.

QUITTER: KATHY What a complete waste of time - well, she tried harder than Chet - that's saying SOMETHING. But really folks - why was she EVER here? Just to drool over Ozzy and crew? She never should have been offered a slot. Such a drama queen, and such a lightweight. Yes Kathy - they do show people suffering through hours of rain - on every Survivor season that has EVER aired!!!! What show were YOU watching? ACK!!!!!

Not that I have an opinion one way or another ;)
Signature by tribephyl

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by iltarion on 03-23-08 at 02:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-23-08 AT 06:00 PM (EST)

I guess I was right in the first place when I said the tribal switch would ruin the game and target all the strong players. Ozzy's tribe should throw this last challenge and boot Erik. That would be wiser than winning and taking the chance that James could be booted. And yeah, when throwing a challenge is the best strategy that shows you where the tribal switch has brought you.
Also, what is with All-Stars and people quitting/having to leave? At first I agreed with Aruba that the casting is doing a terrible job. BUT THEN, I realized that casting probably likes having contestants breakdown every once in a while, unable to hack it. It reminds us at home that this is SURVIVOR after all, as James said.

1. James - He might owe Eliza's puzzle-making for being still in the game, but for me, he takes his place among the best narrator's of Survivor- Rob C, Rob M, Jonathan and him.
2. Ozzy - The ultimate Survivor and competitor, he handed his tribe a sure IC win until Cirie and Amanda messed it up. Did Cirie and Amanda want to win? They shouldn't have if they wanted to boot Tracy or Erik. But you know Ozzy wanted to win. He would probably be #1 if it weren't for asking Tracy to take one for the team and go to EI. Why should she? Beware of the power trip.
3. Eliza - Another puzzle? And another puzzle win for Eliza. She would probably be #1 if it weren't for the fact that she was beaten on the puzzle during the RC. Not much of a story for her.
4. Jason - Highest ranking for this guy. Helped Eliza pull off the comeback in the IC. It would have been interesting to see him and Tracy interact on EI. If it wasn't for his bad attitude towards her at the start, neither of them might have been in their situation.
5. Parvati - Better than the other women in what is turning out to be another season of mostly unlikable women. A consummate alliance builder, she appears to be preparing for any contingency.
6. Alexis - Better than the rest thru default. For those who are her fans, you must be watching some show where she is an active participant.
7. Natalie - Worse than Alexis even. Doesn't help anyone on her tribe that the other tribe is getting the majority of video time thanks to always being the tribe that has to go to TC.
8. Amanda - Her plotting behind Ozzy's back makes me sick. However, it was HER vote that decided Tracy's fate. Bank on it. Ultimately, she couldn't vote differently than Ozzy this early on; thus, Ozzy voted for Tracy so Amanda had to vote for Tracy so Cirie had to vote for Tracy so Ami had to vote for Tracy. There you go.
9. Cirie - Her bellyaching about going out to the reef was pathetic. The bottom line is that she is not much different than Joel or Mikey. Her ego doesn't tolerate people telling her what to do or where to go. I did like her line though- "It won't happen again." Amanda took Ozzy's side for the vote though, which momentarily put Cirie in her place and knocked her down a peg. No matter what garbage Cirie spews, I doubt highly Amanda thinks for a second that Ozzy would chose Erik over her.
10. Ami - Her high watermark was last week. Ultimately, she chose to play it safe and jettison Tracy, which probably guarantees a spot on the jury for her but nothing else. A tie would have been risky in the extreme considering the consequences if the tie-breaker went against her. Still, are you in it to win or take 6th? Plus, it would have been the gutsiest move of all time.
11. Erik - Another useless fan whose only place in the show is to fawn over Ozzy. He is next if his hapless tribe loses again.

You say hello... I say goodbye
JFP - U Suk
Mary - Ryno's gal, wish she was mine
Yau - Courtneyed
Mikey - you 3 vote for her and you 3 vote for him and you...
Joel - proof that all firemen AREN'T heroes
Jonathan- earned his place
Chet - a pox on both our houses
Kathy - Chet's woman, if he had one
Tracy - Was looking her best the episode she was booted. I guess she should have had her hair down more often. She was the only "fan" worth their place in the game. Michel is right that aligning with the weak is a poor strategy though, unless you are Chris...


