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"Rocky reminds me of...."

Posted by XXL Survivor on 03-09-07 at 08:03 AM
You're thinking I'm going to say a younger, scrawnier Sylvester Stallone or Boston Rob but no. While BRob was obnoxious in individual interviews, he was more controlled in group settings. While Rob did some imflammatory things in groups too, it was more tactical not loose cannon. For example, Rob blew up in front of Tom/Ruppert to turn them against each other and it worked. In Marqueses, he tried to turn Kathy and Zoe against each other. While it kind of worked it did not work well enough to really help him.

Rocky's outbursts are nothing about tactics but are just loose cannon outbursts. For that reason he reminds me of both Judd and Shane, though I think Rocky might actually be even crazier than those two.

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"RE: Rocky reminds me of...."
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 03-09-07 at 08:24 AM
I definitely get Shane out of him...he's not quite pigheaded enough to be Judd, but he comes off as just about as dumb. He's Shane with a Boston Rob accent and strategy reminescent of...hmm, Pagong, maybe. The only thing to his credit is that he hasn't been voted for yet. He and Michelle are the only voteless Ravu, and that's saying something, considering even Yau-Man got a stray vote against him.

"RE: Rocky reminds me of...."
Posted by LisaPles on 03-09-07 at 08:55 AM
That stupid look on his face makes me want to reach through the TV and smack him.

"RE: Rocky reminds me of...."
Posted by Tazluli on 03-09-07 at 09:39 AM
I am glad to know I am not the only one. While I am not a huge fan of the "haves," I was happy to see Rocky get knocked on his rear end!

"RE: Rocky reminds me of...."
Posted by jbug on 03-09-07 at 09:35 AM
I do not like to be around people who as you say are loose cannons. My boss can do that at times - however, not around me cause he knows I'll just get up and go home! I really will not stay around someone like that. (We even had 2 of the men in the shop go home one day because of one of his tantrums. LOL)

I would have been happy to see Rocky go home last nite, but I guess they still need his scrawny strength in the event of any physical challenges ! Like he did much good against Dremz! He doesn't have what it takes to back up his mouth.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Rocky reminds me of...."
Posted by JoshInSGV on 03-09-07 at 02:28 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-09-07 AT 02:29 PM (EST)

I think that's what bothers me the most about Rocky. He talks so much smack about other players and he exhibits the same annoying behaviors that he's complaining about. Rocky complained about Rita running her mouth and being annoying, yet he was doing the exact same thing. Rocky has been very harsh with Anthony for sucking at the challengs, but Rocky himself is useless on both physical and mental challenges. Can someone please just send Rocky to Exhile Island and leave him there for the rest of the season. He will not be missed.

"Rocky reminds me of Robbb not Shane"
Posted by michel on 03-09-07 at 10:43 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-09-07 AT 10:51 AM (EST)

I have to defend Shane! He had method to his madness: Going cold turkey, he knew his temper would be a problem. He decided to use Courtney as his punching bag. He knew that Bob, Bruce and most of Casaya found her annoying so she couldn't gather votes against him. He may have also sensed that she liked the attention because Danielle and Aras thought there was an attraction between the two. They did act like an old married couple at times!

La Mina had respect for Shane; they saw he was good in challenges, they thought he was the leader and Terry made him an offer. Before the end game, Shane's only mistake happened when he went after Danielle. That made him momentarily a target but he listened to Aras and apologized to her. After that, his attacks on Danielle were much more silent.

The Juddinator knew to attack players when they were down and presented no more danger. Margaret was leaving when the Man let his anger out. Gary had no chance of reversing the situation when Judd let him have it.

Shane was aware of the game. He also had many very funny moments. Judd gave me a few chuckles while I've had trouble laughing at or with Rocky.

Rocky attacked Anthony who has an alliance with Earl and that put Rocky on the radar last night. Rocky has also antagonized Dre and Boo who both could become powerful opponents. The only socially unaware player I can compare Rocky to is Robbbb Zbbanick from Thailand.

