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Thread Number: 4594
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"Did I miss something?"

Posted by XXL Survivor on 11-02-07 at 08:28 AM
I thought Jamie stole James' real idol? So I guess she looked in the bag, saw his two idols, but did nothing (i.e., didn't read the back, didn't take them). Why did she even bother looking into his bag if she wasn't actually looking to take the idol? That made little sense. I guess she is Jessica Simpson after all.

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"RE: Did I miss something?"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 11-02-07 at 08:40 AM
I'm guessing there's a rule against actually taking things from other people's bags. This is why Alex and Mookie didn't take Yau-Man's immunity idol last season.

"RE: Did I miss something?"
Posted by XXL Survivor on 11-02-07 at 08:43 AM
Has that rule ever been stated? Or is cbs purposely making the viewers just guess on that one?

"RE: Did I miss something?"
Posted by michel on 11-02-07 at 12:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-02-07 AT 12:26 PM (EST)

You can't steal it from another. CBS didn't say anything but Terry told us in an interview that, had he wanted to pass the idol to someone, it had to be done on camera. The idol was considered his until HE officially passed it on to someone else. That told us no one could simply grab it from him.

Except for the secrecy, it's the same as the immunity necklace. The immunity winner leaves it around camp and doesn't worry about anyone taking it.