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"The only thing that can save this season..."

Posted by Jaxxjack on 04-07-06 at 12:23 PM
IMHO, is if Terry wins the next two IC's, thereby forcing the pack of dogs (known as Casaya) to set against each other. Bruce claims that he trusts Terry, says "he's a man of his word", then blindly goes along with Casaya. Danielle passes up the opportunity to get the HII, and refuses it!! How stupid can you be?

It's turning into the same old, same old. After merge, small tribe gets picked off one by one. Yawn.

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"RE: The only thing that can save this season..."
Posted by Lisa0116 on 04-07-06 at 01:52 PM
I think it would be cool if Terry won the next one (or Sally) and then when they went to vote, they both had immunity and a Casaya goes home with 2 votes. That would be cool!! it probably won't happen, but it would be cool. Of course making them have to THINK about which one of them has to go would be very dramatic, also. I am enjoying this season-so many possibilities exist-an all girl's alliance, a Terry HI twist, a Shane melt down, an injury that prevents a tribal vote, etc. Anything CAN still happen. I don't read the spoiler stuff, so I am loving the possibilities.

"RE: The only thing that can save this season..."
Posted by Jaxxjack on 04-07-06 at 03:16 PM
>...an injury
>that prevents a tribal vote,

You know I'm not so sure about that. With the medical evacuation happening at night, it might be AFTER TC. They have to manuever away from TC with just their torches. Maybe someone has an accident?

"RE: The only thing that can save this season..."
Posted by nailbone on 04-07-06 at 02:33 PM
But it'll still be fun, cuz of the pack of crazies that make up the Casaya tribe.

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"RE: The only thing that can save this season..."
Posted by Das Mole on 04-07-06 at 04:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-07-06 AT 05:31 PM (EST)

Save the season? I don't think it needs saving, in fact I love the way things have turned out. I absolutely love Casaya, and couldn't stand anyone on La Mina with the possible exception of Austin.

The bottom line is, Danielle and Bruce didn't switch and were absolutely right in doing so. If they moved over to the La Mina group, they would've made it to the Final 5 and simply been picked off there, rather than one round earlier. Flipflopping would have been 100% moronic, because they would've wound up gone, even after backstabbing their group anyway. Not only that, but they would've basically been giving Terry a free ride to the Final 2, because I can assure you he would be able to beat both Austin and Sally at the final Immunity.

I say switching would've been the dumb move, not staying.

"RE: The only thing that can save this season..."
Posted by michel on 04-07-06 at 05:27 PM
Please explain how refusing the HII is dumb for Danielle. From my point of view, taking it and voting against Casaya means she's just lost 4 jury votes. Taking it to be sneaky and voting against Terry costs her the 3 La Mina votes leaving her no margin for error.

The only "good" thing coming from accepting that poisoned gift was to help La Mina. Surprise! I'm with Das Mole! In my case, the only determined players at La Mina are Terry and Sally. Sally is the only one that knows strategy. Terry's strategy is "win immunities." Go ahead and good luck! I say to him.
Casaya are entertaining and are good players. La Mina have been trying to divide Casaya for the last 2 episodes. Aras used the reward to seperate the three La Mina and have a trusted ally to keep an eye on each. Not to bad, I'd say.

"RE: The only thing that can save this season..."
Posted by tribephyl on 04-07-06 at 06:09 PM
I totally agree.

This season doesn't need saving at all.

Good riddance to Austin! And good riddance to Terry(when his time comes)!
2 of the most boring survivor characters ever.

In fact, the closer Aras and Cirie get to the F4, the happier I get.
Shane is harmless, crazy but harmless.
JonDalton on the other hand made me want to stop watching.
Danielle and Courtney are nowhere near as boring or aggravating as Darrah or Lil.
And Bruce is about as likeable as Rupert in my book. Perhaps even nicer.

I'm hoping for a Casaya Final 6.
If only the HI could be smoked out before then.