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"Sally Is A Great Competitor "

Posted by LisaPles on 04-07-06 at 08:14 AM
I was so impressed with Sally’s performance last night. Not only is she a great athlete, but I like her personality, too. She really brought it during the coconut challenge! She was fierce in the immunity challenge, and I was wishing that she won it. Maybe it’s best she didn’t to keep the attention on Terry. Thank God she didn’t get voted out! She is really REPRESENTING for us girls! Go Sally!

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"RE: Sally Is A Great Competitor "
Posted by aquariaqueen on 04-07-06 at 10:47 AM
I never gave Sally two thoughts until last night. She sure did shine. Gave me a little respect for her.

"RE: Sally Is A Great Competitor "
Posted by nailbone on 04-07-06 at 10:50 AM
The fact that she's still there at all is testament to her play. She's managed to outlast the Boy's Club, and because of Terry's strategic blunder with the Idol, could outlast him, too.

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"RE: Sally Is A Great Competitor "
Posted by Jims02 on 04-07-06 at 02:49 PM
I agree completely. I've been a little disappointed in this season in that I've had trouble finding any of the castaways truly likeable. Except for Sally. Sally is probablu the only person I really want to see win right now. She's smart and a great competitor as well.

I hope some of the Casaya fools get their acts together and rope Sally into the alliance. That would make my day. I'm not reading spoilers this year, but there's a part of me wondering if there's something going on that we're not seeing. Courtney was really gung-ho about keeping Sally...

*crosses fingers*

"RE: Sally Is A Great Competitor "
Posted by daisy4360 on 04-08-06 at 04:50 PM
I agree! I was very impressed with Sally after the immunity challange. She is really hanging in there.

"RE: Sally Is A Great Competitor "
Posted by Steph_Fan on 04-08-06 at 09:26 PM
Sign me up as someone who agrees! Her situation reminds me a lot of Danni's last season. Perhaps she too can move past men (Bobby Jon and Gary redone as Austin and Terry?) and win it all. Casaya's six has to destruct sometime, just as Stephenie and Rafe's team did (can't remember their tribe name now).

"RE: Sally Is A Great Competitor "
Posted by xwraith27 on 04-08-06 at 10:41 PM
Completely agree. Sally's been one of the best competitors for La Mina, and although she and Dan choked during the skulls puzzle challenge, she completely redeemed herself with the last two challenges. It would've been more fun, IMHO, if she had kicked Terry's ash in that last IC (and she could very well have).

"RE: Sally Is A Great Competitor "
Posted by Aruba on 04-09-06 at 07:54 AM
To her credit, Sally definitely stepped it up last episode. But in addition to messing up with Dan trying to solve the puzzle, she also failed in catching several fish which cost La Mina yet another challenge. And I still can't find it in my heart to forgive her for losing that darn spear gun. Although in a wierd twist of fate losing that spear was probably the best thing to PERSONALLY happen to Sally. If they had that gun they would have been eating loads of fish and Ruth Marie would have been more norished and hadn't wasted away like she did. Consquently Sally's game would have been over before it began.
The Survivor Gods also smiled favorably upon her with the Exile Island twist right before the merge when Casaya won the last team IC. Sally was as good as gone before she was saved (by no effort of her own)...she clearly stepped into it.

Whereas you cannot dispute she gave Terry a run for his money in the last IC, one cannot discount the advantage of a full belly at this stage of the game while the other competitors are still starving. Yes I know...Bruce and Aras also ate, but they were unable to get their big 'ole butts past that first stage to advance to the more physical parts of that IC.

All in all you have to compliment Sally on being the only girl (at this point) in being somewhat proative and not copping out by laying low and hoping to skate their way to the F4.

"RE: Sally Is A Great Competitor "
Posted by iltarion on 04-10-06 at 01:10 AM
I have sang Sally's praises and complimented her all season. And I still like her, but she wasn't going to beat Terry in that challenge. She got past Austin thanks to a balance-challenge, big surprise, and who knows how much Casaya even tried. Terry beat her pretty easily by the end. And as much as I like her, I don't think I could handle a Danni Boatwright replay this soon, and I doubt it anyway. Danni got the lucky challenge advantage bought at auction, exactly when she needed it, and she was fortunate enough to have a bitter jury. Sally can not hope for such luck.

"RE: Sally Is A Great Competitor? NOT!"
Posted by Karchita on 04-10-06 at 02:23 PM
Count me as another who just can't get past her losing the fishing spear. And it was the airhead way she lost it and the silly little grin and shrug she dismissed it with. She hasn't deserved to be there ever since. I hated how she was saved by going to Exile Island; that was one of the most unfair twists ever in the game, IMO.