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"Final two? Nick and Tina. Here's why:"

Posted by Lainabee on 03-10-01 at 06:58 PM
My thoughts on Survivor? It’ll come down to Tina or Nick. We may say Nick Who when we watch the game, but that’s also what they’re saying at Tribal Council. He doesn’t seem to have any alliances, but he votes with his tribe and he’s smart enough to stay out of the way. Tina, on the other hand, seems to have garnered herself a position of power. Previews for next week show Elisabeth trying to jam her fingers into the crack in the Ogakor alliance, and it goes to show that the concern with Tina is not who’s voting against her, but who she is voting for. She’s not considered a threat at this point, and, like Nick, this puts her at the back of the line for the Tribal Council exit parade.

For a while I loved the Eye Candy from Texas and gave him high odds for seeing this thing through, but taking the votes to distract from Jerri and Keith last week gave the new guys a scapegoat: They don’t know who else has votes against them, but they now know who does. If it should happen that Elisabeth flips Tina next week, there’s a possibility that it’ll be Colby who goes. However, Tina seems pretty intent on getting rid of America’s darling Jerri, and it’s possible she could flip solely on the agreement that the rest of Kucha will vote against Jerri, too. That puts everyone back on equal ground, and my thinking is any tribal alliance will be forgotten. If that’s the case, Colby and Keith will go shortly after, then Elisabeth and Roger, and Tina. Why won’t Kucha send Tina away? Because Nick knows if he gets rid of Tina, Elisabeth and Roger will send him packing the next week, leaving the winner to be a draw between the two of them. No one wants to be left with the father-daughter duo, and my bet is Elisabeth will be the first of the pair to bid adieu.

If, however, (and this is what I really believe), Tina refuses to vote with Kucha, it’ll be Alecia or Elisabeth who disappears across that bridge next week. Alecia is obviously vulnerable now that Chew-‘em-up-and-Spit-‘em-Out Jeff has gone home, and her answer at Tribal Council saying how she knew she couldn’t change anyone’s mind at that point paired with her remaining on that pole for so long, shows that she’s scared. That very point which could do her in, however, could also save her, making her seem less of a threat than Elisabeth who is actively trying to save her a$$. Jerri trying to form an alliance with Elisabeth? Wait till she sees Elisabeth conspiring with her new buddy Tina—the war is on. Jerri knows Tina will send her packing before she drops Keith (with Amber on her heels), and with Keith voting against her, so surely will Colby. At that point it will be Jerri convincing her tribe to stick together until the Kucha are gone, and trying to screw everybody over when the only remaining Kucha is Nick. Jerri is not going to beat Tina and her only hope is to get the remaining Nick to vote out Keith with her, but to no avail.

Jerri’s absence makes the final four Nick & Tina and Keith & Colby. Both Keith and Colby have votes against him, and Nick and Tina are free at this point. They pick off the cook and the cowboy and sit side by side at that final campfire to see who wins.

I know this is long, I’ve never written before. Let me know what you think.

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"RE: Final two? Nick and Tina. Here's why:"
Posted by Beeta on 03-10-01 at 10:19 PM
Good thinking,Lainabee. I'm figuring that next week,Alicia or Nick is gonna go bye-bye. They are the strongest of the remaining Kucha tribe,so I think that's necessary. The following week they can put out the garbage.(Jerri) The only thing I think that would stop these two happenings would be if all the women got together for an alliance.Wouldn't that be a kick in the butt!?There are 5 women. They could overthrow the men,but I don't see that happening,because (unfortunatly)women really don't often push hard when there's men playing.

"RE: Final two? Nick and Tina. Here's why:"
Posted by Cherberrie on 03-11-01 at 08:57 AM
Good first post but I don't agree. Historically speaking, the Survivor with the least amount of airtime doesn't win. Also, did it ever occur to anyone that Nick maybe hasn't done anything on the show worth airing? Maybe he is truly as boring and nondescript as MB depicts him to be.

