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"Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"

Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 05-04-06 at 04:20 PM
We're through Palau and the domination of Tom Westman. Next up? That season where those two people who were missing from the Palau rundown - that's right, the season dominated by some goofy woman in a Chiefs hat who managed to figure out that Gary's last name wasn't really Hawkins.

OK, moving on. Yes, this is Guatemala. Yes, Bobby Jon and Stephenie are listed here; vote their performance based off of Palau AND Guatemala if you are so inclined. Go nuts.

Here goes.

Brandon Bellinger
Danni Boatwright
Margaret Bobonich
Bobby Jon Drinkard
Cindy Hall
Jim Lynch
Judd Sergeant
Brooke Struck
Blake Towsley


Brian Corridan
Gary Hogeboom
Rafe Judkins
Stephenie LaGrossa
Morgan McDevitt
Lydia Morales
Amy O'Hara
Jamie Newton
Brianna Varela

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by tribephyl on 05-04-06 at 04:28 PM
Brandon Bellinger ~ A
Danni Boatwright ~ A
Margaret Bobonich ~ A
Bobby Jon Drinkard ~ B
Cindy Hall ~ C
Jim Lynch ~ D
Judd Sergeant ~ F
Brooke Struck ~ B
Blake Towsley ~ C

Brian Corridan ~ D
Gary Hogeboom ~ C
Rafe Judkins ~ B
Stephenie LaGrossa ~ C
Morgan McDevitt ~ D
Lydia Morales ~ C
Amy O'Hara ~ B
Jamie Newton ~ F
Brianna Varela ~ C

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by JohnMc on 05-04-06 at 04:50 PM

Brandon Bellinger - B
Danni Boatwright - A
Margaret Bobonich - C+
Bobby Jon Drinkard - B-
Cindy Hall - B
Jim Lynch - C
Judd Sergeant - C-
Brooke Struck - D
Blake Towsley - D


Brian Corridan - D
Gary Hogeboom - B
Rafe Judkins - B+
Stephenie LaGrossa - A-
Morgan McDevitt - D
Lydia Morales - B
Amy O'Hara - B
Jamie Newton - B-
Brianna Varela - D

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 05-04-06 at 05:05 PM
Brandon Bellinger B
Danni Boatwright A
Margaret Bobonich C
Bobby Jon Drinkard B
Cindy Hall B
Jim Lynch F
Judd Sergeant F
Brooke Struck D
Blake Towsley F


Brian Corridan D
Gary Hogeboom B
Rafe Judkins C
Stephenie LaGrossa B
Morgan McDevitt D
Lydia Morales B
Amy O'Hara C
Jamie Newton C
Brianna Varela D

mind the gap

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 05-04-06 at 05:08 PM
Brandon Bellinger A
Danni Boatwright A
Margaret Bobonich C
Bobby Jon Drinkard C+
Cindy Hall B+
Jim Lynch C
Judd Sergeant B+
Brooke Struck B
Blake Towsley C


Brian Corridan B
Gary Hogeboom A
Rafe Judkins A
Stephenie LaGrossa A
Morgan McDevitt F
Lydia Morales B
Amy O'Hara A
Jamie Newton B+
Brianna Varela F

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by Ontheroadagain on 05-04-06 at 05:17 PM

Brandon Bellinger -- C
Danni Boatwright -- A
Margaret Bobonich -- C
Bobby Jon Drinkard -- C+
Cindy Hall -- C
Jim Lynch -- C-
Judd Sergeant -- B-
Brooke Struck -- C
Blake Towsley -- C


Brian Corridan -- C
Gary Hogeboom -- A -
Rafe Judkins -- B+
Stephenie LaGrossa -- A-
Morgan McDevitt -- C
Lydia Morales -- B
Amy O'Hara -- B+
Jamie Newton -- D
Brianna Varela -- C-

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by Das Mole on 05-04-06 at 06:29 PM

Brandon Bollinger - C-
Danni Boatwright - A
Margaret Bobonich - F
Bobby Jon Drinkard - C
Cindy Hall - D+
Jim Lynch - F
Judd Sergeant - B
Brooke Struck - D
Blake Towsley - D


