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"that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"

Posted by ronhall47 on 10-18-07 at 08:44 PM
that was ridiculous.totally unfair to aaron.Even though he was a weasle.He shouldnt of been in that position.Obviously they were going to throw that challenge why reward it? Major props to james.Who called bullshit and stuck to it

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"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by cycles2k on 10-18-07 at 11:20 PM
I agree. The switch was completely unfair to the winning tribe.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by almadenmike on 10-19-07 at 02:16 AM
I agree!! The producers should have had "another twist": at Tribal Council in which the tribe could not vote for any of the new/switched tribe members. Imagine the looks on PG's and Jamie's faces if Jeff had tossed that twist at them!

This is a real low point for the Survivor producers to let the challenge-throwers get away with it. (Of course Jeff hinted that something might be changing with his comment about "If your assumptions about the game hold true..." We'll see.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by urnotme on 10-19-07 at 08:04 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-19-07 AT 08:06 AM (EST)

I really didn't like this twist either. For some odd reason I kept waiting during Tribal Council for Jeff to say "It's time for you to switch over again" then to see Frosti and Sherea pop out of the corner and making it the original tribe again. And Aaron and James could walk out and be with their original tribe. Now that would have been a neat switch. Jaime and PG would have been in a pickle with their plans and all.

Up to the last minute before voting I kept thinking, "Ok, time to switch" but it never happened. blah!

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by byoffer on 10-19-07 at 08:19 AM
the tribe could not vote for any of the new/switched tribe members

My DW was sure that they would add that exact rule. The look on PG and Jaime's faces would have been better than the look on Edgardo's face last season.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 10-19-07 at 08:27 AM
I had the same exact though, except that at this stage in the game there are darn few people left and it would have made the switch unfair to them as well. It's easy to say that after the team throws a challenge but not as easy if they tried their best and still get penalized.

I'm hopeful that they will get their comeuppance later in the game - Jeff hinted that maybe the merge won't happen exactly as they think. But that won't help Aaron and James. I also wonder how the other tribe is going to react to the obvious tank job and try to do it themselves. How awful at the next challenge if both tribes are trying NOT to win.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by mrc on 10-19-07 at 10:14 AM
I am praying that the merge doesn't happen soon. I would like to see both of the gals get booted b/c of their lack of sportsmanship.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 10-19-07 at 02:10 PM
What I would like to see is no merge at all -- just a continuous game of musical tribes. Think of the chaos, the angsting, the MESS of it all.

Now that would be cool.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by iltarion on 10-19-07 at 03:57 AM
I agree 100% with what has already been said. That was the biggest bunch of BS Survivor has ever pulled. It is like they specifically wanted to get rid of the stronger people. Could it be because the last 3 winners were all men? I wouldn't put it past Burnett.
They should have said that the two kidnapped people on each tribe were immune from the first TC. They have done that in the past, and they completely set it up for someone to throw a challenge and screwed over whoever was going home by not doing that this time.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by fanfromseason1 on 10-19-07 at 09:00 AM
While I hated to see Aaron go I was impressed with the girls strategy. This isn't the first time a tribe has thrown a challenge to get somewhere. I think their only screw up was keeping James. He's gonna make life hell for them. Way to go girls.

"Great strategy thinking, horrible results"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-19-07 at 09:14 AM
I am impressed that PG figured out the numbers game, especially when none of them ever expected that they would lose someone from their tribe. What, they actually thought they were just going to give them two players because of what reason??????

Horrible results...Aaron and James should have never been/will be voted out in the fashion they are.

It is difficult for me to see people who want to play the game get railroaded like this.....how could anyone have stopped the "throwing of the competition"?

"RE: Great strategy thinking, horrible results"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 10-19-07 at 10:08 AM
I agree too. I think Survivor blew it.

Actually I was wondering others views of this season. I think it has been the worst yet. I did not like it before yesterday but last night took the cake. This season has been very bad. I almost don't feel like even watching when in past seasons I always look forward to it. I really don't like this seasons cast.

