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Thread Number: 4028
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"Cirie's in the driver's seat"

Posted by Jaxxjack on 03-31-06 at 03:48 PM
If Cirie is paying attention, she can take control of this game, keep safe in the numbers, and get to the final 3. Here's how:
Go to Courtney and Danielle and make a deal that they could go to the final 3. Go to Terry and tell him they will take him to final 5. In Terry's eyes, it's a godsend. He knows he has the II and he can use it at 5, thereby making it to the final 4. They could then vote off:

Shane - he wanted to bust up the alliance anyway. What happened to Courtney and Danielle getting rid of him? Now is their chance. LaMina - 3 Casaya - 5

Bruce - he could be a problem vote down the line.
LaMina - 3 Casaya - 4

Austin - no big loss, and a threat in physical challenges. LaMina - 2 Casaya - 4

Aras - without Shane around he would be lost.
LaMina - 2 Casaya - 3

Terry - But here's where it gets tricky. Now he has to use his II. But who gets the other vote?

...Sally of course. Because Cirie, Courtney, and Danielle have voted for Sally, who is the 2nd place vote-getter. He's used his II and now the three girls can go to the Final 3, barring a immunity win by Terry.

Can anybody see a flaw in this?

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