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Forum: DCForumID4
Thread Number: 4294
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"Survivor Discussion????"

Posted by jbug on 09-29-06 at 09:28 AM
Are there any threads here for discussion of the current show? Seems all I see are game threads (most too confusing for this simple little mind to comprehend, so............).

Anyway, I enjoyed the new way of mixing up the tribes. Yea, surely thought they were about to put up 4 tribes divided by gender! That too would have been interesting for at least one week. Putting one group of women & one group of men together was pretty good. At that point each tribe had an equal # of men/women so no more discussions of unfairness based on the gender numbers.

How in the world did Jonathan & Yul talk Caoboi & Flika into voting Cecilia? I really thought those 2 were going to stick with Ozzy to get rid of Becky. There must have been more to their convincing talks than we were shown for sure!

Question: Can the HII be given to someone else BEFORE TC? I was thinking that IF Becky got the majority of votes, she would pull out the HII that Yul had found.
But then when Cecilia got the votes, Jeff DID NOT ask her if she had the HII. Maybe he just knew that Yul & Jon were voting against her anyway, so there was no way either would have given it to her. Jeff has got to have watched a lot of footage BEFORE TC so he knows what is going on. But for our benefits, he plays it out for the cameras.

OK, thanks for "listening" just needed to talk about it a little! LOL

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by LisaPles on 09-29-06 at 09:45 AM
>Are there any threads here for
>discussion of the current show?
> Seems all I see
>are game threads (most too
>confusing for this simple little
>mind to comprehend, so............).

jbug, I agree with you about the game threads. Personally I don't get it and I find it annoying. There was some discussion in support of separating them but I guess they decided not to do it. Too bad.

"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-29-06 at 09:46 AM
I agree, this forum has been ruined. You might want to try Survivor Bashers rather than Fanatics.

First, I will answer your question. I will just assume that the rules for this hidden immunity idol are the same as last season. Yes, Yul could of given it to Becky. You are right they did not SHOW Jeff say that about the idol. He probably said it...it just did not air.

I was surprised that they switched the tribes so early. Guess having small tribes they could nto stick with it long however there was one season on Survivor where one tribe ended up losing all but one person...they never won a challenge so they could've stuck with it at least three more weeks if they chose.

As far as convincing Cowboy and Flicka to vote out Cecelia...I think it was more editing to make it appear that they were on the border of the two alliances. Really if you think about it and past Survivor history a majority of the time they stick to there original tribe alliances....this season I would think that bound would be even stronger. Ozzy and Sundra are in big trouble. I also see the tribe that lost last night losing most of the challenges....the other tribe does not have the social outcasts that this tribe has and is also physically stronger. Flicka will not make it long....the indecision she showed will be her downfall.

"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by jbug on 09-29-06 at 03:20 PM
I agree about Flika. I think Jonathan is/was willing to keep her in his alliance as an original tribemate - BUT only as long as he needed her. With her "experience" speech vs winning a million, she may have cut her time even shorter.

"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by Breezy on 09-29-06 at 09:50 AM
Did Jiffy ask last year if the bootee had the HII? I don't think he did. It would make it more dramatic if he didn't and they just stood up and whipped it out and said "I'm staying Jeff!".

I'm pretty sure the HII can be given to someone before TC. Not sure that Yul did though, he probably was confident that he had the votes.

As for the new games forum being discussed, I think the mods got swamped with their own life and will take action when they can.

IceCat is da man! GO PACK GO!!!!

"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by Snidget on 09-29-06 at 09:55 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-29-06 AT 10:02 AM (EST)


see discusion here http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/cgi-bin/dcboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=4249&forum=DCForumID4&omm=0

I'm sorry the people running the site have lives and stuff that interfer with their ability to do things on the board 24/7 at your beck and call.

The game will be moved to their own forum when the peeps running this site have time.

REALLY, it isn't that easy or quick to do.


If you cannnot tolerate seeing game threads at all EVAH, try the bashers forum in the meantime.


