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"Fire and water"

Posted by seas374 on 02-16-07 at 07:35 PM
Since the Ravu tribe is still unable to make fire and therefore have no water, do the prodcuers have some type of time frame in which they the tribe a flint or something to make fire so they can have water? It does look from the preview of next weeks episode they eventually make fire but that's still days without water. What does the show do if the tribe continues to lose challenges and therefore don't win the flint?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by Creanie on 03-03-07 at 02:18 AM
Well, I didn't see any response to your question so I guess no one knows, but I did wonder the same thing myself.

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by seas374 on 03-03-07 at 02:55 PM
I'm sure many people wonder about the same thing but like you said no one really knows.

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by tjcrew on 03-03-07 at 04:49 PM
I am pretty sure they made fire last week's show. They used someone's glasses to get it started, and then got the flint given to them at the next meeting with Jeff.

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by Snidget on 03-03-07 at 06:02 PM
That happened this time, but I think the question is how close to death would EPMB go before giving them flint even if they never make fire and never win a challenge.

I mean one would think eventually you could get to a situation where you have to medi-vac out the tribe or give them fire.

Making them miserable is good TV, killing them when you don't have to would be a problem.

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by AZ_Leo on 03-04-07 at 01:21 PM
If I remember correctly from All Stars, one of the rewards was set up to get flint to the 2 tribes that didn't have it. The winning tribe was given a choice of a fairly lame reward for themselves or a better reward that included flint and a pot for boiling water but the losing tribes would also get that. Perhaps they were going to do something similar here. Although Moto seems like the type of people that would deliberately keep anything away from Ravu.

A tribephyl original

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by Ripley on 03-03-07 at 06:05 PM
I think the question is ,how long would the producers let them suffer before they gave them flint if they still were not able to create fire.They are trying to make the show somewhat competitive,without water it would be almost inhumane and not fun to watch.

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 03-03-07 at 07:35 PM
I don't know for sure, but I bet they would get a visit from Jeff bearing flint to trade for something. Since Ravu doesn't have anything though, could they just give up a player in trade for flint? Would be interesting even though it is a moot point.

Survivor ASS trivia champion, Survivor 1-13 trivia champion

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by seas374 on 03-04-07 at 06:16 PM
It would be nice to have some insider info as to what would happen. Ravu was finally able to make fire thanks to the use of eyeglasses but if that didn't work then what?

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by Snidget on 03-04-07 at 06:50 PM
Like KObrien_fan implied if it went on too long they would manufacture a way to get them a flint.

Either something like was mentioned up thread where you make a reward set up so that the winning tribe would take pity on the others and give them a flint or Jeff comes by the camp and makes a trade of some sort.

They don't have much, but you could do a move to another camp with nothing (which anyone who has been to Exile Island might guess has no hidden Immunity Idol in it). You give up the shelter you have. You give up a person right now and still have to compete to get immunity. Or something like that.

They won't film them actually dying of thirst as that wouldn't be good TV. They just have to find a way to make it a sacrifice on someone's part. Either the other tribe lets them have it so they generate some good will or the tribe has to give something up that they do have.

I'm sure they have some back up plans in place and would pick whichever one they predict would cause the most filmable drama.

It's a tribe creation!

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by Karchita on 03-05-07 at 03:05 AM
Or maybe they would just give them some water off camera.

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 03-05-07 at 05:36 AM
Or maybe they would just give them some water off camera.

Nope, this they don't do.

Survivor ASS trivia champion, Survivor 1-13 trivia champion

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by Karchita on 03-05-07 at 02:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-05-07 AT 02:50 PM (EST)

This is speculation, not a discussion of what they have done in the past. Would they do it if Survivors were in danger of dying from dehydration is the question.

I think that would be lower impact to the game than giving them fire, which they also have never done because a tribe's health was in danger.

ETA: But it's anybody's guess.

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 03-05-07 at 03:05 PM
Let me rephrase that, no they wouldn't do that.