"RE: Rocky reminds me of Robbb not Shane"
Posted by XXL Survivor on 03-09-07 at 02:15 PM
Good point. I think Robb might be the closest comparison as you mention him being also practically unaware of the consequences his outbursts cased himself.

"RE: Rocky reminds me of Robbb not Shane"
Posted by Ripley on 03-09-07 at 05:09 PM
There's too many strong ,smart,cool tempered guys left that Rocky doesn't stand a chance.When there is finally a merge Rocky is going to be the Egor to one of the other men.He will defiantly not be in control,watching his back at all times.

"RE: Rocky reminds me of Robbb not Shane"
Posted by Karchita on 03-09-07 at 06:46 PM
Shane was in control at times, but totally out of control at many others. He threw more tantrums than Rocky and they were over riduculous stuff, like someone sitting in his spot. Remember his delusionary Blackberry and how he thought he was communicating with people off the island? He was psycho and not just a little bit.

Judd was a thug.

Rocky is just overly emotional and immature. At least Rocky gets mad over things that would matter to a normal person, like losing challenges. I don't see his behavior as insane, but his lack of composure will do him in, for sure.

"RE: Rocky reminds me of Robbb not Shane"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 03-09-07 at 07:24 PM
That was a very well thought out well put reply Karchita, I couldn't agree with you more.

Survivor ASS trivia champion, Survivor 1-13 trivia champion

"RE: Rocky reminds me of Robbb not Shane"
Posted by michel on 03-10-07 at 11:09 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-10-07 AT 11:38 AM (EST)

"Rocky is just overly emotional and immature."

Yes Karchita, that is what I'm talking about! That is all that Rocky is. Same as Robbbb Z. Shane had so many more personalities:

-Psycho Shane (Yes, he could be a madman on occasion: he told Courtney: "If you're lying to me, I will go to your crummy little apartment and kill you" to which Courtney had this marvelous response: "My apartment isn't crummy!")

-Needy Shane (He's the one who played with the woodberry and demanded his spot to sit. Don't you also always sit at the same spot at the dinner table?!)

-Authoritarian Shane (He made sure that Casaya stayed true)

-Smart Shane (He made a strong alliance, proposed the boot order and he made Bruce feel important so that he didn't switch)

-Shane the Father

-Arrogant Shane (He told Melinda and Cirie where they stood and laughed at Terry)

-Shane the strong Competitor ( Terry said he was surprised by him)

-Friendly Shane (He made Cirie feel good about her catch, apologized to Danielle)

-Shane the quitter

There were many more Shanes out there but you get the point!

I even have to defend Judd who wasn't only a thug. Sure he picked on Margaret but Judd felt he was the star of Nakum. Margaret only had attention for pretty boy Blake which hurt Judd deeply. Gary "Hawkins" lied the whole game so how dare he call Judd out for lies that Judd himself had forgotten about! Those were occasions when the thug came out. At other times, Judd was a very loyal teammate once Steph and Jamie made an alliance with him and he was extremely strong in team challenges. He was more than just a thug. A thug would have finished those scumbags himself, not hoped that the crocodiles take care of it. In his head, man, he was the Man!

Both Shane and Judd were larger than life characters that made viewing fun and knew how to play the game, even with some savvy in Shane's case. Rocky is far from that, although cross-dressing to let "Rockette" go to a challenge and undressing to play "little Hatch" show he has potential!

"RE: Rocky reminds me of Robbb not Shane"
Posted by Karchita on 03-11-07 at 01:05 AM
It's the too many sides of Shane that made me think he was off his rocker, lol. Normal people are more consistent and easy to figure out.

I forgot about Rocky's cross-dressing. Maybe he isn't so normal after all.

Maybe we can agree that all three are whack-jobs, but each in his own way.