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"What the heck was Jessica-Roller Blade Chick-thinking??"

Posted by mistyrose52 on 09-15-06 at 01:08 PM
I could NOT believe, after all the hard work they went to, and the specific rules they laid down about those darned chickens, that she just strolled right over there, and BAM, rolled over that box, and off they go!

What was THAT about?? Was she not present when they put the chickens under the box? I didn't notice any great repecussions as far as everyone being really ticked at her, either. Or maybe there just wasn't enough air time for that.

Oh, and get this-she is a fire dancer. Remind you of anyone else??? Heaven help us, we are being bombarded by stupid fire-dancing chicks again!!!!!!

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"RE: What the heck was Jessica-Roller Blade Chick-thinking??"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 09-15-06 at 01:36 PM
She even looks like her.

I think she just had a brain fart.

"RE: What the heck was Jessica-Roller Blade Chick-thinking??"
Posted by nailbone on 09-15-06 at 01:48 PM
Luckily for her, they didn't lose the challenge, so there will be time for that to settle before her chance to be voted off.

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"RE: What the heck was Jessica-Roller Blade Chick-thinking??"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 09-15-06 at 02:34 PM
Jessica has "fourth boot" written all over her. Let's take a look at our history here, shall we?

Ramona, Borneo - sick as a dog. Also lazy.

Mitchell, Australian Outback - a wuss. Asked to be voted off. Gives tall people a bad name.

Linda, Africa - bat$#!* insane. Also on the wrong alliance. Never bet on Dr. Carl.

Sarah, Marquesas - Lazy, lazy, lazy. Only made it bast day three because of other people's stupidity.

Ghandia, Thailand - one of a few Survivors who seems to be "dead to all of us." Offenses: numerous.

Joanna, Amazon - well, is every third #4 boot a kook? Maybe.

Burton, Pearl Islands - yes, he got to come back. No, his idea to throw the challenge was not a good one. One of the worst moves of all time.

Rob C., All-Stars - on one hand, there was an alliance of Rob, Amber, and Tom. None of them were going anywhere. Might as well boot the lazy one.

Mia, Vanuatu - A spazz. Maybe not as bad as Mother Africa or Ms. "That idol is the sign of Satan" or what-not. But a spazz no less.

Kim, Palau - Wrote the book on lazy. Would have been gone sooner if not for a sick girl, a busted ankle, and a woman who wanted to rule with an iron fist. And for those of you who consider Ashlee the fourth boot, she wasn't much better.

Brooke, Guatemala - maybe bucking the trend. After all, what was her crime besides drawing a yellow buff at the switch? Had it been Danni, she'd be just as dead.

Ruth Marie, Exile Island - OK, so maybe Guatemala and EI bucked the trend, but that's two examples weighed against ten goofballs and lazy people.

Jessica, Cook Islands? - Perhaps, for losing the chickens. Let's see how her story develops.

Billy, Cook Islands? - only three men have been fourth boots. One had to throw a challenge to do it. But there's a definite history of lazy people in this spot.

The second boot's no stranger to laziness, either, though sickness is far more common an excuse. Ask Jessie, Tanya, Janet, Rudy, or Ashlee, stacked against Morgan.

"RE: What the heck was Jessica-Roller Blade Chick-thinking??"
Posted by JudyB on 09-15-06 at 03:52 PM
mistyrose - I agree with you about Roller Girl. It looked like she didn't even know they were in there. And if that is true, then what the heck was she looking for under there?