"RE: Great strategy thinking, horrible results"
Posted by fanfromseason1 on 10-19-07 at 11:38 AM
I personally see the problem as hypocritical viewers. If last nights show have someone less likable voted off the same way (say Courtney or Jean) it would be considered genius. I will say it again it's not win every comp as the motto but outplay, outwit, outlast. The girls set that up nicely last night to do just that.

I'm so tired of making big money sitting here being obnoxious Jeff always being so holier than thou. Sorry, Jeff. God's position is filled.

"RE: Great strategy thinking, horrible results"
Posted by realitytvfan07 on 10-21-07 at 07:28 PM
I agree with you completely. If the other tribe had thrown the IC and booted Jean Robert nobody would be disappointed or see this as some kind of problem.

It was a great strategy and a strategy that hadn't been done before. The only problem I saw with it was the giggling and the obviousness of it.

I also think they did the right thing by booting Aaron over James. Don't get me wrong, I liked Aaron but he was a well liked and well respected member of his previous tribe. So when the merge happened it was almost guaranteed he would go right back to his old alliances. Jaime had visited their camp so she had a pretty good idea about the relationships over there.

Well, I am rooting for James. I can't wait to see if he can get out of his situation.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-19-07 at 10:15 AM
What are the chances of James' and Aaron's original team figuring out that the girls purposely threw the challenge, and figuring out why? These people love and know the game, I wonder if they will think it through. It seemed so obvious to us, but then again, editing is king!

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by zipperhead on 10-19-07 at 10:29 AM
I was thinking that if I had been in Aaron and James' position - likely to be cast out after my team intentionally threw the IC - I would trash the camp. Dismantle the shelter, wreck the firepit, throw the rice in the lake, etc.

I bet James throws the reward challenge.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by mistyrose52 on 10-19-07 at 10:55 AM
>I was thinking that if I
>had been in Aaron and
>James' position - likely to
>be cast out after my
>team intentionally threw the IC
>- I would trash the
>camp. Dismantle the shelter, wreck
>the firepit, throw the rice
>in the lake, etc.
>I bet James throws the reward

James has way too much integrity to do that, as tempting as it must be. I agree that this season has sucked since day one, but this really put the suck factor beyond the bar!!

The looks of smirk on Jamie's and PG's faces made me want to go through the screen of my TV and smack them both between the eyes!! What? Are they the first to throw an IC?? Give me a break! It wasn't even 12 hours before that they couldn't figure out that the other team would be taking two of THEIR players, too!! GEEZ! The entire team has 1/2 a brain, if that!

All I can say is Erik had better be very careful of Jamie-she'll be one to kiss and tell, and run him into the ground afterwards. If he and the other men didn't figure that out last night, this tribe has a snowball's chance of winning. But IF they do pull out, they will be the least deserving tribe in history, IMHO, EVER!!!

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-19-07 at 12:35 PM
Any hope that James can persuade Erik to keep him? Something on the order of the girls want to "get rid of brawn before the merge" strategy?

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Prof_ Wagstaff on 10-19-07 at 12:45 PM
I doubt it. Erik "the virgin" seems to be thinking with his little brain.

I got my ticket punched by foonermints!

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Myantek on 10-19-07 at 02:21 PM
I think the only chance of him doing that was when it was Aaron and James together. When Eric found out that they had thrown the challenge, and done so without letting him in on it, he should have easily figured out where he stood in that alliance.

There's just too many assumptions involved to really make me feel that this was anything but a stupid move. It's not like they've always merged at 10. They've had fake merges and no merges and bring back ousted tribe mates twists. At this point I wouldn't assume that anything that gets thrown at them is a simple twist, there's always going to be a catch somewhere.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by TxMom2011 on 10-19-07 at 12:50 PM
That was AWFUL.... Painful to watch .... I kept hoping Jeff would say that the other twist was they couldn't vote off the new tribe members. At least James was spared. Maybe they can up with some way to make it fair for him. I totally agree with James. It is never good to throw a challange. Especially a TEAM challange.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by mia rules18 on 10-19-07 at 01:03 PM
Okay, I get the whole strategy thing with the girls, I guess I could give them props for that, but it was how they implemented the whole thing that really made me nuts. They seemed so childish and immature. Especially with the giggling. Drove me crazy to watch the whole thing. Rooting for James!!!