Brian Corridan - B
Gary Hogeboom - C+
Rafe Judkins - B+
Stephenie LaGrossa - C
Morgan McDevitt - F
Lydia Morales - AAAAAAAAAA
Amy O'Hara - A
Jamie Newton - A
Brianna Varela - F

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by emydi on 05-04-06 at 10:58 PM
Brandon Bellinger B
Danni Boatwright A
Margaret Bobonich C
Bobby Jon Drinkard B+
Cindy Hall B
Jim Lynch D
Judd Sergeant B
Brooke Struck C-
Blake Towsley C


Brian Corridan B
Gary Hogeboom B
Rafe Judkins A
Stephenie LaGrossa A-
Morgan McDevitt D
Lydia Morales B
Amy O'Hara B+
Jamie Newton B
Brianna Varela D

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by Quiddity99 on 05-04-06 at 11:32 PM
Brandon Bellinger- C. Likable guy, but rather quiet too.
Danni Boatwright - A. Very deserving winner, one of the best ones.
Margaret Bobonich - C-. Made herself too easy to vote off after Brooke was booted.
Bobby Jon Drinkard - C+. Very likable, but not the best stragest.
Cindy Hall - A+. An obvious biased vote for my favorite Survivor ever.
Jim Lynch - F+. Very deserving first boot
Judd Sergeant - B. Played a pretty good game up to the point where Steph backstabbed him.
Brooke Struck - D. Not as much as Morgan or Brianna, but nonetheless, still quite invisible.
Blake Towsley - C-. Never a big fan of Golden Boy


Brian Corridan - B-. Good strategist, too bad he didn't last longer.
Gary Hogeboom - B. Did not like the lying, but did like the strategizing. Oh yeah, didn't like all the throw away votes for Cindy either. -_-
Rafe Judkins - B-. Played great game up to final 5, then blew it by voting out Cindy and Lydia.
Stephenie LaGrossa - F. Second worst player in the show's histoyr after Lex.
Morgan McDevitt - F. Ultra invisible and useless.
Lydia Morales - B-. Rather invisible and ultra useless in challenges, but she did manage to weasel her way into the final 4...
Amy O'Hara - B-. Fellow Bostonian, gotta give her a slightly above average mark!
Jamie Newton - D+. Way too crazy.
Brianna Varela - F. See Morgan.

...Great Moments in Survivor History...
Lex: Clarence, we're voting you off.
Lex: Ethan, you were my biggest ally in Africa, but I've decided that we're gonna vote you off.
Lex: Jerri, you're my most loyal ally right now, but I've decided that we're voting you off.
Boston Rob: Lex, we're voting you off.

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by agressionx on 05-05-06 at 10:02 AM
Brandon Bellinger: C
Danni Boatwright: A
Margaret Bobonich: C-
Bobby Jon Drinkard: D+
Cindy Hall: B
Jim Lynch: F
Judd Sergeant: C
Brooke Struck: F
Blake Towsley: D-


Brian Corridan: B-
Gary Hogeboom: C-
Rafe Judkins: A-
Stephenie LaGrossa:C+
Morgan McDevitt: F
Lydia Morales: C+
Amy O'Hara: A-
Jamie Newton: C
Brianna Varela : F

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by michel on 05-05-06 at 12:41 PM

Brandon Bellinger (A-) He needed one more tribal immunity.

Danni Boatwright (A) No winner has ever shown more social and strategic skills.

Margaret Bobonich (B) She was smarter than Judd yet she couldn't do anything about it.

Bobby Jon Drinkard (C) A hard working, nice guy. Didn't learn a thing from Palau.

Cindy Hall (B-) She had a chance to win if only she had worked on her relation with Rafe.

Jim Lynch (D) Didn't have chance.

Judd Sergeant (C) The dumb ox was entertaining!

Brooke Struck (C) She was cute! the switch gave her no chance.

Blake Towsley (F) Your leader was ready to boot you even if it meant losing the numbers. You have to be stupid.


