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"Jeff on Howard Stern"

Posted by shanana banana on 03-12-01 at 11:52 AM
For anyone interested, here are a few tidbits from Howard's interview with Jeff this morning:

1. Alicia got bit on the lip in an early episode by red ants when she went to bite into a coconut (or something). That's why she had that herpes-looking thing on her lip for a while.

2. First question Jeff got asked: Are you gay or not? He declined to answer, stating that he's got friends who are gay and he thinks it would be insulting to them to say one way or the other, because it shouldn't matter.

3. All the girls (I don't know if he meant just Kucha) took birth control pills constantly so they would never get their periods.

4. They used unwrapped tampons as toilet paper.

5. Alicia, in her initial interview for the show, was asked what would be her greatest challenge. She replied that it would be to "do" Jeff Probst as long and as hard as she could, and then she'd definitely win the money.

6. And, of course, the obligatory question: Why the hell did you jump off that pole when you knew you had votes against you? His lame answer was what we've already heard him say - he said he just couldn't do it.

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