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"Survivor Newbie"

Posted by FoxWatcher on 09-24-07 at 06:12 AM
Hi, I'm new on this board!

I got one question for you which I would be grateful to hear an answer to.

Well, I'm from Germany, and like a month ago, a new show was promoted here, the German version of Survivor. I've heard of it before, but never thought about it. I watched the first episode, and...it was okay. Not great, but not really bad either. But two weeks later I thought to myself "I guess the American version is a lot better", so I got myself the first episode of the 14th season and I LOVED IT the second I saw it. I watches the entire season in five days, every episode was great. But there is one thing I don't understand. I read a little bit about the season after I watched it and it seems like they filmed it from October-December, but it aired from January/February-May. Alright...but, the reading of the final votes were live in New York. So in May. But the rest was filmed five months before...??? I don't think Earl, Dreamz and Cassandra had to wait five months to hear the final vote, or did they?

Could someone explain that to me? Thanks.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Survivor Newbie"
Posted by Snidget on 09-24-07 at 07:00 AM
They want to keep people from leaking who the winner is, so they do not reveal the vote total to anyone.

The more people that know who won, the harder it is to keep the information secret. So yes, they make the final three wait until the live finale to know who won.

"RE: Survivor Newbie"
Posted by FoxWatcher on 09-24-07 at 07:59 AM
Oh, cool.

Thanks for the answer,

but that's pretty heavy. What do they do in the time between? Just wait patiently?

"RE: Survivor Newbie"
Posted by Snidget on 09-24-07 at 08:06 AM
I don't know how patient they are, but they don't have any choice but to wait.

"RE: Survivor Newbie"
Posted by FoxWatcher on 09-24-07 at 09:38 AM
Thanks again.

Since this is already the Newbie Topic, can I ask another questions every newbie should know?

Which season is the best? I know, there are some other topics about this, but I probably would have walked right into some spoilers, like "Season...is the best, because ....won" , you know? So, without a spoiler, which one is the best?

"RE: Survivor Newbie"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 09-24-07 at 10:32 AM
You will get far more agreement around here on which seasons are worst than best.

Seasons that are generally disliked are Thailand and All-Stars.
Seasons that are disliked by many are Africa, Vanuatu, Exile Island, and Fiji.

The rest all have their backers. I'm partial to Pearl Islands and Cook Islands myself.

"RE: Survivor Newbie"
Posted by Snidget on 09-24-07 at 10:58 AM
Yep, what people like or dislike about a season varies so much there is not a lot of agreement. For some it is mostly about the cast, sometimes the location can effect how people rank a season, or what twists get thrown in/how the twists play out.

I found the rank 'em thread after Cook Islands (Season 13) and summarized the rankings as it was also a rank the winners thread.

Season.............Ave Rank..Range
Cook Islands.........2.78 (1-10)
Australia............4.22 (2-9)
Pearl Islands........5.00 (1-12)
Borneo...............5.17 (1-13)
Guatemala............6.17 (2-11)
Panama/Exile Island..6.56 (1-11)
Palau................7.17 (2-12)
Africa...............7.94 (1-13)
Marquesas............7.94 (2-13)
Amazon...............8.06 (3-12)
Vanuatu..............9.11 (1-13)
All-Stars............9.33 (2-13)
Thailand............11.33 (9-13)

"RE: Survivor Newbie"
Posted by FoxWatcher on 09-24-07 at 11:26 AM
Wow, that suprises me, on another board I stumbled upon I read that All-Stars would have been the best one...

@two posts above: Fiji is disliked, that's like I said the only season I watched and I thought it was great. If this was one of the worst seasons, I can't wait to get my hands on the other ones...

I heard some of the season are already released on dvd? Which are they? Do they always get realeased or just the most successful ones?

"RE: Survivor Newbie"
Posted by Snidget on 09-24-07 at 11:32 AM
Usually the more popular ones get DVDs

This site says which TV shows have DVDs: TVshows on DVD

All-Stars has some people that really liked it, but other people really hated it. I think it depends on what your expectations of how people who should know how to play the game all played together.

"RE: Survivor Newbie"
Posted by FoxWatcher on 09-24-07 at 12:09 PM
If I'm not mistaking, it'S five American seasons that actually got released on dvd. I,II,All-Stars,Palia and Vanutu. I'm gonna consider buying them cause it's really hard to get the older season through the internet if you know what I'm saying...

"RE: Survivor Newbie"
Posted by SUPAMEOM on 09-24-07 at 02:49 PM
I am South African and I have purchased all the dvds that have been released, they are really enjoyable, and the commentaries and extras are really cool... its well worth it!!

Thanks Tribe!!

"HI HI HI Supamneo... I must say you have to be my and Jeff's biggest fan!!! " Julie Berry Survivor Vanuatu

"RE: Survivor Newbie"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 09-24-07 at 01:26 PM
Fiji is disliked, that's like I said the only season I watched and I thought it was great. If this was one of the worst seasons, I can't wait to get my hands on the other ones...

The first half of Fiji is what is widely disliked. Once they merge, it gets a lot better, the gameplay picks up, and it becomes a lot more enjoyable.

"RE: Survivor Newbie"
Posted by TxMom2011 on 09-27-07 at 08:36 AM
I have been watching Survivor since Season I. I have been on this board at least 4 years (I mostly read and rarely post) I feel like a true fan of the show. But it amazes me how much people here remember about past seasons. Unless you say who won that season, I wouldnt know one from the other. (Except for All-Stars) The fact that folks can recall strategies and other details from past seasons is mind-blowing to me.

Posted by cqvenus on 09-28-07 at 12:36 PM
i loved amazon, so i'm pretty surprised to see it ranked so low...

~ cq

"RE: amazon"
Posted by FoxWatcher on 09-29-07 at 09:55 AM
I got another question.

I found on WIkipedia, that some of the contestans in Survivor Fiji were unemployed actors CBS found on sites like MySpace and stuff.

What's up with that? I thought the contestens call them and not the other way around? And were any of them actors? I can't recall reading that in one of the descreptions?

"RE: amazon"
Posted by Fishercat on 09-29-07 at 12:38 PM
Early on, the show was done mostly by applications, but recently, they've gone to a system where they mostly recruit the people on the show. They go out and if they see someone they think would be good for the show, they "encourage" them to apply.

For instance, this season, Ashley Massaro is a pro wrestler and Survivor asked the WWE to have someone apply. Jean-Robert is a professional poker player.

Also, in the Cook Islands season, both Jonathan Penner and Sundra Oakley were actors.

"RE: amazon"
Posted by FoxWatcher on 09-29-07 at 12:43 PM
I know Ashley. You know, I'm a big wrestling fan, so her name is not new to me, I remember reading a few months back that she was going to be in a realiy show...

But does anybody know what is with this "most of them were unemployed actors" thing?

"RE: amazon"
Posted by Snidget on 09-29-07 at 02:15 PM
The previous two seasons (Fiji and the one before that) they were doing an equal number of four races (white, latino, black and asian) thing. With Fiji one of the castmates dropped at the last minute so they couldn't do an equal racial thing as one tribe would be down so they scrambled and did the Have and Have Not twist.

I think that did end up causing them to do more recruitment than usual because I am fairly sure they do not get anywhere near equal numbers of applications from all the races.

Running down the field by Agman! Icey bounced me!