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by NedraSue on 10-19-07 at 01:14 PM
Yes, I agree...granted they were playing the game, but a twist at minutes end, would have been fun.

The one and most difficult thing I have against this year is walking around in your cotton underwear and bra. I know, it covers more than a bikini...but I think CBS needs to make sure each contestant, has swim attire and tennis shoes.

You can still pull off bottoms in the mud just as you can a pair of underwear.

I just think this is very tasteless, AND I have had several friends give up on this year and not watch anylonger.


"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by mrc on 10-19-07 at 03:03 PM
To be fair, the peeps did have swim attire last night during the challenge. How and why, I don't know.

What is Phil's golf equipment?

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Puffy on 10-21-07 at 08:43 AM
I'd like to know more about the new swim suits. Did they receive them with the food basket? Did they revolt and say no more challenges until we get decent clothes? I was surprised that there was no mention of them receiving the clothes.

©Surfkitten siggie shop, 2007

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by TxMom2011 on 10-19-07 at 01:07 PM
I think if Aaron had been with the girls he would have figured it out and completed the puzzle himself. I guess he was the better swimmer.

So far this is my least favorite season of Survivor. I sure hope the producers can fix this mess.

And... Erik is not sharp enough to make a move against the girls. Too bad.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by cipher5150 on 10-19-07 at 01:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-19-07 AT 01:19 PM (EST)

It was no more unfair than when Silas(?) got the boot in S3 when the tribes changed, or for that matter, in any other season when twists have been thrown in that have screwed up players alliances or flipped tribe members. If Aaron and the rest of his original team were as smart as they thought they were they would have figured out that it would have been in their collective best interests if Fei Long threw the challenges and voted out Sherea and Frosti.

I thought PG and Jaime’s idea was great. But they probably lost any advantage it may have given them when they admitted they threw the challenge. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I don't understand why they chose to vote out Aaron over James though. And frankly, I'm starting to think that James is a bully.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by topmodelchick on 10-19-07 at 02:00 PM
I think the twist was smart, they just went about it the wrong way. Why did Jamie feel the need to taunt and laugh about how smart they were? Why wasn't Erik a little more ticked off about all the swimming/diving he had done to have those girls sabatoge his efforts? I don't think that James is a bully, but I think that those girls kept him for their own purpose and not because he or they wanted him around. They don't want to lose any of their tribmates, but not even thinking that their tribemates already may be lost to them....That's what makes the thing so dumb. They don't know what was going on....I think their arrogance is what makes the move dumb - that's where it will probably bite them in the arse....and then I will be tickled pink!!!

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by cipher5150 on 10-19-07 at 02:28 PM
I would agree that PG and Jaime’s giggling showed poor sportsmanship (or perhaps they just couldn’t control their glee that they pulled it off), however that doesn’t negate that it was a good plan. However, for such a plan to be successful it really has to be believable and in that they failed miserably. How anyone could not have figured out what they were doing when Jaime chucked one of the pieces a good ten feet from the puzzle board is mind boggling. And even if their former tribemates had already flipped allegiance to the other team it was still a good plan for the three that remained.

<<I think that those girls kept him for their own purpose and not because he or they wanted him around>>

Of course they did, but the question is why? There seemed to be some implication that Aaron was more of a “mental” threat than James. He certainly seemed to think that James was going home. I’m curious as to why they elected to keep James if their intention is to throw the next challenge too.

Perhaps bully is too strong of a word…time will tell…I would say that even though I found his comments about Denise heartwarming, in general, every time he starts to talk I like him a little less…

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 10-19-07 at 02:45 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-19-07 AT 03:00 PM (EST)

Ok, the plan sucked. i don't care what any of you say. There may not even be a merge. You don't know. Remember when Stephanies team was picked off one by one til she was the last one left?