In Australia when the merge tribe was lethargic at challenges due to lack of nutrition because they had eaten up their food supply, Jeff came to camp and traded a bucket of rice and some fish hooks for the tribes shelter. In all stars when tribes couldn't get fire before it got to the point of dehydration, they made the deal at the RC that all could get flint for fire. The producers would figure out some trade or some way to get Ravu flint/fire rather than give them water off camera.

Because how would it look if Ravu never got fire and never won reward nor never won immunity and never died of dehydration? The viewing audience would know that something was rotten in Denmark. Even though this is season 14, one thing remains true: they don't slip you food off camera, they don't slip you water off camera.

Survivor ASS trivia champion, Survivor 1-13 trivia champion

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by Karchita on 03-06-07 at 01:39 AM
While you may be right that this hasn't happened in the past, there has been medical treatment, including hydrating IVs, given off camera and I don't think water would be that different. (It was in Guatelmala and also S1 or S3 that the cast talked about it afterwards.)

Food is another matter, in part because it takes a lot longer to die of starvation than dehydration. Ravu, btw, was drinking a lot of coconut milk, so the viewers saw how they were staying alive.

Maybe the producers would figure out a way to get a cast fire or maybe they would have to intercede more quickly if there truly were an emergency, that's my point.

Since this is all speculative about what might happen if conditions got worse than they ever have, though, I think it is rather pointless to continue to debate.

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 03-06-07 at 08:18 AM
Coconut milk is a laxative and not a good thing to drink when you need to stay hydrated.

Your point in post 10 was that maybe they would slip them some water off-camera, they wouldn't. While everything else is speculation on what they would do to remedy the situation (a trade, give flint to both tribes etc), this is not.

Survivor ASS trivia champion, Survivor 1-13 trivia champion

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by seas374 on 03-06-07 at 07:17 PM
In the early seasons the losing tribe was able to take their lit torches back to camp after tribal council. I always wondered if the torches stayed lit all the way back to camp. I'm wondering if maybe the surviors actually drank some of the water even though it couldn't be boiled. In All Stars Rudy and Susan drank the water before they were able to get fire. I remember hearing somewhere that the unboiled water isn't as dangerous as the show makes it out to be.

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by Karchita on 03-07-07 at 02:06 AM
Coconut milk (or coconut water) has been widely used by people in real life survival situations to stay alive. It might not be the best choice, but if you have no other options, it’ll do the, at least for a while. Green coconuts in particular have more water and less oil.

No one can say definitively what may or may not happen in the future. Both sides of this discussion are speculation. You are speculating as much as I am about a hypothetical situation. We are having a difference in opinion. We have both supported our opinions with past examples from the game. I have no problem respecting your opinion about what you think could happen in the future, but I am not so sure that you can say the same.

Have you read the guidelines lately?

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by Snidget on 03-07-07 at 06:48 AM
I think the point that is trying to be made (if I may interject) is that EPMB and others involved have said things in interviews or behind the scenes shows that indicate there are some rules they have made that they don't seem likely to change for any reason.

They've been pretty good to date at working within those rules and still making sure no one dies because they don't have fire before the merge.

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by Karchita on 03-07-07 at 10:55 AM
Thanks, Snidget, for making an excellent point.

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 03-07-07 at 07:30 AM
Have you read the guidelines lately?

Yes, and your point is?

I miss Shakes

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by Brownroach on 03-08-07 at 04:43 PM
I've heard the new rule is that if a tribe hasn't made fire by Episode 6, Becky or Sundra is called in to help them.

Blowin' the blues away, courtesy of tribephyl

"RE: Fire and water"
Posted by Snidget on 03-08-07 at 06:15 PM
Because if it takes that many episodes they deserve to have all hope, joy, and aliveness completely drained from their bodies.

It's a tribe creation!
"I know that there are people who do not love their fellow man, and I hate people like that!" Tom Lehrer

I don't think I've recovered from watching them try to make fire the last time, and we got the time-lapsed version.