ETA: Why does the fact that there are game threads seem to make people think they cannot start lots and lots of discussion threads? I don't get it? The games usually have a lot of posts right after the show for the results, so the next day the do tend to bump up to the top, but it seems people won't start pure discussion threads. Mostly just complain about the games.


"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by Estee on 09-29-06 at 01:27 PM
I just want someone to get rid of these annoying fanfics.

"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by Snidget on 09-29-06 at 01:57 PM
You think anyone is going to let your suffering end that easily?

It's a tribe creation!

"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by Estee on 09-29-06 at 01:59 PM
I had a moment of hope, yeah...

"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by LisaPles on 09-29-06 at 02:39 PM

Geez, you didn't have to beotch cap everyone over it. Some people are new or others are too busy themselves to know that a decision was made to change the format. Anyway, thanks (I think) for the information.
Most people know they can start a discussion thread but I think someone new to the site might be confused.

"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by jbug on 09-29-06 at 03:30 PM
Well, EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't mean to step on your sensitive toes! I was just making a comment that I wasn't seeing any discussion threads - just game threads! And I wanted to talk about last night's ep!

BTW, tho I didn't think I was "complaining" but just making a comment, I would think that I have the RIGHT to complain IF I WANT TO, just like you have the right to games, IF YOU WANT TO.

Maybe like others have suggested I'll go to the basher forum even tho I LIKE survivor and don't really want to bash it.
I thought THIS forum was for those WHO LOVE SURVIVOR and want to talk about it!
*** SIGH***


>see discusion here http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/cgi-bin/dcboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=4249&forum=DCForumID4&omm=0
>I'm sorry the people running the
>site have lives and stuff
>that interfer with their ability
>to do things on the
>board 24/7 at your beck
>and call.
>The game will be moved to
>their own forum when the
>peeps running this site have
>REALLY, it isn't that easy or
>quick to do.
>If you cannnot tolerate seeing game
>threads at all EVAH, try
>the bashers forum in the
>ETA: Why does the fact
>that there are game threads
>seem to make people think
>they cannot start lots and
>lots of discussion threads?
>I don't get it?
>The games usually have a
>lot of posts right after
>the show for the results,
>so the next day the
>do tend to bump up
>to the top, but it
>seems people won't start pure
>discussion threads. Mostly just
>complain about the games.

"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by LisaPles on 09-29-06 at 04:31 PM
>BTW, tho I didn't think I
>was "complaining" but just making
>a comment

Don't worry jbug, I think most people understand and you are obviously new here. What REALLY is annoying is when people post a lot on a forum and then start to act like they own it.

"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by Lasann on 09-29-06 at 09:57 AM
What I interupted was more of two person alliances:

Cao Boi and Jessica - the outcasts
Yul and Becky - I think this will cause Yul some problems as Becky isn't that strong of a competitor though she is a strategist.
Jonathan and Candice - He finally got someone to talk strategy with
Ozzy and Sundra the leftovers.

There is a four person alliance also: Cao Boi, Jessica, Ozzy, and Sundra vs Yul, Becky, Jonathan, and Candice.

Will Jonathan's and Ozzy's bonding over Billy come into play later?

What position are Cao Boi and Jessica in? I think they are the swing votes at this time and are safe if they tow the line. They have the power to swing right now. Both sides can use them.

"RE: Survivor Discussion"
Posted by michel on 09-29-06 at 10:37 AM
Ozzy is alone right now and will have to do a lot of damage control, even moreso if the others know about throwing a challenge. Jonathan/Yul/Becky form the power triumvirat with easy votes to get from Candace, Jessica, Cao Boi and even Sundra now that she saw how the vote went. The first three have an open path to the merge and decide who fits in best along the way. Ozzy should be kept, put to work and help in challenges. The plan has to be to boot him once the numbers are secured.

NuRaro is a different creature. They have none of the first 3 original leaders and I have a feeling they will go the way of Sook Jai, being strong early but crumbling before merge. Parvati seems to be taking the lead both flirting with the guys and grouping the women against the laziness of the men. She either makes the merge in a strong position or gets booted next! It could depend on getting Cristina and Rebecca on her side. It should be fun to watch. Jenny and Stephannie are followers.