As to why keeping James and not Aaron. James had given up and Aaron had not...that simple.

Here's one...why can James or Aaron tell the other tribe at the next tribal council that they are throwing the challenge. Also, maybe since the tribe admitted to throwing the challenge and James is a lame duck with no fair chance....maybe Jeff annoucnes that James goes to the other side? Could happen.

One more thing, although challenges have been thrown in the past this takes things to an all new level. Tribes had lost on purpose to get rid of annoying tribe mates...the person got eliminated because they had gotten so annoying that the tribe really wanted to get rid of them...so the person going home deserved too. Here Aaron did nothing to deserve going home. So what happened to him was totally unfair beyond anything we had seen yet. Imagine if in the NFL a team decided they would lose on purpose to get better draft picks....the NFL would frown on that and probably penalize the team. But the team would not admit to it. Here the team admitted to it and this taints the entire show. Admitting to it might just be the dumbest thing about the plan. There just might be a penalty...we will see.....it would be warranted.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by mia rules18 on 10-19-07 at 03:26 PM
Well said...For me, it was disturbing to watch this happen, because it just didn't seem right. Not even entertaining. I'm with you, I'd love to see this plan backfire on them !

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by cipher5150 on 10-19-07 at 03:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-19-07 AT 04:41 PM (EST)

I think that talk that there won’t be a merge is just silly. Of course, there will be a merge, but you are right that they don’t have any idea of when it will be. However, I don’t think there has ever not been a merge by the time the tribes were down to nine total members (maybe eight, I can’t remember). It would be unrealistic to have jury members voting for people that they may have not ever spent any time with and knew nothing about. Also, when Stephanie was the sole player left from her team the game started with 20 players and were nine when they merged.

Obviously the plan was very risky and they were certainly aware of that. It was a calculated risk that I can appreciate and would much rather see than players merely coasting along. It could still backfire and probably will but at least they made an effort to control the game.

<< As to why keeping James and not Aaron. James had given up and Aaron had not...that simple.>>

I don’t think he has given up at all. Yes, he made some comments along those lines but I believe that was his frustration coming out and I think he is going to try his hardest next episode to thwart their plans.

<< maybe since the tribe admitted to throwing the challenge and James is a lame duck with no fair chance....maybe Jeff announces that James goes to the other side? Could happen.>>

Uh, seriously? I highly doubt it. And why would they? You don’t really think MB cares about making the game “fair” for everyone do you?

<< One more thing, although challenges have been thrown in the past this takes things to an all new level. Tribes had lost on purpose to get rid of annoying tribe mates...the person got eliminated because they had gotten so annoying that the tribe really wanted to get rid of them...so the person going home deserved too. Here Aaron did nothing to deserve going home. So what happened to him was totally unfair beyond anything we had seen yet. Imagine if in the NFL a team decided they would lose on purpose to get better draft picks....the NFL would frown on that and probably penalize the team. But the team would not admit to it. Here the team admitted to it and this taints the entire show. Admitting to it might just be the dumbest thing about the plan. There just might be a penalty...we will see.....it would be warranted.>

There’s that word again…”fair”. You would think after the very first season of Survivor when one tribe was picked off one player at a time and the “evil” player won that players and viewers would realize that there is no “fair” and “unfair” in Survivor. It’s been clear since the beginning of the series that unless something is expressly against the rules that it is “fair”. And also that the game will change every season based on the whims of the producers - changes that will no doubt give a competitive advantage to someone or some team. Is it “fair” to win by deceit and lying? Maybe not in the real world but it is certainly acceptable, and dare I say…fair, to do it in the game of Survivor. And you can’t apply a real world analogy like the NFL to Survivor. The NFL has a rule book as big as the bible and morals clauses. Survivor celebrates the kind of behavior that the NFL would frown upon or penalize.

And I think throwing a challenge to get rid of someone who has an alliance with the opposing team is a MUCH better idea than throwing one to get rid of someone who you merely find irritating.

