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"Poor, fair and good players"

Posted by Fast Eddie on 03-19-01 at 12:57 PM
Here's how I think the game would go with each kind of players:

POOR: They continue to vote along old tribal lines, ditching Jerri at some point. The final three are Keith, Tina, Colby, ironically the best players remaining at this time.

FAIR: They dump Jerri, then all sorts of scenarios are possible. The most likely: 1) without Jerri to lead her around, Amber walks into a tree and knocks herself out of the game, 2) the mediocre players gang up on the good ones and the last few episodes are completely unsatisfying, like having the worst qualifying team win the World Series or Super Bowl.

GOOD: They realize they want Jerri to be their final opponent, so K/T/C leave her alone and go after the weak players, because poor players are unpredictable and thus dangerous. Ironically, the final result is similar to all poor players above!

BRILLIANT: I dunno. I don't qualify. "Good" is the best I can do - but only from the comfort of my couch.

FAST EDDIE - yes, it's been my nickname for decades. DOn't know why. I have a pool table in my basement, but I've never become any good at playing.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 03-19-01 at 01:56 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-19-01 AT 01:56 PM (EST)

>FAST EDDIE - yes, it's been
>my nickname for decades. (you must be over 30 then)
>Don't know why. I
>have a pool table in (OK, pool tables, good,good)
>my basement, but I've never
>become any good at playing. (practice makes perfect)

So-o-o-o-o, can you answer the question....Have you seen Fats around lately?

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Drive My Car on 03-19-01 at 08:06 PM

Just asking that's all.

Hey Eddie, welcome , glad to have you with us.
Stick around, we have fun here. Amber walking into a tree made me laugh, and as you can already see amusing people are prized
around here.


"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 03-20-01 at 09:05 AM
To answer the question: Yes, when I stood on the scale yesterday.

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 03-20-01 at 11:51 AM
One more question, Edward....Have you ever seen the movie "The Hustler"?

Just asking, that's all.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 03-20-01 at 02:59 PM
Seen "The Hustler"? I think so, but I'm not sure. I've seen a lot of movies. I have a Leonard Maltin video guide and check off movies as I see them. This one isn't checked off. But then, I started this system only about 8 or 9 years ago, so I might have seen it before.

But I'm no hustler. My brother misspent his university days at the pool hall, so he might qualify, but I pissed away my higher education time playing bridge, euchre, Risk and Tarok (a game sort of like bridge, played with tarot cards, in Austria and Slovenia). I'm good at strategy, so I know what to do on a pool table. However, I don't have the skill to actually make it happen

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 03-20-01 at 03:34 PM
Ok, Edward, one more question....Do you know who "Fats" is?

Just asking, that's all.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Minstrel on 03-20-01 at 11:26 PM
Leif, would that be Minnesota Fats?

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 03-21-01 at 10:17 AM
Pied Piper, is your name Edward?

And of course I am referring to Minnesota Fats. I don't think Slow Edward knew that, mmmmmmm. (or did he?)

Do you want to hear a celebrity story concerning "Fats" and me?

Just asking, that's all.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Kokoro on 03-22-01 at 00:55 AM
<Do you want to hear a celebrity story concerning "Fats" and me?>

I sure would, but only if you'd like to hear my celebrity Sharon, Lois and Bram story.

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

Kimmi! Get back here!

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Drive My Car on 03-22-01 at 01:56 PM
Hey Kk,
Sharon, Lois and Bram????
Oh my goodness, I know who they are!!!

Um does this make us pop culture queens, or complete rejects?


"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Kokoro on 03-28-01 at 06:43 PM
Heh....I think we should just go with option b ^-^

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

And my new mascot type thingy:

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 03-22-01 at 05:04 PM
>I sure would, but only if you'd like to hear my<
>celebrity Sharon, Lois and Bram story.<

They are good Canadian people so I will read your story about S,L & B.

OK, here we go........

A long time ago, when I was 17 years old, I met Minnesota Fats and Willie Mosconi. Two of the best pool players in the world, at that time.

I spent my youth in a pool hall with my buddies. In the summer time we were there every morning to figure out what we were going to do with our day. Our day was mostly spent sitting outside the pool hall watching the girls go by but whatever. Anyway, one particular morning the guy that ran the pool hall asked a couple of my buddies and me if we would be interested in making a couple of legal bucks doing a little work for him. Of course we wanted to make a few bucks, legal or not.

We were told that there was going to be an exhibition match, at his pool hall, between Minnesota Fats and Willie Mosconi in two weeks time and he needed some help with selling tickets, setting up chairs and selling pop and snacks. We said sure, of course we would do that, it was like a free ticket to see the match.

The morning of the match all of us got to the pool hall early to get things set up and who was there practicing, Minnesota Fats. We were standing around the counter waiting for the owner when Fats yells over to us, "Which one of you guys handles a cue the best". My buddies all point at me, I did shoot a pretty good game. Anyway, Fats tells me to come over and he was going to show me something. He asks me how much money I had on me, I told him (it wasn't very much, maybe ten bucks) what I had. He asks me if I would like to double it. I said sure. He says he will play me one rack, I break, and I get two turns in a row to his one. At that time ten bucks was a whole lot of money but I couldn't resist the bet so I said OK.

