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"Ep 7 - 2 Tribes become 1"

Posted by CattyChat on 03-31-06 at 06:44 AM
I don't know about the rest of you, but I was actually on the edge of my seat waiting for the vote reveal at TC last night, hoping for a miracle for my LaMinas. I really thought Bruce would jump ship and if the vote was 5-5, I think Terry would've used his II to oust Shane & give LaMina a chance. What a bummer that scenario didn't play out.

I am SOOO disappointed in Bruce for not switching sides right away. He has been on the outside at Casaya, not shown any respect and he stuck with their alliance? That was the time for him to make a move and he didn't, so it's only a matter of time for my favorite players. Bruce made the repeated classic mistake that almost everyone in the past made when they thought they had "power" and were the "swing" vote -- Bruce, you're an IDIOT!!!

I was also surprised that Austin & Nick were so honest at TC -- especially Austin laying out his strategy for everyone. I hate it when the good guys (LaMina) are taken out by the bad guys (Casaya).

No surprise that Shane showed his madman & arrogant side. His days are numbered -- anyone that cocky is taken out with a bang, I just hope it's before Austin & Sally, but I doubt it.

Aras the "arsehole" is back. Haven't seen him since the merging of 4. I was almost liking him again and thinking (other than Cirie) he was the only good Casayan . . . WRONG.

So, I thought it was a great episode for the anticipation of the final outcome, but a HUGE letdown for me. I'm so bummed. I guess Austin will be next unless Terry can get Bruce & someone else to switch teams.

I'll just have to hope Terry can keep winning Immunity so he doesn't need to use his idol until F4 and then wins immunity again. Not sure how his bribing is going to play out. He needs that idol the most. Last night, if only Bruce was on their side, it would have been strategic to use it to save Nick.

So now LaMina needs a miracle . . . Shane carried out in a straight jacket after psychotic hallucinations of giant cigarette telling him to hurt the others and Aras carried out after freezing in a Yoga pose, from lack of hydration to his muscles . . . then LaMina would have a chance (just dreaming).

Kind Creation of ARNutz

Table of contents
  • La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,arturbars, 08:18 AM, 03-31-06
    • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,michel, 09:46 AM, 03-31-06
      • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,Brownroach, 05:48 PM, 04-06-06
        • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,michel, 06:27 PM, 04-06-06
    • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,CattyChat, 10:35 AM, 03-31-06
      • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,Wacko Jacko, 10:50 AM, 03-31-06
        • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,JohnMc, 11:44 AM, 03-31-06
          • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,RudyRules, 12:03 PM, 03-31-06
          • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,Steph_Fan, 09:29 PM, 04-02-06
    • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,RudyRules, 12:06 PM, 03-31-06
      • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,CattyChat, 12:23 PM, 03-31-06
        • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,WickedOne, 12:46 PM, 03-31-06
        • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,CBailey, 01:25 PM, 03-31-06
          • RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of....,Aruba, 05:53 AM, 04-03-06
  • RE: Ep 7 - 2 Tribes become 1,Jaxxjack, 02:27 PM, 03-31-06
    • RE: Ep 7 - 2 Tribes become 1,Wacko Jacko, 10:54 AM, 04-03-06

Messages in this discussion
"La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by arturbars on 03-31-06 at 08:18 AM
Catty, I am 100% with ya in terms of disapointment after last nights episode. I was pulling for La Mina for two main reasons - i like them much more than those morons on Casaya and I always cheer for the underdog...

That said, I am so pissed at La Mina in general, and Terry in prticular. As well as casayan Bruce. But let's start in the begining.

First of all - La Mina - I know your strategy was to try and lure some one from Casaya over to your side, that's good but they way you went about it was pathetic. You aproached Bruce - that's good, but then you went to Shane and Cirie (why the hell is this combination) and promissed them final 6. So where did Bruce fit in there? You did not need 3 people, you did not even need 2 - all you had to do is concentrate on Bruce and at least cause a tie. And who the hell aproaches the tribe that is in power so arrogantly like you are doing them a favor for asking them to jump ship? And why could not you offer Bruce something better than final 5 - you could have told him that you will take him to 4 ahead of Sally.

Next, Bruce - you my friend is a moron! You know you are an outsider on Casaya - you can't be that blind. When Terry approached you, it was a perfect chance for you to jump. You could have given Terry an offer of your own - you jump ship and he promisses you a secret alliance of two, or at least get to four ahead of Sally. After the La Minan's are gone, guess who is gonna bite it first - well, maybe Shane, but then it's you buddy boy. I don't know how a teacher can be so blind...