Brian Corridan (C) Smart guy who also got the wrong end of the switch. At least he tried.

Gary Hogeboom (C) The QB got sacked but at least his last pass was caught by Danni! He had to assert himself.

Rafe Judkins (B) Great strategy that fooled Stephenie but then he lost his concentration.

Stephenie LaGrossa (B+) I liked both Stephenies. She learned something from the first time.

Morgan McDevitt (D) didn't do much

Lydia Morales (C) Didn't do much longer.

Amy O'Hara (B) Valiant survivor. Too bad her jokes weren't suitable for TV.

Jamie Newton (C) a muscle man who played his role in some challenges and in getting Judd to switch.

Brianna Varela (F) she ran into a pick!

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by southpaw on 05-05-06 at 02:27 PM
Brandon Bellinger: F
Danni Boatwright: A
Margaret Bobonich: D-
Bobby Jon Drinkard: F
Cindy Hall: B-
Jim Lynch: F
Judd Sergeant: C+
Brooke Struck: F
Blake Towsley: F


Brian Corridan: B
Gary Hogeboom: C-
Rafe Judkins: A-
Stephenie LaGrossa: C
Morgan McDevitt: F
Lydia Morales: D
Amy O'Hara: B+
Jamie Newton: D+
Brianna Varela : F

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by smokedog on 05-05-06 at 10:04 PM
>Brandon Bellinger B
>Danni Boatwright A
>Margaret Bobonich D
>Bobby Jon Drinkard B
>Cindy Hall C
>Jim Lynch F
>Judd Sergeant D
>Brooke Struck B
>Blake Towsley C

>Brian Corridan D
>Gary Hogeboom C
>Rafe Judkins B
>Stephenie LaGrossa A
>Morgan McDevitt B
>Lydia Morales D
>Amy O'Hara D
>Jamie Newton C
>Brianna Varela B

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by MacabreMasquerade on 05-05-06 at 11:05 PM

Brandon Bellinger: C-
Danni Boatwright: A-
Margaret Bobonich: F
Bobby Jon Drinkard: B-
Cindy Hall: B
Jim Lynch: F
Judd Sergeant: F
Brooke Struck: F
Blake Towsley: F


Brian Corridan: D-
Gary Hogeboom: C
Rafe Judkins: A
Stephenie LaGrossa: B+
Morgan McDevitt: F
Lydia Morales: D
Amy O'Hara: C+
Jamie Newton: D+
Brianna Varela : F

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by taffnic on 05-06-06 at 09:31 AM
Brandon Bellinger-B+
Danni Boatwright-A
Margaret Bobonich-B+
Bobby Jon Drinkard-A
Cindy Hall-B
Jim Lynch-C
Judd Sergeant-C
Brooke Struck-D
Blake Towsley-D


Brian Corridan-C
Gary Hogeboom-A
Rafe Judkins-B+
Stephenie LaGrossa-C-
Morgan McDevitt-D
Lydia Morales-D
Amy O'Hara-B
Jamie Newton-C
Brianna Varela -F

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by Aruba on 05-06-06 at 02:44 PM

BRANDON (B+) - My favorite Survivor this season. It took a little while before everyone realized this lanky farmer would be a threat and they performed the dastardly act of voting off this strong player. Such is the nature of the game.

DANNI (A) - Proved a female does not have to lay low and ride coattails to win. She won with great effort instead of taking the easy way out. Awesome job!

MARGARET (C) - Liked her early maturnal instincts, but crossing Judd was plain dumb especially premerge when his strength is needed on a team.

BOBBY JON (C) - Hard-working mule who was as dumb as a doornail. Very undeserving to get a second chance.

CINDY (C-) - Got carried along without making any decisions. Only real decision she was confronted with was the car decision. And after chewing her fingernails down to her knuckles, she failed miserably.

JIM (F) - Why did they even cast this guy?

JUDD (B-) - I'm in the minority who liked this guy. Provided good entertainment. Solid competitor; but poor sportsmanship.

