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"Simple question"

Posted by XXL Survivor on 04-04-07 at 06:47 PM
Can someone just steal an idol??? Does the finder have to hide it well. Or do they give it to a producer or something for safe-keeping?

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"RE: Simple question"
Posted by Aruba on 04-04-07 at 07:20 PM
The finder of the HII must hide it as well.

To my knowledge there is no rule stipulating that you can't steal the HII. Although if it is stolen and ultimately played, I would think it could squash any chances you would have of winning the game if you make it to the F2 or F3. Can't imagine many jurors looking favorably upon that act...I know I wouldn't.

"Let's go to the videotape"

"RE: Simple question"
Posted by michel on 04-04-07 at 09:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-04-07 AT 09:35 PM (EST)

We know that there are rules surrounding the passage of the idol from one player to the other. Terry, in an interview, said he couldn't just slip the idol to someone else during TC. If he had wanted to pass it, it would have to have been done on camera and documented (the editors obviously would have the decision to present the exchange or not). It was assumed from there that you couldn't take it away from someone if they had it on them. Finding it in someone's bags, while that person was away, was never answered. Most feel that you cannot steal from another castaway.

If anyone has heard more details, I'd like to know.

"RE: Simple question"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 04-06-07 at 05:21 AM
Stealing from another castaway is a no no, so I would "assume" that includes stealing an HII. Once it is yours, it is yours unless you give it away, same as the immunity necklace.

Survivor ASS trivia champion, Survivor 1-13 trivia champion

"RE: Simple question"
Posted by emydi on 04-06-07 at 11:11 AM
but what if Edgardo or Alex or Earl "steal" it from Mookie and Yau the holders of the idol bc they made an agreement to share it?

"RE: Simple question"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 04-06-07 at 12:38 PM
Finders keepers losers weepers...

They can be given the idol to use, but they can't forceably take it or steal it from Mookie, it belongs to him. He can renege on the deal anyway, this is survivor afterall where a promise means natta.

Survivor ASS trivia champion, Survivor 1-13 trivia champion

"RE: Simple question"
Posted by Molaholic on 04-06-07 at 02:29 PM
If you recall the conversaion about 'sharing' the II but then Mookie said "Well, who's pocket is it in?" So I would say stealing is not allowed.

Snuff said

"RE: Simple question"
Posted by Ripley on 04-07-07 at 07:53 AM
This tribe not only cannot win challenges,they don't know when to be quiet,having three people ,four with Lisi knowing where the HII is too many ,but it will make the show that was so boring in the beginning very exciting.