And Aaron did deserve to go home if for no other reason than he wasn’t a member of the majority alliance on his new team – just like every other person that has been voted out since the first season. Seems fair to me.

ETA: correct sentence

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by frisky on 10-19-07 at 11:58 PM
I can respect a calculated risk. I, too, would rather watch folks taking risks in these game shows rather than just coasting. Time will tell whether their risk will pay off.

The big strike against them here is that they were all "in your face" about it.

A true calculated risk in this game, in my opinion, has to have an element of subtlety.

If it gets you to the final 2, great! Then, and only then, you can brag about what you did way back when. Example: You remember that big move that changed the game? That was mine!

Every move they made as their plan unfolded should have been subtle, crafty, snake-in-the-grass.

I'm pretty sure The Art of War doesn't say anything about giggling like an idiot while you're conspiring against the enemy.

Perpetual *headbutt* compliments of Rolly.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Myantek on 10-19-07 at 04:49 PM
> Also, maybe since the
>tribe admitted to throwing the
>challenge and James is a
>lame duck with no fair
>chance....maybe Jeff annoucnes that James
>goes to the other side?
> Could happen.

Why would he do that? Everyone loves an underdog. I'd wager that there's a good percentage of viewers out there hoping that James makes it past the next immunity challenge even if he has to pick those two girls up and throw them over his shoulders to cross the finish line.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 10-19-07 at 05:59 PM
maybe Jeff annoucnes that James goes to the other side? Could happen.

A version of that: the switch was temporary but they just didn't tell the tribes that so everyone switches back at the next challenge.

siggie by ARnutz
bounced by Icey

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by realitytvfan07 on 10-21-07 at 07:44 PM
They kept James because he doesn't have the same strong ties to his former tribe that Aaron does.

They didn't view Aaron as a mental threat in that they thought he was smarter. He simply had strong relationships in his former tribe.

One of his biggest mistakes in joining the new tribe was being so obvious in trying to throw James under the bus from the minute he got off the boat and then being silent in situations when he should have spoken up that in itself makes him untrustworthy.

Don't forget Jaime went over to their camp so she had a pretty good idea of the relationships that James and Aaron had. They made a great decision in getting rid of Aaron. James doesn't have any strong alliances. And it could be a possibility to flip him to their side.

Considering the social aspects of the game James is not as an immediate threat as Aaron was.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by michel on 10-21-07 at 08:47 PM
>"James doesn't have any strong alliances. And it could be a possibility to flip him to their side.

You mean it could have been a possibility to flip James. They wasted that option by throwing the challenge and laughing about it.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by iltarion on 10-20-07 at 00:16 AM
I'm not surprised to see people applaud the move the women made. Opinions always vary no matter what happens.
Survivor history has shown again and again that throwing a challenge is a bad idea. Yeah, individual players, like Sandra and Ozzy, may have gone on to do well in the game, but it always ended up bad for their current tribe and things never worked the way they thought they would.
Fei Long was likely to get rid of JR. That fact alone makes the women's move stupid. Of course, they didn't know that, but they are relying on a lot of things that they don't know, including when the merge is going to be and who will booted off of the other tribe.
And let's not give these two too much credit, remember they were both convinced, along with their whole tribe, that they were getting to kidnap two from the other tribe without the same happening to them. Complete idiocy.
Then, Jaime, who remember it wasn't even her idea anyway, doesn't even have the sense to not make it obvious to everyone what they did. That type of hubris virtually always comes back to bite in Survivor.
Also, not telling Erik was pretty low. The guy practically made himself pass out in his attempts to win a challenge that they were going to throw anyway. They also lost HIS trust with their move, which is another bad thing about their strategy.
Lastly, of course Jeff had the right to dress Jaime down over it. Even if it was a great idea for PG and Jaime, it still is not in Survivor's best interest to have non-competitive challenges. Non-competitive challenges equal unwatchable challenges, and unwatchable challenges equals swan song for Survivor.
And yes, it was unfair to Aaron, who basically was booted for being a strong, dangerous player. He and James were given no time to even try to bond with anyone, no RC to prove their worth, and then no chance to even save themselves with immunity. Yes, it was also unfair to Silas, but at least he was in the minority because his tribe was weaker and the tribes were made equal again. Not the case with Aaron and James who were on the stronger tribe and still penalized.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by iltarion on 10-20-07 at 00:42 AM
Oh, one more thing, what makes PG and gigglefoot think Frosti and Sherea won't stick with their new tribe? Did they have some strong alliance with them that we don't know about? Maybe. We will see.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Myantek on 10-20-07 at 02:45 AM
I think there was an early confessional from PG saying that she felt a connection to Frosti because they share the same heritage. I'm guessing they figure Sherea won't be making any friends on the other tribe with her whole "saving herself for the challenges" strategy.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Jims02 on 10-20-07 at 04:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-20-07 AT 04:34 PM (EST)