BROOKE (D) - Non-factor

BLAKE (D) - Moron


BRIAN (D) - So you're "platinum", huh? Then why were you sitting in the top row at the Reunion Show?? And stop belly-aching about the tribal switch. Danni was in the same predictament and she was sitting in the bottom row--Million Dollar seat as a matter of fact!

GARY (C) - Displayed great effort and found the HII...but lying about your NAME...inexcusable.

RAFE (B) - Was an "A" until final TC vote when he entered the big Survivor fraternity known as "Sore Losers". You absolve Danni of your agreement and when she takes you up on it you vote against her? BABY!!!

STEPHANIE (C-) - I wanted to give her a lower grade, although her never-say-die attitute has to be admired. But lying to a loved-one (Judd's wife) has to be despised.

MORGAN (F) - Waste of Space

LYDIA (D) - For this useless UTR Coattail riding Survivor to even make the F4 was a travesty to the show.

AMY (C+) - Never cared for her as a person, but to suck it up with her injury won my respect.

JAMIE (D) - Totally annoying in a non-entertaining way.

BRIANNA (F) - Waste of Space.

"We agree!"
Posted by michel on 05-06-06 at 03:10 PM
It's been rare that we've been in such agreement, I thought it noteworthy!

"RE: We agree!"
Posted by Aruba on 05-06-06 at 03:28 PM
I am laughing SOOO hard because as I was grading this season one of the thoughts that crossed my mind is how "erie" my grade's mirrored yours! A Blue Moon Banner moment!

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by FWG on 05-07-06 at 01:50 PM
Brandon Bellinger - A
Danni Boatwright - A
Margaret Bobonich - F
Bobby Jon Drinkard - C-
Cindy Hall - B
Jim Lynch - F
Judd Sergeant - B
Brooke Struck - D
Blake Towsley - D


Brian Corridan - B+
Gary Hogeboom - A
Rafe Judkins - C+
Stephenie LaGrossa - B
Morgan McDevitt - D
Lydia Morales - F
Amy O'Hara - D+
Jamie Newton - C-
Brianna Varela - D

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 05-07-06 at 02:19 PM
Brandon Bellinger - C
Danni Boatwright - A
Margaret Bobonich - D
Bobby Jon Drinkard - B-
Cindy Hall - C
Jim Lynch - D-
Judd Sergeant - C-
Brooke Struck - F
Blake Towsley - F


Brian Corridan - D+
Gary Hogeboom - B
Rafe Judkins - B
Stephenie LaGrossa - B
Morgan McDevitt - F
Lydia Morales - B+
Amy O'Hara - B+
Jamie Newton - D
Brianna Varela - F

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 05-08-06 at 02:35 AM
Brandon Bellinger - A Favorite pre-jury booty since probably Hunter & Gina. Hope they do another all-star and he gets another shot.
Danni Boatwright - A Best social skills of any winner? I say yes.
Margaret Bobonich - B+ Loved my nurse Marge.
Bobby Jon Drinkard - C+ Great work ethic but a little creepy.
Cindy Hall - C ehh whatever.
Jim Lynch - D- even without the gimpy arm, still probably is the 1st boot.
Judd Sergeant - F Worst social skills ever!
Brooke Struck - D non-factor but at least she stayed loyal to Marge.
Blake Towsley - F Hmm, I'll talk about my girlfriends assets in front of ladies. Brillant.

Brian Corridan - C+ Loved the game but an annoying personality.
Gary Hogeboom - B Played hard both metally & phyically but the lie wasn't needed.
Rafe Judkins - B+ very likable and I'm glad he broke up the axis.
Stephenie LaGrossa - A- High grade is more for Palua.
Morgan McDevitt - D- Cutie but non-factor.
Lydia Morales - C the meaning of an UTR 4th place finisher. At least Darrah won a couple challenges to earn that spot.
Amy O'Hara - C+ no doubt tough as nails but the accent drove me nuts.
Jamie Newton - F psycho
Brianna Varela - F Brook, Morgan, Brianna, all the same.

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament 2006 - Round 10"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 05-15-06 at 10:05 AM
Voting is closed for this round. The last round will go up shortly.