And that brings me to Terry. You are still my favorite player in this game, but i am disapointed in you the most. First of all your negotiating skills suck! Second, why the hell were you hanging in there for the IC, you should have dropped by accident (so that Casaya did not suspect anythign), let Nick or Austin win, redirect the votes to yourself, and use your idol to oust out Shane. In this case, you did not even need Bruce now. After Shane was gone, i think it would have been much easier to convince Bruce to jump.

And even more - did I hear Jiffy say that someone could have given Nick an immunity idol before he snuffed his tourch? Can the secret idol be given away? Right on the spot in the TC? Terry, if that's the case - then double boooo on you for not saving Nick and your alliance. You could have sent Shane packing right there! I know you would still be down one, but being one is better than being down two (as you were at that point and now), and i think if you would have more time working on Bruce you could have persuaded him.

It's hard to blame the man for trying to save his own bacon, and it's obvious that's what Terry was thinking. But now without an alliance he is really putting pressure on himself to win almost every single IC and keep his II until later in the game.

As you can tell, by the size of my post - I am royally pissed off after the last episode. I feel really bad for Nick - all he wanted is to make a jury...

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by michel on 03-31-06 at 09:46 AM
Well, when a player is only there to be on the jury, good riddance I say. I enjoyed seeing Casaya being so sure of themselves. They are so much more entertaining than La Mina's choir boys Austin and Nick.
Terry did approach the merge completely the wrong way. It showed his only strategy was: "win immunities". He wasn't prepared to deal with complicated strategies. Why do you tell Shane he can bring Cirie is beyond me. At least ask him who he wants to bring in. And what kind of deal is that 4 against 2?
Shane's refusal when they sat around the fire was the second best moment of the episode.
The best moment was when Aras and Shane stroked Bruce's ego, telling him he was needed , the elder of the tribe, the leader!!! Bruce doesn't know strategy but at least he saw it was pointless to go into that solid alliance. His volatile alliance can offer him more opportunities later on.

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by Brownroach on 04-06-06 at 05:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-06 AT 05:49 PM (EST)

Well, when a player is only there to be on the jury, good riddance I say.

You know, they only show people saying they hope they at least make the jury when, in fact, that is as far as they get. But for all we know, every one of them might be saying to the camera, "DO-de-do-do, I hope I AT LEAST make the jury".

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by michel on 04-06-06 at 06:27 PM
It's true that many things are not shown, but Nick didn't do a thing strategically before merge, letting Austin do his bidding. He saw the merge as an occasion to meet new people. If they hid a burning desire by Nick to win this game, they did an incredible job. Nick himself would have hid that desire to Jeff who said before the season began in interviews, he didn't get much of a positive impression from Nick.
Picture Nick in a confessional saying "I didn't come here for the icing but for the cake." or "I'll pay YOU back" or even better "I started playing as soon as I hit the beach." Nick? Saying this? I'm almost sure most would agree that something doesn't fit. Nick said it in his bio, he came on Survivor to meet smart, beautiful women. He wasn't a determined player.

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by CattyChat on 03-31-06 at 10:35 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-31-06 AT 10:38 AM (EST)

I agree with you, Arturbars, that Terry's negotiating skills were lacking in trying to entice Bruce and to also go to Shane & Cirie, as well. In Terry's defense, I do think that he is trying to be as honest & forthright as possible in this game in offering final 5 to Bruce and 5/6 to Cirie/Shane. I also think that if Bruce would have confirmed with Terry or Austin that he would join LaMina, then ALL of LaMina would have pow-wowed with Bruce to discuss his place in their alliance to make it fair for all 5 of them.

With regard to Terry's II --

1. Terry was right to win immunity in order to save his II as long as possible, to get him further in the game. It's no secret that Terry is the first one to go if he doesn't win immunity. Everyone wants him out.

2. Yes, II can be used to save another and I think Terry was right NOT to use it to save Nick at TC because, as I stated in my first post, Bruce did not align with them thus still leaving LaMina down by 2. Terry would've lost the idol to use for himself and if he didn't win the next challenge, he's out. Too risky to use to save Nick.

If Bruce WOULD have came over to LaMina, then Terry should have used the Idol to save Nick, because there would be a 5-5 tie and it would've knocked Shane out, thereby leaving Casaya down one member and giving LaMina the upper hand with Bruce on board.

The whole game rested on Bruce at the merge and Bruce blew it B.I.G. T.I.M.E. With Casaya, he's only going to make 6th. If the girls suddenly get together, he might make it to 5 if they pulled him in. Bruce knows his tribe mates are all nuts to varying degrees and have no allegience to him & are liars. Bruce said Terry is the most honest, upstanding person in the game and poo on Bruce for not aligning with him. Go with who you can trust.