I agree.

When watching the show with my family, they were all talking about what snakes Peih Gee and Jaime were, but I don't blame them in the least. I 100% blame the producers. They pretty much screwed over four players in the game, and gave both tribes a strong incentive to throw a competition.

Winning immunity -> Sherea or Frosti gone
Losing immunity -> Aaron or James gone

If you were Peih Gee, Jaime, and Erik, which option would you choose? As Dave said, this decision isn't exactly rocket science. Jean-Robert could've gone, had Fei Long lost, but Peih Gee and Jaime can't know that. It's not at all an unreasonable conclusion to assume that Sherea or Frosti would be toast.

I'm not going to blame the players for making the logical choice based on the game environment. I'm going to blame the people who established that environment, the producers.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by nazpink on 10-20-07 at 09:39 PM
What was appalling was the fact that the one tribe actually didn't understand the catch 22 with the switch. To honestly believe that they would gain the upperhand by snatching away the other tribe's two players with no consequences for them was ridiculous. Had it been the first or even second season I would have accepted the oblivion.

As far as Peih Gee and Jaime's plan well, the only faults I saw was the fact that it was so blatantly obvious they threw the challenge. However, Sheree and Frosti would have to be blind to not see that they were being protected by their original tribe (the blindness on their part is highly possible)...which could convince them to stick with their original alliance after seeing the loyalty. On the otherhand, the two showed just how far they will go, which can make others question just how good of an idea it would be to keep them around, plus keeping Erik out of the loop is dangerous because eventually it will make him feel insecure. Was that not the issue with the man alliance from last season?! In all, the move was a risky one. It can possibly result in some not so fun consequences or it could keep them in the game til the end. But, sometimes one needs to take the leap to make things happen.

"Twists are part of Survivor."
Posted by michel on 10-21-07 at 03:41 PM
The twist certainly put the kidnapped victims in a difficult position but fairness shouldn't be an issue. Aaron had 2 days with Jaime on his tribe when she was kidnapped. He made a bad impression (remember Jaime saying he was too controlling) instead of making a bond with her that he could've counted on after the twist.
Worse, when Jaime asked him: "Will Jean Robert be the first boot after merge?" Aaron had to react immediately: "JR? I doubt he even makes the merge. Todd, Amanda and Courtney hate him so much he'll be gone next." Saying I don't know in that situation is worse than saying it to your wife if she asks "Do I look fat?"!!!

Getting away from the fairness of the twist, I have to sit next to Iltarion when he wrote:

>"Non-competitive challenges
>equal unwatchable challenges,
>and unwatchable challenges equals
>swan song for Survivor."

Not only do I totally agree but worse, next week, we could have a race for last place! How thrilling!

Let's not forget that Peih Gee's hunch also contributed to that joke of a challenge. It wasn't smart strategy. Before throwing the challenge the women of Zhan Hu, especially Jaime, had options. Now, their only option is that FL doesn't throw the next challenge, that James doesn't win it by himself and that the merge happens at 10. A merge at 9 doesn't work for Zhan Hu. If all that falls in place for ZH, then they still need to win the F10 tie-breaker...If Sherea doesn't flip to FL!!

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Aruba on 10-22-07 at 06:31 PM
Catching up on all the threads, there was no doubt in my mind that a thread of this type would be started.