"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by michel on 03-23-08 at 05:13 PM
>"Michel is right that aligning with the weak is a poor strategy though, unless you are Chris..."

You got me. Good one! Yes, I've argued that Chris was right to vote out the strong guys but the circumstances were different. Chris faced a tribe of women, meaning the challenges wouldn't be physical and a switch could favor the handsome young guys.

AND Chris was probably the weakest physically, so he aligned with stronger players. I never said it was dumb for Kathy to align with Tracy.

Tracy was strong enough that, had she used her building skills to help with the shelter right away, she could have been accepted.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by iltarion on 03-23-08 at 07:49 PM
No, Chris had a poor strategy too. His own tribe was cannibalized because of his strategy. He was saved by Ami's arrogance and Twila's bold move. I always considered him the squirrel that found the nut, similar to Danni.
You are probably right about Tracy's early performance in the game, which is basically what doomed her. We never got to see what exactly split the old off from the young, maybe nothing, but Tracy probably was afraid to take the early leader role, knowing the oft-consequences of that.


"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 03-26-08 at 11:18 AM
Chris and Danni were both similar players, but I would hardly call either, especially Danni, a blind squirrel who found a nut. They were something a lot simpler - opportunists.

Sooner or later, someone's going to make a boneheaded mistake, and the object of the game is to pounce on that mistake. If you pounce right, you win. Chris pounced on the Yasur alliance targeting Eliza, or rather, Twila did, and Chris seized the opportunity to ride her to the F2 and win. Danni bought a clue, won immunity at F6, and forced the alliance to cannibalize itself, thus capitalizing on Steph's mental mistake and turning her into another Twila, a force to ride to the end. Was it luck? Sure. But all Survivor winners rely on luck; it's the opportunities that separate winners from losers.

This was Tracy's downfall. She tried to get in with the Favorites by stomping Joel out, but in reality, the Faves were interested in stomping the Fans out. It would be as if Chris had tried to buddy up to Ami at the merge - it wouldn't have worked. Chris knew who he was messing with. Tracy didn't.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by PsychoKitty on 03-24-08 at 05:12 PM
Hi Ilitarion

I wanted to comment re your comment re Ozzy: He would probably be #1 if it weren't for asking Tracy to take one for the team and go to EI. Why should she? Beware of the power trip.

I didn't get why Tracy wouldn't JUMP at the chance to go to Exile Island. Sure it might suck (doesn't seem nearly as bad there as it has in seasons past), but there's a chance to find the hidden immunity idol. Why wouldn't one want to go for just that reason? And it was weird that we were shown absolutely NO footage from E.I. this week. Hmm. Anyhoo - she should at least have acted like it was a good thing, or okay with her. Might have helped her to not get axed.

Not that I have an opinion one way or another ;)
Signature by tribephyl

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by iltarion on 03-24-08 at 11:31 PM
No, you are right. That is a reason to want to go to EI. I pretty much had already dismissed the HI from my mind since Ozzy has had it for weeks now. Tracy didn't know that though.
Still, everyone wants to go on reward after winning. It was actually kind of bunk that someone had to miss out on the reward that they had helped win.


"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by CTgirl on 03-24-08 at 04:45 PM
I didn’t do a love list last week - I didn’t really have much to say. Jonathan’s medical evac was bittersweet and left me teary-eyed. It also left me thinking “what if…” He was in a great position.

And Chet, you’re no All Star!
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
He was looking kind of dumb with his finger and his thumb
In the shape of an "L" on his forehead…

1. Ozzy. He’s still my number one because he is a suburb athlete and a good provider. He's good TV. In the Ozzy versus Cirie boat battle, I thought Cirie was a big wimp. But of the hours and hours of fishing footage they had, they showed this. So it seems the writing is on the wall for Ozzy – how many more weeks will he be the Big Man of Survivor before his alliance cuts him loose?

2. Amanda – Her lack of action this season has been frustrating, but she appears to have a solid alliance with both Ozzy and Cirie and isn’t blinded by Ozzy’s
survivor talents.

3. James – James’ appeal has always been his brute strength and his funny quips about his tribe mates. This week he was also a surprisingly strong shoulder for Kathy to cry on.