I imagine Bruce watched last night's episode and realized what an idiot he was. He really let me down and I obviously overestimated his intelligence.

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 03-31-06 at 10:50 AM
Terry blundered big time. All he had to do was lose the immunity. They already said they were voting for him. He then just had to get rid of Shame and it was 5 to 4. Bruce would've been more likely to jump ship if it meant a win not a tie. I mean now Terry's team is down by 3 and it is almost impossible unless someone from Casaya approaches him with a deal.

He had an opportunity to change things a second time by givign Nick the idol and he blew that too.

As for Bruce, I think he made the right decision. If he could've turned things over to an advantage for Lamina then fine but you can not risk a tie. He still has a chance with Casaya even if they are the final six. Just like in Guatemala, the tribe could say once they get to the six and axe the annoying member Shane. Then there is 5. Bruce could then join in as a swing vote and he is in the final three. Win one immunity and he is in the final two. He has a chance still, and to cause a tie would've been stupid strategy, because he would just go from being the last person in that alliance. What is the difference finish 5th with Lamina or 6th with Casaya?

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by JohnMc on 03-31-06 at 11:44 AM
Agreeing that Terry made a mistake.

Terry should have let Nick win. With Nick's win, Terry is the TC target. Casaya votes for Terry, La Mina votes for Shane. 6 Terry, 4 Shane. Terry gets immunity, Shane gets voted out.

This leaves the game at 4 La Mina and 5 Casaya. This would give anyone on Casaya an opportunity to flop.

Not sure if flopping would be a wise move for anyone on Casaya, though. Might be good for the short term, but for the end game it would be lethal. If you are Bruce, and there are 4 Casaya on the jury and 3 La Mina, then Casaya will likely vote against the flopper. Plus, you are already guaranteed final 5 by being on Casaya - why give that up?

So maybe Terry did do the right thing by keeping the II as long as possible. He stays in the game one extra TC for each time he doesn't have to use the HII.

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by RudyRules on 03-31-06 at 12:03 PM
As to letting Nick win...
Giving Nick the idol at TC would have accomplished the same thing.
I thought a lot about this idea last night and while it would be good for LaMina, Terry would no longer have the hidden idol (or would have had to use it with a Nick IC win) and would then be vulnerable and down 5-4, so for Terry, it made sense to do what he did.

"Government doesn't solve problems, it subsidizes them."- Ronald Reagan
Rudy's Place

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by Steph_Fan on 04-02-06 at 09:29 PM
>Not sure if flopping would be
>a wise move for anyone
>on Casaya, though. Might
>be good for the short
>term, but for the end
>game it would be lethal.
> If you are Bruce,
>and there are 4 Casaya
>on the jury and 3
>La Mina, then Casaya will
>likely vote against the flopper.
> Plus, you are already
>guaranteed final 5 by being
>on Casaya - why give
>that up?
>So maybe Terry did do the
>right thing by keeping the
>II as long as possible.
> He stays in the
>game one extra TC for
>each time he doesn't have
>to use the HII.

I agree with everything you said here except for this last part. This would be a GREAT reason for Terry to have thrown the immunity challenge. Better incentive for someone to flop (Bruce) with less chance of the flopper actually winning the game.

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by RudyRules on 03-31-06 at 12:06 PM
Terry did play out trying to switch someone very poorly. He showed a complete lack of strategic thinking in the way he approached people on Casaya and the number of people he tried to get to switch.

"Government doesn't solve problems, it subsidizes them."- Ronald Reagan
Rudy's Place

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by CattyChat on 03-31-06 at 12:23 PM
I definitely think, from what we were shown, it appeared Terry was poor in his approach tactics, but who knows what else was said. I think the conversations with Bruce were probably a lot more than what were shown, since Terry & Bruce bonded earlier in the game.

Terry had the right idea, but poor execution. His strategy was to try to turn those who he felt were on the outside of any alliances.

He was right on the money with Bruce (outsider) and their prior bond made Terry think Bruce would jump ship. Makes sense.

Unfortunately, he misjudged Shane. I guess he figured since Shane was originally LaMina with Terry & Bruce, that maybe Shane would come back -- Terry adding in Cirie, I think, was for 2 reasons:

(1) He felt she was another outsider to a core alliance (which was right); and

(2) Safety in numbers, if Shane and Cirie came over, as a pair, it could make them feel like they have a chance with the other LaMinas if you figure three 2-person alliances branching out.

I guess Terry forgot how insane Shane was in the first 3-4 days when they were tribemates. Terry might have had a better chance asking Bruce if he thought Cirie would come over. Bruce & Cirie are the 2 on the outside of the Casaya alliance, but Cirie has her foot in the door and would be stupid to give that up.

