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"Peih Gee, First episode"

Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 09-21-07 at 02:33 AM
Maybe it was editing, but I was impressed with her. Sure, she wouldn't win any Miss Congeniality awards (as per the editing), but she did manage to pull it together to supervise the building of a hut, expose Chicken's weaknesses, and either form or join a winning alliance. Dave may have declared himself the leader, but Peih Gee seems to have actually behaved like one and pulled it off. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

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"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by iltarion on 09-21-07 at 03:25 AM
Don't call it a comeback! I've been here for years!

I agree. I liked PG a lot as well. She seemed to be on the outs with the less mature women, but she finally said screw it and took control anyway. And in the end, Ashley was the one on the outside of the vote. We'll see if that means anything later. Ashley probably deserved most to go, but I'm glad she is sticking around for two obvious reasons.

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by jbug on 09-21-07 at 09:54 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-21-07 AT 09:55 AM (EST)


ET clarify (re the ashley comment)

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by Max Headroom on 09-21-07 at 08:02 AM
I thought she was the second coming of Shii Ann-- a pushy, tell-it-like-it-is kind of woman. And I'll give her credit for livening up the first episode. But we'll see how well her style plays in the long run. I hope she does well as I find her directness refreshing.

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-21-07 at 08:55 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-21-07 AT 02:02 PM (EST)

You guys liked her? I thought she was a carbon copy of Sylvia from Fiji. She had no social skills and was bossy. Had it not been for Chicken she would've been gone. No spoiler but I expect the wrestler to heal and PG to be the next target.

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 09-21-07 at 02:15 PM
Yep, I had visions of Shii-Ann.....whether they're right or wrong, it's so hard to be the first one to tell people that unless they get it together, they're all going to fail.

I tow that line almost daily....is so FFFFRRRRRUUUUUSTRATTTTTING!!!

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by finallytyping on 09-28-07 at 01:28 AM



"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by fullofgrace2470 on 09-21-07 at 09:07 AM
I liked her too, and loved how she kept trying to get Chicken to answer the question. She kept calling him out on the fact that he was dancing around the question. Go Peih Gee!

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by michel on 09-21-07 at 10:36 AM
Yes WJ, I saw her as Sylvia also. It will be interesting to see if it was a circumstancial alliance against Chicken or if Peih-Gee is really the leader of that alliance. I have a hard time seeing the tribe following a bossy Peih-Gee over the strong but quiet Dave especially since Zhan Hu is at a physical disadvantage.

Except for Ashley of course. I agree with Iltarion: She has big "physical advantages"!

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by mistyrose52 on 09-21-07 at 01:20 PM
INHO, now that Chicken is gone, she is stuck in a tribe of immature, self-centered, foolish, know-it-alls, who do nothing much but dance around and act stupid most of the time.

Reality check from the storm? I doubt it. They're more concerned with the wrestler's health and welfare (both of them) to even care to do much of anything. It's like they're in another time and place, waiting for someone from another show to come along and build them a cabin, complete with running water, toilets, and beds.

I found the entire tribe, minus P.G. and Chicken (who's demise was that he was way too double-minded) the only 2 who actually had a collective brain! I'm truly hoping that they, like a few others before them, whittle themselves down to a couple, or 3, then have to merge with the almighty other tribe (already forgot their weird name-sorry!).

As a post-script-I am lovin' me some Grave Digger!!

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-21-07 at 02:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-21-07 AT 02:24 PM (EST)


I am little more willing to cut them some slack here in the beginning. Imagine yourself applying for Survivor...maybe for a couple years now. Maybe being close a couple times. When you finally get there you are just so happy to finally make it. You dance a little and soak in the moment. Time slips away some get sick because of the conditions. Some find themselves over their heads. Mistakes happen. I don't think the Wrestler and others are bad people or necessarily lazy. I think that they will get their acts together but reality had to hit them first. Keep in mind no one really wanted to be the leader....you becopme too bossy and you are out. It is not like Lost where if you step up to help your 'castaways' you get exiled. I am not sure either PG or the 'model' has the personality to be leaders..not sure anyone on this tribe has that personality. Strange cast....but you can not ask people to be what they are not. I almost think this was done on purpose...not many leader types this season. Maybe Burnett got tired of Yul's, Tom's and Earl's winning....seemed to be the pattern. Should be interesting.

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by Aruba on 09-29-07 at 10:08 AM
The one similarity with Sylvia and PG is when both Asian chicks open their mouths, you stratch your head and wonder what the heck they are saying?

The difference is Sylvia perplexed her tribemates with words she memorized from Oxford Unabridged Dictionary. PG does it with common words...for example, "It's most important knowing what 'what' is???" HEH??? "WHAT"???

If you want to score the lowest on a SAT test, have PG answer the verbal section and let Lisi from last season do the math portion.


"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by cipher5150 on 09-21-07 at 02:15 PM
I liked her a lot – yes she was bossy but she was also right. She’s very smart - except for not realizing how being too bossy makes you a target.

When Ashley was complaining about her being bossy I found myself wondering if she would have made the same comment if a man had taken the lead like PG did. I have to think not. She's not a diva for nothing...

