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"This is no spoiler, but did they give away who gets injured?"

Posted by Wacko Jacko on 04-14-06 at 09:09 AM
If anyone saw the previews they showed someone become ill/injured? This happened in the night just as the previous previews of a person being taken out in a stretcher. Then in the clips proceeding it they show numerous shots of the contestents sitting around the fire minus this person.

If this is considered a spoiler please delete it, but I don't think it is. No one hates spoilers more than me. I will not go to the spoiler section.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: This is no spoiler, but did they give away who gets injured?"
Posted by nazpink on 04-14-06 at 09:56 AM
I didn't see the second showing of the preview but I did see the first one and they definately made it look as though a paticular person was having some serious medical issues.

"RE: This is no spoiler, but did they give away who gets injured?"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 04-14-06 at 01:54 PM
In the previews it showed Bruced hunched over in pain... possibly it is nothing who knows.

Then when they showed CSI they showed that a helicoptor was coming to camp for a medical emergency.

I am not going to speculate, just stating what I saw on the tv.

hope that helps

mind the gap

"RE: This is no spoiler, but did they give away who gets injured?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 04-15-06 at 01:39 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-15-06 AT 01:40 AM (EST)

Yes, if you put the clips together it certainly doesnt look good for bruce. He is missing from some group shots later in the clips.

"RE: This is no spoiler, but did they give away who gets injured?"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 04-15-06 at 03:51 PM
They said there would be a serious medical issue in the merge episode as well...and it was Bruce who got hurt. All it was was a machete accident, and Bruce was fine. Nick was more shaken up than he was. I don't think this is that big a deal. He might go off to heal himself a bit, but if anything, Bruce is more likely to get voted off this coming week than he is to be Skupin'd out.

"RE: This is no spoiler, but did they give away who gets injured?"
Posted by iltarion on 04-16-06 at 00:21 AM
I hear ya, Colonel, and yeah, the previews normally overdramatize everything. BUT, the previews showed someone leaving on a stretcher. If you are exiting the beach on the stretcher, then it is pretty serious.

"RE: This is no spoiler, but did they give away who gets injured?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 04-17-06 at 09:26 AM
Not to mention the previews showed everyone except BRuce gathered around a campfire chatting. Where was Bruce? As you had noted someone was taken off on a stretcher and that person was being carried at night. Bruce was shown injured in the evening. Funny how this edition is giving things away. Like they told use straight out that Terry had the II.