4. Parvati – Ouch, six days later and her fat lip still looks like it hurts. Hands down she is playing the best social game of anyone.

5. Cirie – She says that Ozzy is the leader 90% of the time, but she is really the one with the most control. She isn’t as likable this time around, but you have to respect that she has come to play. Last week she complained a lot; this week her confessionals were very funny. There’s no doubt in my mind, the real battle is not going to be between Cirie and Ozzy; it’s going to be between Cirie and Parvati.

6. Alexis – She’s always present when something is going on and the camera focuses on her – I’m looking forward to seeing her story post-merge.

7. Eliza – She is the puzzle queen of Survivor!

8. Natalie – Not only is she non-existent on our screen, but she has become the designated “sit out” for NuAirai. But she was the most compassionate woman with Kathy and she was the only one that seemed to know what to say to her.

9. Ami – She wants to play, but no one else is playing with her. (What was with the curtsy to Jeff when he complimented NuMalakal on their reward win? And I cracked up at how she jumped right into the shower action with Amanda and Ozzy!)

10. Jason – Two days on Exile Island and we didn’t see any of it? Not a good sign.

11. Erik – pant, pant, drool, drool, let’s rename him Fido.

Quit: Kathy – I have a vivid imagination sometimes, so when we experienced the rain, and the bats and the rats and the dirt with Kathy, I was right there with her and felt badly for her. The editing was sympathetic towards her quit, perhaps she was quite fragile mentally, and I fell for it. Later I realized that she should have expected those conditions and worse, but having survived Exile Island three times, I just can’t put her in the same category as Chet. I’m actually surprised no one has snapped like that before.

Booted: Tracy – She tried to mix things up, but she chose the wrong people.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by garcor on 03-27-08 at 11:39 AM
Ozzy. Has immunity idol and tribe needs him if it ever hopes to win an immunity challenge; not to mention eat well. Think Amanda still sees it in her interest to stick with him and that Cirie will stick with Amanda hoping to split up Ozzy/Amanda later.

Amanda. Could be over for Ozzy if she agrees to target him.

Cirie. Appears to be important Ozzy/Amanda bloc vote.

Parvati. Could become target if Eliza sides with fans. Not sure where that leaves Eliza, but while Eliza has performed well she's a fringe player in any alliance.

James. Another potential target.

Eliza. Has played well but not central to any alliance.

Alexis and Natalie. ? ? Not sure what to say. Likely to be kept around as not threatening if current trends continue and favorites slowly purge fans. Would take some luck to gain control of game. Merge likely coming soon and appear outnumbered by favs.

Jason. Could do well if fans on tribe can break up Parvati/James and favorites start to fight at merge. Otherwise good luck.

Ami. Appears to be nowhere right now. Has only likely next boot Erik as a potential ally unless Cirie decides to flip.

Erik. Likely next one gone unless Ozzy targets Ami first (or tribe wins immunity of course) or Cirie changes sides.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by loggerwife on 04-04-08 at 11:07 AM
I'm glad to see someone else loves this game and looks at it this way. I just posted my opinion of Kathy and went easy on her. The truth of the matter is they would have to drag my comatose body off the beach before I left without being voted out. What a piece of C###!!! As far as Parvati goes; at least she hooked up with some serious beef!!!! If you're going to get through the game this way you may as well have the best eye candy!!! James will take her out when the time comes after all "The game is called Survivor". Cirie is pissing me off. Erik is a good kid who is patterning himself after the strongest, could be a smart move or the death of him. We shall see... Jason is just a dumb a##. Who in their right mind would've believed that was the idol? I could go on but you stated things so wonderfully I need not. Jeff P does need his Kuddos. He is THANKFULLY stirring the pot with a really big stick. Go Jeff.

"RE: Survivor - Fans vs. Has-Beens Love/Hate List - Week #7"
Posted by yodawg22 on 04-05-08 at 01:32 AM
I LOVE OZZY. He is really amazing. The other person who I LOVE is Alexis. And I really hate Amanda so I am really excited for next weeks episode!! I wish Ozzy would kick that ##### to the curb, Alexis is 10x more gorgeous than her, smarter than her and nicer than her. So Alexis is awesome, Amanda sucks. LOL @ Amanda getting jealous, and nobody will give a ##### what she wants.