I was nervous as a cat when I broke the balls, miss-cued and barely moved any of the balls around. I got to shoot again, made one ball and then missed. Of course Fats cleaned the table, much to the delight of my buddies who were cheering him on with every shot he put in. I went to hand him the ten bucks and he says to me what kind of funny money is this? (it was a Canadian bill) I told him that was all I had. He said forget it, don't worry about it. The owner of the pool hall called me over and gives me an American ten and tells me to go give it to him, which I did and which he accepted without a word.

Anyway, we worked that day, watched the match and Willie Mosconi beat Fats in best of three, straight pool century games, two games straight. Then they both tried to outdo each other with some tricks. They finished up, and on Fats way out he yelled at me to come over. He shook my hand and stuffed a bill in my shirt pocket and thanked me for the game. I thought it was the ten dollar bill I had given him but when I looked after he left, he had given me an American hundred dollar bill.

What a day for a seventeen year old, I will never forget it. That was in 1969.

Now lets hear your story, gorilla.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Survivorerist on 03-22-01 at 05:30 PM
>>>I thought it was the ten dollar bill I had given him but when I looked after he left, he had given me an American hundred dollar bill. What a day for a seventeen year old, I will never forget it. That was in 1969.<<<

Was '69 the time when an American 100 was worth like 90 Canadian?


Fantasy Final Four: Amber Brkich, Colby Donaldson, Elisabeth Filarski, Jerri Manthey.

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 03-22-01 at 06:01 PM
I think it was about even then, I know it was in 1967 because I went on a three week holiday with my sister and her husband to, lets see if I can remember.....Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Wyoming, Montana. One road side attraction a day. The caves in Missouri was the best, Jesse James hideout and all. When I bought some American money for myself I got dollar for dollar, no exchange.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Kokoro on 03-28-01 at 08:21 PM
Okay I'm long overdue....lol and of course the power goes off in my neighbourhood just as I finish soooo I'll try again. Warning: I was only 5 so this is really just a bunch of memories slammed together and largely incoherent....but if you still wanna hear it:

Well my dad used to work at Massey Hall, so I could go to events there for free when he was working. Soooo I go to see Sharon, Lois and Bram. Opening for them was this tiny Chinese lady who kept pelting the crowd with these little rubber balls and doing backflips. Then the rest of the show....blah, blah, blah....Okay, so I didn't get a little rubber ball and I was sad so my dad took me backstage and I met the Chinese lady. She didn't speak English, but she did give me an autographed rubber ball(which I still have around somewhere, though it's really badly time worn). Next I went and I met Sharon, Lois and Bram but that's when I had one of the most frightening experience of my life! The elephant came out and I hugged it but then it took off it's head and I was crying so much....It turns out that it's really a middle aged woman under that suit....and that is how I became disallusioned with children's programming.



Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

And my new mascot type thingy:

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 03-29-01 at 10:24 AM
Gorilla-girl, I cried, I truly did, how could they have done such a thing to an innocent babe. I think your story should be in Macleans Magazine, as a feature.

Massey Hall, you from Toronto or what?

Just asking, that's all.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Kokoro on 03-29-01 at 07:06 PM
Yep, downtown area at Pape and Queen.

Ooooh watch out everyone there's a "crack" in the alliance. Yeah, maybe; If crack was slang for millionaire.

And my new mascot type thingy:

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Survivorerist on 03-19-01 at 10:08 PM
>>>GOOD: They realize they want Jerri to be their final opponent, so K/T/C leave her alone and go after the weak players, because poor players are unpredictable and thus dangerous.<<<

I don't know about that. With Dicque last time, I wouldn't be too sure. I'd expect an actress like Jerri to be able to talk her way out of quite a bit. I'd ditch her, but not before axing another Kucha.

>>>Amber walks into a tree and knocks herself out of the game<<<

I don't especially appreciate comments like that (Anti-dissing Amber except on Basher board is one of my many quirks). But don't worry, I'm maybe the only one who feels that way.

Anyways, welcome to this board! I hope to be seeing your face around here more often, eh?


Fantasy Final Four: Amber Brkich, Colby Donaldson, Elisabeth Filarski, Tina Wesson.

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 03-20-01 at 09:19 AM
I draw a distinction betwen Amber Brkich the person and Amber Brkich the TV role created by the producers. Clearly every contestant went through a very rigorous process before being selected. What we finally see on TV is a very tiny segment of the film, edited and arranged to show us what they want us to see. That's TV; that's entertainment. Since we don't know the real persons, all we can talk about is the roles that we have been shown. Jerri is shown as evil and unethical (every good drama needs a bad guy); Amber, an airhead. If I dis - or praise - anyone, it's the role I'm being shown, not the person.

"RE: Poor, fair and good players"
Posted by Survivorerist on 03-20-01 at 03:50 PM
>>>Jerri is shown as evil and unethical (every good drama needs a bad guy); Amber, an airhead. If I dis - or praise - anyone, it's the role I'm being shown, not the person<<<

Yeah, I tend to do the same thing. The only reason I like Amber is because I identify with the role being shown. To me, she seems like one of those people that tried and tried to fit in but had a difficult time being accepted. Since Jerri seemed to like her, she clung onto Jerri and it was exaggerated by CBS into her being Jerri's mini-me. I'm sure everyone knew (or knows) an Amber, and I guess it's just a bit easier for me to relate to someone like that because I was one (Airhead was actually my nickname in Elementary school).


Fantasy Final Four: Amber Brkich, Colby Donaldson, Elisabeth Filarski, Tina Wesson.