I still think Bruce made the biggest blunder, especially with all his ridiculous "I'm in power" "I'm the swing vote" talk. He chose to align with the new "axis of evil" aka axis of CRAZY and that was really a bad move, IMO.

I also think that if Bruce would have told Terry he was in, Terry then would have revealed to his tribe that he had the idol, but to keep it a secret from Casaya. Bruce would then know a tie wouldn't be risky, because Terry would save Nick with the idol and only they (LaMina) would know it and Casaya would be surprised at TC and Shane would be sent packing. No risk to Bruce, because he would know that the new LaMina would be up by one with him on LaMina and Shane gone.

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by WickedOne on 03-31-06 at 12:46 PM
Beyond This Place There Be Dragons!

All I can say is I think if anyone had snuck up behind Shane at the end and whispered 'BOO' in his ear he'd have dirtied his britches!That boy was sweating & bug-eyed!

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by CBailey on 03-31-06 at 01:25 PM
What I don't understand is Sally. Why did she not try to bring over Courtney and Danelle. When they were on the younger girl tribe they bonded really well. Plus Courtney and Danelle do not like Shane and would have been happy to vote him off, but instead Sally just sat there and watched.

I do think that Terry was smart in not giving up his II. The longer he has that Idol the longer he will be in the game.

"RE: La Mina's strategy, or lack there of...."
Posted by Aruba on 04-03-06 at 05:53 AM
Courtney & Danielle would have never jumped ship for the same reason Bruce, Cirie & Shane did not. Because if they did, they would be playing for second place since the Casaya portion of the Jury would never give them their vote in the end.
Actually I think the three players Terry approached made sense for him. Bruce & Cirie were no-brainers because it's obvious they are 5th & 6th on the Casaya totem pole. Shane was an original tribemate of Terry's and who could fault him for thinking that the Casaya tribe dislikes him and he may be ripe for a flip?
As far as criticizing him for not offering better than a 5th or 6th with La Mina?...the answer is real easy. Terry is no Rob C., Boston Rob or Chris (Vanuatu). He appears to have more character than to make identical promises where he would have to backstab and go back on his word later on.

I suspect that Terry is utterly frustrated for being in the minority situation especially since his competitiveness and play gave La Mina several immunities wins; and even the ones they lost, his efforts provided what was considered safe lead only for the inept players on his tribe to squander the lead he provided. This is somewhat reminiscent of Stephanie (Palau), only difference is Terry's not one to whine and bellyache about it. He's now in a position where no one can foul up his efforts. This is the merge and it's every Survivor for themselves. He'll do what he does best...try to win everything in sight. And with the HII he has some wiggle room where he can hiccup along the way and still stay alive. For that reason I'm glad he didn't waste it on Nick only to still be down 5-4 and now HAVING to win every IC to survive.

"RE: Ep 7 - 2 Tribes become 1"
Posted by Jaxxjack on 03-31-06 at 02:27 PM
If Cirie is paying attention, she can take control of this game, keep safe in the numbers, and get to the final 3. Here's how:

Go to Courtney and Danielle and make a deal that they could go to the final 3. Go to Terry and tell him they will take him to final 5. In Terry's eyes, it's a godsend. He knows he has the II and he can use it at 5, thereby making it to the final 4. They could then vote off:

Shane - he wanted to bust up the alliance anyway. What happened to Courtney and Danielle getting rid of him? Now is their chance. LaMina - 3 Casaya - 5

Bruce - he could be a problem vote down the line.
LaMina - 3 Casaya - 4

Austin - no big loss, and a threat in physical challenges. LaMina - 2 Casaya - 4

Aras - without Shane around he would be lost.
LaMina - 2 Casaya - 3

Terry - But here's where it gets tricky. Now he has to use his II. But who gets the other vote?

...Sally of course. Because Cirie, Courtney, and Danielle have voted for Sally, who is the 2nd place vote-getter. He's used his II and now the three girls can go to the Final 3, barring a immunity win by Terry.

Can anybody see a flaw in this?

"RE: Ep 7 - 2 Tribes become 1"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 04-03-06 at 10:54 AM
Yes, there is flaws in this. Casaya would be stupid to get rid of Bruce and Shane before getting rid of Austin and Terry. Also, They would be stupid to make a deal with a stronge player like Terry to make it to the final 5.

Cirie is in a very good place. I agree with you on that. I have thought she was in a good place for sometime. Once Casaya was up on Lamina she was good. There were people argueing that Terry was in a better place than Cirie. Strong Male players are only in a good place if they are in a strong alliance. The minute Terry loses individual immunity he is done.

Bruce surprisingly is in a good place too. All it takes is for Shane to be axed because he is annoying and Bruce could become the swing vote.