"RE: Survivor Discussion"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 09-29-06 at 11:22 AM
Ozzy is alone right now

And I don't think he expected it. Did you see his face when Cecilia was voted out? He was surprised. I think he was overconfident after the ease of the Billy ouster.

sig courtesy of Cygnus
Mouse on the move by Snidget

"RE: Survivor Discussion"
Posted by Lasann on 09-29-06 at 01:10 PM
Well that's too bad for my PTTE list. I have Ozzy winning it all.

On Parvati, you may be right but in my experience women don't like the flirt and men try to eliminate the competition (Nate and Adam). nuRaro didn't have that much face time so I'm hoping to see their dynamics next week. I did notice that Stephanie was much more animated last night. She seemed to be much happier post-merge!

I've been Nutz'd

"RE: Survivor Discussion"
Posted by nazpink on 09-29-06 at 01:55 PM
It seems to me that the tribe Cao Boi is on has more strategist, which is great, but I also fear that they may also get arrogant and their plans will crumble. I'm not completely counting the underdogs out of the game on that tribe quite yet. I think Ozzy was shocked to see that Flicka and Cao Boi dodged on their plans but sometimes being "alone" in the game can be a benefit if it's worked out right. I think that Cao Boi and Flicka will stick together but may also easily become targets due to their let's be friends attitude and indecisiveness which could be too risky, this could open up a spot for people like Ozzy and Sundra. I am kind of hoping for more twist to show up in the game, which would make it all the more interesting.

"RE: Survivor Discussion"
Posted by ohmyheck on 09-29-06 at 04:36 PM
>NuRaro is a different creature. They
>have none of the first
>3 original leaders and I
>have a feeling they will
>go the way of Sook
>Jai, being strong early but
>crumbling before merge.

And now, let us never speak of Thailand again.

"RE: Survivor Discussion????"
Posted by Jims02 on 09-29-06 at 05:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-29-06 AT 05:45 PM (EST)

Are there any threads here for discussion of the current show? Seems all I see are game threads (most too confusing for this simple little mind to comprehend, so............).

I'm kinda waiting for it too, since everytime I check the board there's 5-6 game threads bumped to the top of the list. With one or two active games, it's fine. But five or six tends to bury some of the actual Survivor discussion. So, yeah, I see where you're coming from.

From what I understand, one of the moderators has been away from the forum for awhile, so that's why the Games Forum hasn't been made yet. I don't really know why he's away, and it's none of my business really, but those are the facts. My advice is to be patient and wait for it to happen. Because it will happen eventually.

As for the new mixing of the tribes, I thought it was pretty interesting, even though it took, like, 4 steps to do it. I thought it was interesting that two groups of three (3 Raros & 3 Pukas) ended up on the same tribe. Three of the Hikis ended up together (without Sundra), and the old Aitu were split in half.

I was surprised Jonathan's speech worked, mostly because
(1) I think booting Becky would be a better strategy, as it makes Cao Boi and Flicka less expendable.
(2) Cecilia got zero face time. I hate it when they boot someone and we don't even know the person. I miss the 16 castaway format so much.

"As a game host..."
Posted by tribephyl on 09-29-06 at 06:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-29-06 AT 06:46 PM (EST)

It's becoming very discouraging hearing the comments made about the games that we, myself and other contributing members of this board, have created for your enjoyment, fanatics included.

I feel horrible that a vocal majority thinks of them as annoying, confusing and ruining the fanatics forum. Even pulling lurkers out just for the purpose of slamming the games.

I would lvoe to have a forum just for games so people will stop blaming them for the lack of topics/threads related/started to the talk about the show.

But, the mere fact that there are games on the Fanatics forum shouldn't stop people from starting "talk" topics on their own, or taking the time to add to ones already started.
I don't sense the frustration wading through the game threads to find a topic to discuss. I'm not quite sure why it's so difficult for others.
Why even at this very moment, the first page is primarily "talk"topics. Some of which have no responses whatsoever. Why is that?

In the mean time it looks like the games and the talktopics will have to share a forum. Perhaps we can all stop with the finger pointing and just get along.