"RE: Final two? Nick and Tina. Here's why:"
Posted by Minstrel on 03-11-01 at 06:01 PM
Not bad, but a few concerns or holes? To begin with, people with zero votes are going to have harder times because they are winners in tie breakers. The longer they survive the more of a target they become. Right now, we have six of them and that will change. Kucha has four and I agree one of them bites the dust next. But Nick has shown no ability or will to win immunity in E7. Is he sick? Tired? Just saving it up for the right time?

Tina is in more trouble. She is in Ogakor and they know she's a concern. There's some bad blood between her and the Jerri/Keith turmoil. Her lasting in immunity puts her at target range.

I agree somewhat on what Richard Hatch says about allying the weak to boot the threats, then boot the weak. Threats are more than just the physically strong. While Ogakor could wipe out all the Kuchas for an all Ogakor final five, from at least Jerri's point of view, she can switch (along with Amber) to Kucha and eliminate the Ogakors and still be in the final five.

But her position doesn't change unless votes are cast to Kucha and become carryover votes. With Jerri switching, some of the votes from Ogakor will tag at least one Kucha in the first vote she makes the switch on. However, Ogakor will know someone has defected and Jerri will be suspect number one.

That will likely force the remaining Ogakors to try and steal Kucha members for self preservation and to eliminate the defector(s). But will it work? The best chance is if immunity is won by the "out in the cold" Ogakors. Obviously, immunity becomes more and more important as the game goes on and the final immunity perhaps the most important.

With Jerri proclaiming she will cause havoc, she will likely have to switch to Kucha. K/C/T are likely poised to hit Jerri in an all Ogakor final five. If she wins immunity they hit Amber. Plus, assuming Alicia or Nick goes in E8, Jerri would have the other one as the threat to win immunity and perhaps Elisabeth after elimination of K/C/T. A bit better odds for her than two male threats and a strong Tina.

Look out, E9 and E10 are "fireworks" waiting to blow! Granted, scenarios for Tina or even the others to defect to Kucha are strong as well. Tina has zero votes. Colby has currently five and can't win tie breakers. Keith holds three for the second highest total. It's coming!

"sorry to break it to u but COLBY WINS S2"
Posted by COlbyWInsS2 on 03-11-01 at 06:15 PM
i hate bein an ass and spoiling the end but this time around i feel like it.

Yes he wins.
im not saying how i know.
im not an idiot like the other millions of people out there i actually know for a fact he wins. take my word for it. call me an idiot but you'll see at the end who the idiot really is. Anyway, he wins and thats final. sorry ya'll i had to spoil it.

"RE: sorry to break it to u but COLBY WINS S2"
Posted by ACPS65 on 03-11-01 at 07:07 PM
>i hate bein an ass and
>spoiling the end but this
>time around i feel like


>Yes he wins.

He does, does he.

>im not saying how i know.

That's okay.
>im not an idiot like the
>other millions of people out
>there i actually know for
>a fact he wins.

That's commendable.

>my word for it.


>me an idiot but you'll
>see at the end who
>the idiot really is.


> Anyway,
>he wins and thats final.
>sorry ya'll i had to
>spoil it.

Well, I guess we all know who wins now, right everyone?

Posted by Cherberrie on 03-12-01 at 06:43 AM
That would be soooo cool if Colby wins (he is my personal favorite thought I didn't think he would win it)! Thanks for the info!

One piece of advice -- you might want to rethink calling "millions of people out there" an idiot. The only reason you know that Colby will win is because you have some piece of insider information that no one else has. The lack of having the tidbit of information doesn't make someone an idiot; it just means they aren't privy to the "special" information that you have.

"RE: sorry to break it to u but COLBY WINS S2"
Posted by Beeta on 03-12-01 at 11:14 AM
So,COlby WIns S2,how special are YOU?Are you Colby's little toy?Since even family members don't know,just who ARE you. Nobody special, I would imagine,just another "IDIOT" making predictions.Wow, here's a person that the "insult"beside your screen name fits!! WHEW!felt GOOD !!