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"The answer was under our noses the whole time!"

Posted by Cherberrie on 03-09-01 at 08:47 AM
I know hindsight is 20-20 but it is now so obvious that Jeff would be voted off! Now knowing that Kimmi had blabbed about Jeff having a vote and knowing that tribe alliances would probably run deep in the first post-merger vote it is all so obvious. Why didn't we see this coming?

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"RE: The answer was under our noses the whole time!"
Posted by Minstrel on 03-10-01 at 04:30 AM
I agree and I think you answered your own question. We didnt' see the footage that Kimmi spilled the beans on Jeff to Ogakor. Some of us also didn't take much credit in the tribe staying unified, but it does make sense, perhaps critical sense. A "truce" to gain the advantage. But of course, we didn't know Mike would burn his hands or at least when he would.

But like most things, the answers are always "under our noses" but so are the wrong ones.

I keep saying, and it may be obvious because it certainly is moot, if Rodger could run and swim better, we could have had an 8-2, 7-3, or 6-4 merger favoring Kucha. Ditto to Mike not burning his hands. But, that's the game.

Odd that we (at least I did), think that Kucha would get destroyed in the beginning, then that Ogakor would get destroyed, and now Ogakor has the upper hand. One thing is for sure, the first seven episodes weren't like the first seven in S1. Yet, we still have one tribe in control of the other.

"Am I dense, or what?!"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 03-10-01 at 06:21 PM
Can someone please tell me why they targeted Colby instead of Jerri? Why not go for the person likely to have votes against her?!

I can't reason this out if these people don't understand logic!

"RE: Am I dense, or what?!"
Posted by Beeta on 03-10-01 at 10:25 PM
Hi,George. Jerri was on her best behavior,so no one would guess.It was their (OGAKOR) mission to have them (KUCHA) think that Colby was vulnerable,so votes would go to him,since they knew Jeff had votes.

"RE: Am I dense, or what?!"
Posted by Minstrel on 03-11-01 at 03:08 AM
Correction, Kimmi could not have told Ogakor Jeff had 2 votes since his second vote was from Kimmi the night she was booted.

"RE: Am I dense, or what?!"
Posted by rameses on 03-11-01 at 06:01 AM
Kimmi didn't tell Tina that Jeff had 2 votes. Jeff didn't even know that. Kimmi told her that Debb had voted for Jeff, so they knew he had one vote and Ogakor needed to protect Keith and Jerri. Keith protected himself by winning immunity and Jerri evidently put on one of her greatest performances ever to make everyone think she was well-liked.

"RE: Am I dense, or what?!"
Posted by Cherberrie on 03-11-01 at 08:42 AM
>Jerri evidently put on one of her greatest performances
>ever to make everyone think she was well-liked.

EI have a growing alarm inside of me with very episode that goes by that Jerri is going to win. I hate to say this (because I despise her so much) but look at the parallels with S1 with Richard being hated so much each week and Richard getting so much air time each week. I heard a rumor that Elisabeth finds out about the Jerri hatred from someone in the Kucha tribe but I also heard that Jerri wins immunity. So I guess she won't be voted off this week.

"RE: Am I dense, or what?!"
Posted by Beeta on 03-11-01 at 08:57 AM
Hi.Cherberrie.I don't think Jerri would go bye-bye this week anyway,because that would make it a 4-4 vote.Tie vote means Colby would go.I hope she does go to the trouble to win immunity,since I don't believe it'll be her anyway. Maybe it'll make her too tired to try next week,when I think she WILL get tossed.

"RE: Am I dense, or what?!"
Posted by Cherberrie on 03-11-01 at 09:00 AM
There is another possibility! What if Elisabeth truly learns about the Ogakor-Jerri hatred thing and Kucha and Okagor team up to vote Jerri off! Just the thought of that scenario makes my heart sing!

"RE: Am I dense, or what?!"
Posted by jjtay on 03-11-01 at 10:32 AM
>Can someone please tell me why
>they targeted Colby instead of
>Jerri? Why not go for
>the person likely to have
>votes against her?!
>I can't reason this out if
>these people don't understand logic!

They targeted Colby because he was the strongest & most physical of the Okator. They didn't think about the votes against them, they figured Keith because of the pole & what he said to Tina to get her down remember Alicia was right there in the boat.
It will not take long for the Kuchas to figure out how Jerri is.
I mean put her in a room with you for 5 min. & any idiot can figure this bossy chick out.