For those who give credit to PG and Jaime for their poor sportsmanship; there's a difference between being smart and being desparate. PG/Jaime were desparate because Zhan Hu has sucked since Day One. There's nothing intelligent about being able to add and use second grade math skills to know you are down 7-5.

If Zhan Hu was up by only one player this twist would not have been as unfair, but being up by TWO allowed a Zhan Hu member to be expendable and STILL hold a numbers advantage. That's why Zhan Hu (namely JP) would be willing to fight hard to win a challenge that PG/Jaime were willing to throw.

Personally I still consider Pappy drawing the purple stone as the "most unfair survivor", but this episode comes pretty darn close.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Aruba on 10-22-07 at 06:32 PM

>If Zhan Hu was up by
>only one player this twist
>would not have been as
>unfair, but being up by
>TWO allowed a Zhan Hu
>member to be expendable and
>STILL hold a numbers advantage.
> That's why Zhan Hu
>(namely JP) would be willing
>to fight hard to win
>a challenge that PG/Jaime were
>willing to throw.

OOPS...I mean to say Fei Long in this paragraph.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by garcor on 10-23-07 at 08:33 PM
Suspect that in one way or another their decision will come back to hurt PG and Jaime later in the game; either through another unforseen twist or in an unwillingness on the part of other players to ally with either once they find out PG and Jaime through the challenge.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by canuklady on 10-24-07 at 12:25 PM
Like so many others, I was pretty disgusted with those two morons. It's not like it hasn't happened in previous Survivors, but the way those two conducted themselves reminded me of a couple of Kindergarden kids gleefully doing something really naughty. Childish or what? Especially Jamie! She's how old?

Now next week, knowing what their strategy is, why would James even bother exerting himself in the next challenge? It'll be interesting to see what happened when they returned to camp.

And Jeff didn't seem too chuffed about what happened either.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 10-24-07 at 01:54 PM

>And Jeff didn't seem too chuffed
>about what happened either.

Oh? I thought he was about as miffed as he has ever gotten.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by canuklady on 10-24-07 at 06:38 PM
Sorry, that's what I meant...Jeff looked really ticked off.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by iatovttotx78 on 10-24-07 at 06:46 PM
Agreed. The only time I can remember him getting equally (or more) upset is when Oesten (sp?) quit

Handcrafted by RollDdice.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Jenna_F on 10-25-07 at 01:24 AM
The twist was just as fair as any other twists. The way this works was atleast player controlled, as opossed to complete random luck. Remember when they pulled for new tribes and it ended up that Amber was the only person switched in allstars? Leaving her completly alone on a tribe of enemies? or what his name drawing the purple stone and getting eliminated even though he'd received no votes that tribal council. Or the time they let eliminated players come back into the game, meaning that if you were REALLY bad at the game, you got a second chance, but people who placed 3rd or 4th got no second chances. Tribal swaps are allways dumb and unfair, infact, most survivor twists period tend to be unfair. This season's was no different.

As far as throwing the challenge, that's not a despicable thing to do. That is there best bet to get ahead in the game. There's a load of assumptions they had to make in doing this, but it's still more likely to keep them around then any other path. The only problem with throwing the challenge was their attitude about it. Remember Pirate master, When Jay through the challenge so that he could keep Christina(i think was her name?) in the captains chair? He didn't smirk and giggle the whole way through.

Signature given to me by tribephyl in an attempt to make me less boring.

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 10-25-07 at 08:56 AM

"RE: that was the most unfair survivor ive ever seen"
Posted by XXL Survivor on 11-02-07 at 08:37 AM
While the "throwing the challenge" strategy pissed me off at the time, especially since I was rooting for James to win, in retrospect it was absolutely the right thing strategy-wise for the two girls (and Erik even though he wasn't involved) to do. Ethics don't count in Survivor; it's about strategy. That being said, the giggling about it was so low class and unneccessarily taunting that it made me very glad to see Jamie get booted the way she did this week. She deserved the embarassment.