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"Sun tan lotion??"

Posted by byoffer on 02-09-07 at 11:07 AM
I was surprised to see so many survivors last night had fairly major sun exposure after such a short number of days there. Given the tropical nature of the setting, and the presumed desire in each participant to last 39 days, I am surprised that they wouldn't be using the sun tan lotion available to them.

I remember seeing some people with peeling skin in seasons past, but not so much in the first ep.

Here are some pictures from SeeBS that show burns...

That last picture was not a flagrant attempt to flash some oobies. But if it works...

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Sun tan lotion??"
Posted by nazpink on 02-09-07 at 12:11 PM
Well, from a safety aspect I would definately think they would want to use the sunblock. In my opinion I would want to lessen any possible discomfort in a situation such as Survivor. I would think competing in challenges would be painful with people grabbing at your sunburn or throughing lumber over your shoulder would hurt too...never mind being crushed toghether at night.

"RE: Sun tan lotion??"
Posted by Snidget on 02-09-07 at 12:24 PM
Having done field research in places where I needed sunblock with skin that burns pretty easy where one might sweat a lot...

Even if you use sunblock it is hard to put enough on often enough to prevent all tanning/burning.

If you are sweating or going in the water you really need to put more on every hour or so. If you stay in the shade and don't get wet maybe every 2 hours. Most people only get religious about putting on the sun block only after they start to burn.

"RE: Sun tan lotion??"
Posted by Karchita on 02-09-07 at 05:35 PM
I've done a bit of field research on this as well. It seems to me to be no reason to think this group would have behaved differently than any previous Survivors, so the conditions must have been different. Maybe there were fewer clouds, less shade, more direct sun due to time of year or they were just sweating more.

"RE: Sun tan lotion??"
Posted by seas374 on 02-16-07 at 07:24 PM
I didn't realize the cast is given sun tan lotion. Are they given anything else?

"RE: Sun tan lotion??"
Posted by Snidget on 02-16-07 at 07:57 PM
I did find this

"A: Since the first "Survivor" season back in 2000, contestants have always been provided with certain basic necessities that they wouldn't really have on a desert island. The list includes tampons, condoms and contact-lens solution. CBS spokeswoman Colleen Sullivan says that any contestant who needs regular doses of a prescribed medication get that too, of course."


"RE: Sun tan lotion??"
Posted by seas374 on 02-17-07 at 09:31 AM
Thanks for the article. That would make sense about certain items. I've never seen any episodes where the surviors are applying the lotion. I wonder if it's readily available or if they have to asked the camera crew or whomever for the supplies. The contact solution seems a little odd as there is no mirror to see how to put in or remove contacts. Also, they have no soap and I couldn't imagine putting contacts in with dirty hands.

"RE: Sun tan lotion??"
Posted by Ripley on 02-17-07 at 10:34 AM
I always wondered about how they dealt with the bathrooms calls,If the tribe was anywhere near me in the morning ,they would vote me off quick.Also I have some serious body odor when I sweat,are they allowed deodorant?

Remember when Boo got injured they supplied him with bandages.

"RE: Sun tan lotion??"
Posted by 2goobas on 03-09-07 at 03:33 PM
I've been wearing contacts since i was 11 (24 years ago) and after the first year or so I haven't used a mirror to put them in/take them out. I don't think I'd want to touch them or my eye with dirty hands but it's very easy to put them in and out without looking in a mirror.

"RE: Sun tan lotion??"
Posted by psjim on 03-05-07 at 01:19 AM

"RE: Sun tan lotion??"
Posted by tjcrew on 03-09-07 at 10:02 AM
I definitely remember the very first episode with Rudy having sun lotion applied by Richard- he made some comment about never believing that he would let a gay guy put lotion on him.