This season seems true to form with the “older” ones taking the lead and the younger ones (read: immature ones) sitting around complaining about them.

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by Sues on 09-21-07 at 10:28 PM
I was thinking the same thing...if a man takes the lead it seems to go over better. (ok, unless they're a complete a$$) Hopefully she really is that smart and figures out when to back off and when to step forward...

I really wish the age ratio was more balanced. Not that I don't love looking at pretty bodies, but I like the 'head' game too....

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by iltarion on 09-22-07 at 02:50 AM
After the debacle of Fiji, they needed pretty bodies. I appreciate it, especially the former Miss Montana and that little red number she's wearing.
Sylvia was arrogant. She was like- "I'm an architect and I'm older and you morons who don't even know words like askew should just listen to what I have to say." PG was more like- "I'm young but I'm not fitting in with that crowd because I don't have big boobs, but I'm finally so frustrated with no shelter that I don't give a damn anymore." PG is not at all like Sylvia, and I'm not sure anyone thought she was bossy except for the do-nothing Ashley.
I don't think the lack of leaders has anything to do with the casting. Remember Tom didn't want to be a leader; it was thrust upon him. And Earl was the last thing from a leader in all but the votes. The bottom-line is that these people know Survivor, and they know how hard it is to lead and win. How many of them have already said they don't want that target on their back? People are afraid to lead. Props to John and PG for stepping up.
And James is frickin huge. That guy makes Osten look like a wimp. Oh, nevermind...

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by michel on 09-22-07 at 04:24 PM
Sherea was talking to Jaime just before TC and said: "My vote is between Peih-Gee, who is so bossy, and Chicken." Jaime agreed. Granted, those two were pretty much good for nothing also but it wasn't only Ashley.

And what about that loud "Yes!" with the fists pumps that Peih-Gee had when Jeff said "it seems this tribe has made its first decision". First decision? Really? What about Dave? Having 2 leaders isn't much better than having none. Having none is being like Pagong, Ulong or Raro. Having 2 can be like Samburu.

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by Jims02 on 09-22-07 at 01:48 PM
I'm surprised that there's a lot of people who agree with me. Everyone I watched it with thought Peih Gee was annoying. I'm not usually the one to make this kind of observation, but what is with Survivor editing? Can't they have one woman try to take a leadership role without portraying her as bitchy and bossy?

Her whole tribe is a bunch of slackers, and the only guy who would help (Chicken) is too afraid to give an opinion. It would drive me crazy too.

I still think she's doomed in this tribe, but I like her so far.

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by Estee on 09-22-07 at 04:45 PM
Can't they have one woman try to take a leadership role without portraying her as bitchy and bossy?


No. And apparently it really did a good job of spreading out from there.

Even the fictional ones got a dose.

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 10-02-07 at 11:57 AM
Can't they have one woman try to take a leadership role without portraying her as bitchy and bossy?

Hmmm...so far, all I have in the female leader department is Deena, Ami, Jolanda, Stephenie, Sylvia, and Peih-Gee.

Deena was too bossy and kind of obnoxious.
Ami was teh ebul man-hater.
Jolanda was bossy and a bee-yotch, but she was somewhat right.
Stephenie was an evil overlord.
Sylvia was bossy and didn't fit in.
Peih-Gee may be doing things right, playing the good cop to Dave's bad cop. If Zhan Hu ever gets anyone to the merge, she might go far; she's playing the "assistant coach" card very well.

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by Estee on 09-22-07 at 04:50 PM
I think she was cast to be Shii Ann II: This Is My New Idea Of Subtle. As such, I hope she hangs around a while (and longer than Courtney, who's proving that a proper bash needs to drop the sneer), but I don't think she'll go much further than her counterpart.

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by fanfromseason1 on 09-28-07 at 09:10 AM
I liked Peih Gee as well. The second episode barely showed her so I'm hoping that's a good sign. Her tribe really annoys me though. They seem like they are somewhere else.

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 09-28-07 at 09:32 AM
It was interesting to see her leadership strategy. She definately considered herself to be one of the tribe leaders based on tribal council. But she let Dave do most of the leading. Might be a good idea since he may end up leading himself right out of the tribe if he keeps it up. (then again, maybe it was mostly his conflict with Ashley that made him look so bad)

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"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by Karchita on 09-28-07 at 04:52 PM
I think you are right. She was smart to settle into a second-in-command position because Dave sure is getting unpopular.

However, by voting our Ashley, the tribe definitely sided with him and not her. Their conflict seemed to distract everyone from PG, though, to her benefit.

"RE: Peih Gee, First episode"
Posted by JoeGazillionaire on 10-15-07 at 03:23 AM
If you were hungry, soaked, with no food, fire and shelter with a bunch of slackers as your tribemates, you'd speak up to. She probably would have kept quiet if she was on one of the Type A tribes that had all the work done... Actually, the guy I found most annoying was Chicken...I just can't stand a guy that can't give you a straight answer. As the episodes have gone on, I actually have come to like PG. I was impressed with her in challenges. She's this skinny girl and dove into the action like an NFL safety knocking bigger women into the water. She's better at challenges than Dave, the supposed model (not sure what he could possibly have modeled for since he's got man boobs)...