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"Immunity Challenges Could Be More Fair "

Posted by LisaPles on 04-14-06 at 11:40 AM
Does anyone think that the immunity challenges give an unfair advantage to the men and stronger members of the tribe? The last three challenges were very physical and it is no surprise that Terry won all three of them. For example, last week's challenge where Terry beat Sally. With that type of obstacle course, did a player like Cirie have a chance in hell of winning immunity? No.

I think it's obvious that Survivor creates the type of challenge it is according to who they want to win. They know Terry has the idol and that is why they are creating challenges that he is likely to win. Of course, I do realize that it was the choice of the opposing tribe to sit out the last challenge and I think that was a big mistake. Terry probably would have won anyway.
I think they should have some variety in the challenges to ensure fairness. I am tired of seeing the same person dominate all season because they are set up to do so.

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"RE: Immunity Challenges Could Be More Fair "
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 04-14-06 at 12:30 PM
I agree with you, but it is tough to come up with a challenege that favors the females. Sometimes they have the puzzles but either a man or woman can win those.

"RE: Immunity Challenges Could Be More Fair "
Posted by MizJazmine on 04-14-06 at 01:04 PM
I was thinking about this last night after Probst said what he said to Danielle about her not being able to beat Terry. I thought well as of recent all the challenges have been physical. Of course Terry is going to dominate. If not Terry then Aras.

Ahhhhh but the rules of the game are to outwit, outlast, and outplay. Sure Terry can outplay as long as it's physical (at least that's what he claimed on last nights TC), but can he outwit and outlast is the question. Aras has his issues, but Aras is sharp. To me Aras anticipates every move. It's almost like he has a chest board in his head.

Sure Cirie (who cracks me up) doesn't have the same physical agility as many of the other players even, but the woman understands the social politics of the game. I've always thought that it's the immunities that move you ahead in the game, but it's the social politics that WIN you the game.

It would be nice to see more non-physical challenges to balance it out, but if that happened the women would have a better chance of winning immunity IMO. Terry would then have to play the hidden idol, and well they (the producers) can't have that since the idol is supposed to add intrigue to the game. To me this new aspect of the game is just boring. In 20/20 hindsight the hidden immunity idol probably didn't add the "twist & turns" to the show the producers were hoping for.

Also if they had more non-physical challenges the group might divide within itself into a men vs. women thing, and I don't think they want that either. So the physical challenges are a way the producers control the game.

That's my take on it anyways....

"RE: Immunity Challenges Could Be More Fair "
Posted by KObrien_fan on 04-14-06 at 01:07 PM
The kind of challenge that would be numb enough for a person like Cirie to win (or Lydia or any other lame survivor of the past) would not be a "challenge". That would be horrific if they started making the challenges easier. Besides, what is so hard about swimming, memorizing some placards and then putting the pieces in the correct order? That had nothing to do with strenght but more to do with endurance. Besides, given the choice between challenge and food, 5 of the lame-os chose to eat.

Winning survivor isn't about winning the challenges anyway, never has been and never will be. It is a social game and one of strategy and numbers. Winning challenges is nice but it isn't the whole picture.

"RE: Immunity Challenges Could Be More Fair "
Posted by gizmo_ber on 04-14-06 at 02:21 PM
Sure, but on the flip side, the women who make it to the merge generally get a free pass into the top 5 or 6 because they're not a threat. So you take the good with the bad, IMO.

don't like sunlight, keep me away from water, don't feed me after midnight

"RE: Immunity Challenges Could Be More Fair "
Posted by Karchita on 04-14-06 at 04:07 PM
Don't agree with the OP at all.

The fact that Sally, a woman, came in second last week proves that a woman CAN compete. She beat out 3 men, for crying out loud.

As has been discussed on these boards many times in the past, the challenges are determined long before the casting is completed and there is no way they are designed to favor individual competitiors. The challenge sites are planned and some are constructed before filming begins and casting isn't finalized until just before the cameras start rolling. The producers have no way of knowing who will or will not be in the game at this point and certainly have no way to know who would have the HII or even who would have been to Exile Island to look for it.

I do think that when they cast someone like Terry, they know he could be a real challenge beast, but they have no idea he will still be in the game at this point. He has lasted a lot longer than many many alpha-males, who are typically eliminated at around merge due to the potential danger of them dominating challenges.

Lastly, although the last challenge required swimming, it was mainly a mental challenge. A women who smims well can do better than many or even most men who do not swim well. Swimming is mainly technique and fitness and either gender can swim fast as long as they have the technique and fitness. I am a swimmer and I can swim a lot faster than many men who would beat me in most other physical contests. So I would say the last IC was not really that physical, at least not brute strength. It was technique/skill and mental.

It would be pretty hard to design a challenge that Cerie could do well at. She has great social skills, but physically and intellectually she just isn't in the running.

"RE: Immunity Challenges Could Be More Fair "
Posted by Aruba on 04-14-06 at 04:11 PM
This last IC wasn't so much a test of one's physical strength as much as a test of one's memory skills. By Terry nailing the puzzle on his first try he won because of his superior memory skills (which by the way Aras could have won since HE had first crack at it).
As for variety in the challenges I think last week's challenge had a diverse amount of variety. It started out digging through the sand and trying to slither under a pole. How was that catered to Terry's "strength"? Actually it was more catered to a player built like Olive Oil (ala Sally). And that challenge also involved solving a puzzle too.

Historically there have been several challenges that have focused on a balance beam which is CLEARLY advantageous to the female competitor. Without going specifically into other types of challenges,i.e., word games, trivia contests, sliding a disk across a schuffle board, etc, etc,etc...I think the show has done a great job diversifying the individual challenges.

So why has Terry been dominant? Two out of his three individual immunity wins were helped by the fact that Casaya just plain QUIT. Personally I feel the challenges should always benefit the Survivor who puts out an optimum effort and gives 110% no matter what. Whereas it's no doubt that Terry possesses more atheticism than anyone else this season, I would credit his success thus far to the fact that he has tried the hardest on a consistent basis from day one.

"RE: Immunity Challenges Could Be More Fair "
Posted by iltarion on 04-15-06 at 01:39 AM
Conspiracy theories are lame. The challenges are decided upon well before filming starts. Aras was the first one to complete the puzzle last night, and Sally had a crack at it too. Terry won because he remembered the puzzle in one attempt. Casaya did him a great favor by choosing to eat instead of competing, but he likely would have beaten them anyway. Remembering 7 logos in order in one shot while looking at them once under water is very impressive and has nothing to do with physicality. Terry is physically AND mentally the strongest, and he also competes the hardest.
Now, it IS true that the challenges this season have been pretty physical, but considering all the women on the show, except for Cirie, are pretty strong, it fits the cast well. Plus, as I have said before, I think surviving in the wild IS a physical exercise, and therefore, being strong, or at least physically capable, SHOULD be an advantage on Survivor. Yes, it is social game, but again, it isn't Big Brother either. Competing is a fundamental element of Survivor, and the better competitors typically do have an advantage (at least until F2).